Personal Message

mood; ---    eargasm; ---     eyecandy; ---     thoughts; ---

 Lee Donghae

 Lee Donghae

lee donghae | oct.15.1986 | 26175cm | 60 kg | type A

this is who I am...
lee Donghae - team a - dark knight

donghae is a cold person on the outside and it's very difficult for him to let people in and get to know him, it's not that he doesn't like them, it's just hard for him to trust. He will always be serious, and you'll hardly ever see a smile on his face. Although he may be cold and harsh no matter who you are he'll have a shoulder to lean on if you ever need anyone to talk to 

I'm trapped in the darkness of my past
I never wanted to be a dark knight it was a trait that passed on to me from my father, ever since I was a child I studied the art of dark knights, never did have any time for friends and when I was actually able to make friends I was always mad fun of for small things about me or my family, making me the person I am today

love is peace when peace is fragile
(love status; single-) - (orientation; biual-) - (my love; ---) - (since; ---)
ideal type ideal type ideal type ideal type
ideal type ideal type ideal type ideal type
ideal type ideal type ideal type ideal type
ideal type ideal type ideal type ideal type

it may be a faded photograph,
but I know you care, so don't hide

(namjoon) - (changsub) - (name) - (name) - (name)


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