Personal Message








「Lee ByungHun」

student 20 ♦ single ♦ 171 cm

Hot and y byunghun in de house.

Has attitudes. Love .
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 

: Jung soojung : Luhan :

咖啡  layoutshop




`gmt +8

`dont ignore me if I reply you~ T^T i get lonely and bored easily.

`if i dont reply you:

1) I may miss it, just poke me.

2) after you poke me and I still don't reply, it means that you and I hate your replies.


`will reply asap so be patient

`Both POVs are okay~
`For 3rd POV:
-im on mobile, so i wont know how long my replies are as the phone's width is smaller
-dont ask if you can rp with me or not. Just start.
-if you received a 4 lined reply, consider yourself lucky.

` if you ask me if i wanna rp with you, YOU MAKE SURE YOU ING REPLY.