




kim seolhyun



single & not looking



hold me



BACKGROUND:  Seolhyun had grown up in a nuclear family until her last year of elementry school. Her mother had abandoned her husband and daughter for a CEO who had all the money she ever wanted in her dream husband.  After a  month of leaving them in the dust,the newly wed couple had granted them enough money to live on to keep their mouths closed about the affair. Her father burned the money on their doorstep but kept enough to at last them half a year. Now her father owns a thriving hardware store while trying to save money for his daughter's future.

PERSONALITY:  Rather than being the sad girl with a broken family and always keeping to herself,she forgave her mother for her actions. Seolhyun is a very social butterfly and sometime she can get annnoying when she starts to ramble. Once she gets close to anyone she instantly starts teasing them. She's humble when it comes to those she truly looks up to and can be quite arrogant sometimes. At her part time job she's a comepletely different story,she doesn't like lying or keeping secrets but her job at one of the most popular uptown clubs earns her more money than she needs. On the job Seolhyun is everyone's fantasy of a bagel girl that has a dirty side. To some,dressing in skimpy clothing and giving people looks,begging to take them is not their cup of tea. But to Seolhyun it makes her feel like the closest thing to heaven. 




01 underage| muse B requests for a private dance from muse A and gets a little touchy with muse A. they exchange phone numbers and the next day muse B thinks he sees muse A in a school uniform but as he takes a closer look,he knows it's her. 

02  | open

03 plot name | open



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Curabitur euismod finibus ipsum, rhoncus placerat elit auctor non. Aenean ullamcorper elit id sollicitudin dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum blandit ipsum maximus vestibulum tempus. Integer facilisis lectus elit, rhoncus sollicitudin ante sollicitudin vel. Quisque suscipit augue nec mi cursus condimentum. Suspendisse tempor urna vitae dui fringilla egestas. Fusce egestas, lectus in hendrerit pharetra, nulla sem volutpat enim, vitae vulputate augue ante vel eros. Maecenas ut nisl augue.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus quis convallis nunc. Curabitur euismod finibus ipsum, rhoncus placerat elit auctor non. Aenean ullamcorper elit id sollicitudin dictum.