Personal Message

mood ➝ 01 // eargasm  The GazettE- Shiver // eyegasm  Nothing // craving  Cake // thoughts  " off."

jung tae kwoon


Jung Tae Kwoon nov. 10. 1996 173cm  type o


❝ life is only a path full of efforts 

You might think I hate everything because my attitude, you are absolutely wrong.

It's called depression, a lot of people have it. So if you see me sulking in a corner, think about it or avoid getting a dismembered arm. I'm not a person you can with.

❝ you asked me where did I come from 
Born in a family of death eaters. Since Old Voldy fell, my parents were sent Azkaban for working with him. I was forced to live with my of an aunt and had to go to Hogwarts. I was glad I didn't have to be with that treacherous old hag, and she was happy that she didn't have to deal with a brat like me. Then I turned her into a real . They sent her to the pound where she belonged, I didn't want to keep her.

When I arrived I was put in Slytherin, no surprise. Snape was a bastard from the start. He never liked me and I never liked him and we kept it that way. The students learned to stay away from me when I angry or depressed. The first few learned the hard way and I got detention for it, not my fault they didn't know how to shut the up,



❝ do what you like, not what you want 


I ing hate people who don't know how to think straight, I dont like stupid remarks.

I hate anybody who is Snape. Once again, don't talk to me when i'm angry or depressed.

I like someone who actually underderstands me.

❝ my eyes naturally follow you every time you walk 
Taken//biual// Taemin // 
When I met you, you were just a little fox that I took care of. Now you've revealed yourself to me and I've never felt so happy. I love you

❝ perhaps friendship does last a lifetime 
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