Personal Message




Kim Jaejoong         

20 Years old         

Singer at a bar      




My Story
Some are rich just like jaejoong but they don't have a sad story as he as. Kim Jaejoong indeed has everything he wants, from a car to money yet he doesn't has something that he wished to have. Love from his parents but this wasn't always like this. When he was a child his parents loved him, they hugged him, they said sweet things to him just like normal parents but everything changed when Jaejoong got involved in an accident, a accident which changed his life forever. 

Everything happen three years ago when he was going home from another night at his favorite club. He had been drinking of course but he was still willing to drive his car, well at least that was he thought. Just right when he was almost arriving at his parents house, a car coming from nowhere, hit against Jaejoong's one making a huge accident which the beautiful boy almost lost his life in it.

After being three months in coma Jaejoong finally woke up, but something was wrong with him, something that made his cry for his dearest life and pray to god to take his life away. The beautiful boy had woken up blind. He couldn't see anything, not even a small color. Since that day, since he had woken up from his coma, his life turned out to become hell. His parents didn't care about him anymore, actually they bought him an apartament which he shares with anyone and let him be for his own with a maid. 

Jaejoong had turned cold hearted, he hated when people would look down at him, he hated when he called his friends and they would tell him that they had other things to do. He was mad, at his destiny, he was mad at everything but he decided to not give up. Pushing his parents money aside, the beautiful boy decided to make take a job as a singer and once he had finally the amount he needed, he would take the surgery to have his eye sight back. 

Will that take too long, he doesn't care but one thing his for sure. Jaejoong has learned many things in life and he really doesn't need anyone to make his life better. Will someone steal his heart? Maybe, Maybe not. 
Kim Jaejoong
20 years old
Singer At a bar
layout coded By aquaman at  visual dreams