
while the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of cold evening,
a leafless branch,
flowers are only flowers because they fall,
thankfully, the wind.

          - 戸田 鞠子
"You should have never been born." To hear such haunting words as a child would traumatize ones mind for good. Well, who would want a child that was tainted almost as soon as they hit the womb? A witch. As evil as could be. Targeting lonely families and vulnerable woman with exceptional flow of power. This witch wanted to see if she could create a vessel for a new branch of the power of flame. She poisoned Jimin’s mother by force just when Jimin was developed in her womb for a month. Injecting her with a venom of thickening black substance. It nearly killed his mother. The he entire 9 month growing of Jimin was the worst days of her life. Constantly bleeding. Constantly feeling /ripping/ pain in her uterus to her feet at all possible times. [early life under construction]

as the youngest marshal in history of pyrolith, jimin has a lot of pressure behind him whether it is invisible to the eye or not. especially because of his upbringing. but he always reminds himself that it is not individual people that should shadow his mind about his duty to protect the kingdom.

many marshal's from other kingdoms still doubt pyroliths decisions for making such a "unstable move" for making jimin marshal. but the kingdom has faith in this heart of black fire. and jimin has made a name up to his living.

' the marshal of black flame '.
feared by many. but protects countless more.

personality ::  don't judge a book by its cover.
from the surface, jimin is a introverted man. soft spoken, shy, all things that a marshal would never show. but jimin doesn't enjoy acting strong. because he doesn't need to act. he doesn't like conflict, but he isn't afraid to step his foot down for his home. most people tend to stay away from him because of his power. others don't want to get too close to him because they already judge him from afar. but if you get to know him, promise, he will protect you forever.

he is most the way that he is becasue if his emotions get too hightened, it could be bad for anyone within the surrounding area. so to keep people from harm, he would rather be the way that he is than anything else.

kingdom :: pyrolith
POWER :: DARK PYROKINESIS [all of the negatives and destruction in fire]. ABILITIES :: fire manipulation, Combustion inducement, damage amplification, dark fire attacks/ combat/ constructs, dark fire generation, dehydration, firestorm creation, flashover inducement, meteor summoning, pain inducement, ultimate burning. {more info on his power here}
WEAPON OF CHOICE :: LONGSWORD MADE FROM HIS FLAMES [jimin can manipulate his flames to take solid-like shape]
appearance :: light jade green eyes. jet black hair. skin is on the pale side. tattoo sleeves on both arms, one on the back of his neck. ear piercings galore. naturally sharp nails.

OOC TINGS :: I am not new to this website at all, it's just been awhile. i prefer 3rd pov over 1st but i can do anything. i am a detailed rper so i can do novella if needed. please do not poke me for anything unless i request. i have a spotty schedule. yk. adult with adult life things. please be patient with me. if you do have a plot or want to rp, please pm me. i only want my walls for roleplaying only. as far as ual things go, 1. My character for this rp is a vers bottom. 2. i don't have any triggers i can think off at the top of my head but still can we please talk things out in pms before proceeding to do those things.