
You that feeling when you think you know a person all too well because you've been together for the longest time...

...Think again...because you might have thoguht wrongly...


Kris Wu was a Chinese orphan from Canada who moved to Korea when his parents died and he was left with an ungodly amount of fortune. He did whatever he wished to with the money which was more than enough for him to last 3 lifetimes. But unfortunately, the rest of his family stole more than half of his inheritance when he was out of the country which left him stranded and penniless in the streets of a foreign country.

     Being a citizen of the world that he is, he easily found a himself an easy paying job in a decent company where he worked as a sales agent. But after a few years of working as an agent. He was missing something...and he didn't know what.

He was currently a handsome bachelor at that time and has a job that supports his needs and his leisures...but he was still missing something.

   Later on, he found himself in some trouble in a gang where he accidentally killed the mafia boss. The other gang which was competing against the mafia boss found that this handsome little Chinese-Canadian Bachelor had something to other to them. So they took him as a member of their mafia group...That's where he found what was missing. He was missing the excitement


That's his story, right?



For the record, his name wasn't even Kris Wu. It was Wu YiFan. He's a Chinese-Canadian and he came from a rich family...but he was cut off his family because he's addcited to alcohol, drugs and a lot of fights which brought a lot of shame to his family. He was given a small amount of money which was enough to support him for a few months. But being the big spender that he is, he ended up penniless in a week.

     He got himself into a lot of trouble during his stay in Korea, and the trouble he gets himself into involved a lot of women and a few men who wants him on their bed. He lived like that for some time until he was hired by an anonymous man to kill a woman who he was supposed to sleep with for the night. He failed in killing the woman who paid him to give her pleasure...but he was able to kill the woman's father. who turned out to be a mafia boss.

   The news about him spread like wild fire in the underground business in Korea. A lot of mafia groups wanted him..but he only came to one mafia group. EXO


Right now...he didn't know why he chose dorky minors who can't even shower by themselve over professional assassins who could offer him a lot...

But he thinks that he chose EXO for the same reason as he got into the underground business...They were the missing pieces he needed to be complete


Personality: He's a , like totally. But he's such a teddy bear when you get to know him