
mood; 012345  eargasm; Byungjoo  eyecandy;Byungjoo   craving;Byungjoo's heart ---  thoughts;Baby I miss you ---


the angel in me

the angel in me

yoo Suho Febuary.14.1994  157cm  47kg  type A

Suho is everyone's toy, used, abused, mistreated and unloved. He craves for the affection he has been denied all of his life. He was abandoned at the age of five by his family with a note that only told him his name. He grew up foraging in the wilderness for food while he lived in a lonely family house all by himself. He taught himself and managed to enroll in a school He was in the top five always, a complete and utter nerd. Others hated him, he was despised, and tormented. He was always afraid to walk around a corner in fear that someone would beat him up or in the end rid him of this world. There was nothing more he feared then being treated with unkindness.He wished that people could see the tears rolling down his cheeks when he slept at night or the fear he lived with. He wasn't afraid of the monsters that lurked the night, it was the people that he lived with day by day that scared him the most. His heart was scarred. As he grew up he would starve his body, in hopes that he could save money for groceries and such. He wants someone to know how hard he works to survive in this world, to realize all the sacrifices he has made, selling the house he grew up in, in order to save money. Living in a dorm so that he can stay close to school. Never letting anyone in his heart for he was too afraid to love. Suho is a weak individual, his body is weak, and he has bones that easily break. He has a weak heart, that could stop at any moment. He has a weak mind that could snap in the blink of an eye. He just needs someone to care about him as much as he cares about others. He needs an affectionate touch, a loving smile and a friend to hold him when things are tough.

until you spread your wings, you will have no idea how far you can fly

(love status: I think I'm taken but I'm not exactly sure, because things are difficult right now) (orientation: Gay) (lover's name: Byungjoo~ B-joo) (since: 2014.01.30)
Sometimes I wonder, what will our future hold. Things are so difficult. You and Donghyeon, Donghyeon and Seungjun, you and I. Sometimes I'm worried cause I can see the look in your eyes when you look at him. A look of adoration but it's also mixed with pain. Those eyes can just tear me apart at times. But I will always stay quiet because I know you're hurting and need my arms around you so that you can stay in control. The fact that you need me makes me feel so special, because no one has ever needed me before. I can no longer live without you, you're my everything, my only friend, my lover and the only family I know of. I know I can sometimes feel insecure about our relationship, but I know you love me. I know you'll love our childern we will have, and I hope that when you read this you will realize that me and these two babies inside of me love you more than anything in this world. I will always be your soul mate standing beside you and loving you.

my guardian angels

JUBEJUBE . name . name . name . name

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