Personal Message

          (located on his left shoulder blade)

// Shin Hyesung
//: AGE
//: Orientation
Hyesung has killed more people than caught in his time as a cop but even more so in his time as part of the army. The department hasn't dropped him yet, mainly because he's one of the best they've got. With both military experience and a separation from most feelings, he works hard to catch those who do wrong. 

He wasn't always like this though. Before he even joined the military or the police force, Hyesung was actually a very nice boy.

In high school he was the top student, fawned over by boys and girls alike. Not that he really enjoyed it. He was kind, but never basked in popularity, as it was actually quite awkward for him.

Things changed when he was 17-years-old. An incident changed him, leaving him cut-off from the rest of the world. 

No one knows why such a pretty, kind and sweet boy would ever join the military but he did. And he did well.

All his life, Pilkyo has been trained in martial arts and self defense, leaving him well-off when joining such a group. In the military he was one of the top soldiers, to the surprise of his comrades who at first viewed him as delicate and frail.

Assuredly, Hyesung is anything but delicate, having a harsh temper and an even sharper tongue.

While in the military, he was kidnapped along with a few other soldiers. They were tortured, severely and without end for months. 

Hyesung was the last to be rescued, having suffered through the torture more than anybody else.

At the age of 26, he was released from the military due to certain problems.

Soon after trying to adjust to normal life, Hyesung became a cop, his mind craving the adrenaline rush. The thrumming of his pulse, heavy breathing. It was like an addiction.

To this day Hyesung still subconsciously craves it, the rush. With PTSD and a couple other problems, he's definitely not the cleanest cop around, but he's not the worst either.

Inside, there's still a little boy. That nice boy who would smile and laugh. Sometimes awkward and a little shy but kind none-the-less.

However you won't see much of his real self anymore. Just a cop who won't care why you've been doing what you did.

A cop who won't forgive.