











                                    ❝My silence is just another word for my pain,

                                but maybe you could heal me...

                                                                     Kim Hyunil  C-Clown  19  type Handsome 

                                                             Catch me at: My Dormitory 







terrifying silence
( mood ) ; Shy
( eargasm ) ; Ocean waves
( eyecandy ) ; He's a little old..
( craving ) ; Milk
( thoughs ) ; What's it like to be important to someone ?

( relation status ) ; Taken-Master Taecyeon

( orientation ) ; homo

( ideal type ) Someone I'm comfortable around
( you are the one ) ; Taecyeon Oppa~
( since ) ; ---

the power within

you made my life a bit brighter

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 

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