Personal Message
meet min dohee - twenty years old, female, and a journalist. dohee grew up in busan, south korea, the middle child of a family with three kids. dohee was always the troublemaker of the family, always coming home with the worst grades and red ink splattered all over her worksheets reading 'SEE ME!' in bright red ink. honestly- once upon a time, dohee did want to succeed. who didn't? she studied hard, harder than any of her friends did, but no matter what she did, the words and letters just couldn't comprehend themselves in her brain. korean was her native language, but why did it seem like alien talk to her? mathematics was supposedly easy for everyone, but why did it just give her countless headaches? when dohee turned twelve, she finally gave up and stopped even bothering to study entirely, much to the horror of her parents, who ran a small tofu shop. her two siblings went on to score straight as, the older one spending all his time cooped up in his room studying all day, while the younger one partied all day- but still got great grades without even trying. meanwhile dohee started mixing with the wrong kind of people, the type that taught her more vulgarities that she could count, the type who showed her drugs, illegal drag races, smoking, and more. dohee finally got accepted for who she was, and for that short period of time, dohee felt wanted. but that period of time didn't last very long, after one of dohee's teachers found out and contacted her parents about her grades, telling them that there was a possibility of her not being able to graduate and having to stay back another year. dohee's friends told her it was okay, it didn't matter- and that was when she realized they were all a year or more older than her. at that moment, dohee decided to move away from that type of lifestyle for a while- because she realized what she had become. she graduated- barely, with constant headaches pounding, whispering in her ear, and eye bags so dark she looked like a walking zombie. after graduating, dohee did pretty much nothing for five months, just doing the occasional odd job here and there and earning money off working at a small cafe. then one day she watched a documentary on fashion, on life in new york, on journalism, on blogging- and dohee found what she wanted to do in life. she saved up all her money, packed up her bags and booked a plane ticket to the south korea's city of dreams, seoul. dohee was lost there for a while, begging a distant cousin to let her stay with him for a while while she searched for a cheap apartment. after much hard work, dohee landed an internship at shine! magazine and she was delighted. but alas, it didn't last very long- it was then that dohee discovered that seoul wasn't all glitter and gold as she had presumed it to be. people pushed her around, criticized her for the smallest things- it was like back in busan again, but ten times worse. dohee got jobless again and got so desperate that she contemplated going back down the dark path- but one day she read in a newspaper an advertisement for a job- as part of the paparazzi. dohee figured it was probably the closest thing that she'd ever get to being a journalist, so she signed up, and got hired. today, min dohee is part of tiny-g!'s paparazzi team, spending day after day chasing after celebrities whom she doesn't find appealing at all, and associating herselves with sasaengs and fansite masters of various boybands and girl groups. dohee set up her own blog, offering information about these things- and eventually, writing a few articles on her own. if anyone asks what min dohee's occupation is- she's a journalist.
dohee, unlike her short stature, isn't as cute and cuddly as you'd think she'd be. standing at 157cm, min dohee has the mouth of a thug, one that isn't afraid to speak her thoughts, and she's constantly firing questions at people, on the search for the next scoop to cover. she's stubborn, inquisitive, very very curious, and never takes no for an answer. as such, not many get along with dohee, but honestly- she's kind of used to it. things she enjoy include: steaming hot latte on a cold rainy day, iced peach tea every morning before going to work, giant stuffed bears, road trips and generally travelling in general, lots and lots of cuddling and english action movies.
gmt+8. don't trust the online sign. very very slow replies. i don't care who starts, it depends on the plot. fine with both detailed first and third, it depends on the plot. i like all genres tbh, but fluff, slice of life, angst, drama- everything really. is okay- but no out of nowhere with random strangers lol. i don't mind helping to think of the plot, but please do help. if i give eg seven lines, try giving back at least six? if you use tildes, or ever give me a one-liner, don't expect a reply back. but other than that, i'm generally a pretty nice person, so don't be afraid to approach me!