Personal Message

Hello there~ I'm Haeryung and welcome to my profile. Thank you for even spending time to read this. Feel free to talk to me~ I'm an optimistic girl who is looking for an adventure. A very curious child I am, so if you think you can entertain me come talk to me! hehe. I can be quite hyper and crazy at times, so beware! And don't judge from what you see on the outside, there might be dark things hiding within. Just kidding! or not... hehe ^^. I love everyone who spends time talking to me you guys are precious to me~ and generous and kind. I am looking for that one person who can accept me for who I am and hold me in their arms and never let go. However I am a little insecure and is afraid of falling in love~ but I'll see as time goes by. So are you the one that can pull me out of my insecure shell? I shall see
Na Haeryung
Taken by: Name here
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