t r a i n i n g r o o m



perfect your talents and work on your weaknesses


♘Jongdae 8 years ago
@♞Junmyeon ((google is a best friend but /flails/ guns and taekwondo ik everything else not so much *^* ))

Jongdae sensed the tension the second it happened. He couldn't see the eyes closing though and he sure as hell wasn't about to get in front of a man with a gun to see if that happened, but the fear was obvious as the sun rising or setting. It was just inevitable.

"Relax," Jongdae reminded him. He waved a hand dismissively. "It's an automatic. You have 15 more rounds in there. The whole mag is loaded. Just breathe and pull the trigger."

Now... to find out what was causing the fear. Most cases tended to be the noise, so that was one step to get used to. The male stayed behind Junmyeon and plugged his ears so that it would muffle the noise a good bit. "Try now."
♞Junmyeon 8 years ago
@♘Jongdae ((Random fact: I really know absolutely NOTHING about guns... XD))

Junmyeon would never admit it - ever - but the moment Jongdae fired the gun, his eyes shut so tightly that he saw light dancing in his vision for a few seconds after. He wasn't scared of a gun. No way. Not at all.

He had, like everyone else in the mafia, been given a gun that he took with him on missions. His was gold and could shoot and that's all he really knew about it. He'd only been forced to use it once, back when he was helping Kyungsoo, otherwise, he usually used more... interesting methods of killing people. Stabbing them, beating them to death, throwing them off a building or in front of an oncoming train. Fun ways.

Guns were just not his thing, but he guessed they WERE pretty necessary. After all, if he could use a gun, he might have been able to shoot those bastards in that dingy apartment before they shot him. Twice. But he would prefer not to think of that day...

Junmyeon shuddered at the feeling of the younger's hot breath on his ear and groaned softly, glaring at him out of the corner of his eye. "I need a bullet-- a... round." ing gun lingo...
[post deleted by owner]
♞Baekhyun 8 years ago
-walks into the training room and looks around but sees pure darkness. He walks to the punching bag and sarts to ouch it as hard as he can- "how can I protect myself if I give up to easily. I need help" he stops punching the bag after five hits due to his knuckles hurting-.
♘Jongdae 8 years ago
@♞Junmyeon ((I think mine's even later O.o ))

Chen observed the other silently and watched intently at every single step the other took. The sniper of sorts gave a smirk and walked over gently shifting Junmyeon's hands around ever so slightly. "Is this more comfortable? If so, loosen up just a little. The gun kicks but it's supposed to. You have to let it do its job and you can't fight it so just stay relaxed."

The younger then slipped behind the slightly taller male and had to raise himself to the balls of his feet in order to rest his chin atop the other's shoulder. Once he did that, he clicked off the safety and put a round in the chamber before placing his hands over Junmyeon's. "I want you to relax and FEEL the gun when I shoot it okay? Ready?" Jongdae pulled the trigger with the other after lining it up. Sure enough it caused another hole in the target near the middle.

Pulling away, the male gave one last little whisper to linger in Junmyeon's ear. "Now take a breath, let it out, hold it, then fire."
♞Junmyeon 8 years ago
@♘Jongdae ((Late reply is late......))

"Fine." Kim Junmyeon was not about to be beaten by a ing firearm. No way. Especially in front of someone who should have been looking up to him.

He stood, grabbed the gun and held it out in front of him, looking like some over exaggerated Hollywood spy. When he pretended to fire the gun, it SEEMED ok to him, but then again, he didn't really know what the correct way to do it was, and suddenly felt really self-conscious of the other's eyes trained on him.

He gulped, managing not to sound like a scared sheep, as he turned to face Jongdae, "Was that ok?"
♘Jongdae 8 years ago
@♞Junmyeon The male merely flicked a lazy eye open and scoffed. "I am teaching. I gotta find out what your problem is first though to find out WHAT I need to teach though." Groaning, the man instead got up and swiped the gun away, loading it up, flicking the safety on and double checking to make sure the barrel was empty all in a flurry of a movement. The trigger happy male then clicked the er back into place and handed it over. "Not a round in the chamber yet."

Chen then backed away and gestured for him to hold up the gun and aim. "Show me what you've got without even firing. Just show me how you hold it and how YOU work the gun. It's different for everyone, but they have to know what the blazing hell they're doing at least to an extent."
♞Junmyeon 8 years ago
@♘Jongdae Junmyeon narrowed his eyes as Jongdae gestured for him to shoot the target. Obviously nobody had informed the younger mobster of exactly why he was tutoring Junmyeon.

He was the strategist. He planned things perfectly but so badly with guns and after he had been forced to shoot the lock off of chains that were binding Kyungsoo to a chair and almost ended up killing him instead - if not from his so-far-off-the-mark shot, then from a heart attack at least - he specifically requested some training in that field. He hadn't realized he'd be stuck with Kim Jongdae though...

"Jong-- Chen..." he started, managing to maintain his elegance despite what he was about to admit, "I can't. I can't use guns. I don't know my way around guns, I can't aim for ." he crossed his arms over his chest, "That's why you're here. Teach me."
♘Jongdae 8 years ago
@♞Junmyeon Jongdae rolled his eyes yet again before snapping a bit at Junmyeon. "I'd rather not. I don't find it weird at all. Easy. brings you closer- it's more intimate. So does getting to know someone even if you're not yourself- just a ruse to get to know the person like you said. What if you fall for THEM though? What if they don't seem like the person you were meant to kill? What if it was all a ruse too and somebody hired you just to assassinate them when they were innocent? That... THAT is why I don't bat my eyes anymore. Because if you don't know them, then it doesn't hurt."

With that, Jongdae heaved a sigh and leaned back against the concrete wall before sliding down it to where he flopped on the ground with a little bounce from the impact. "I don't know- what DO I have to teach you oh assholy-o? Show me what you got." He nonchalantly gestured to the gun and target on the other end of the range. The male even closed his eyes and leaned back to rest his head against the wall waiting for the other to load up and let loose.
♘Yifan 8 years ago
Casually enters the room with a lighted cigarette in between his lips. YiFan turned his head to the other two men inside the room before taking his coat off and sat down from a reasonable distance from the two

"Aish...these kids!"
♞Junmyeon 8 years ago
@♘Jongdae With an annoyed groan, Junmyeon shrugged the younger man's arm off of him, spinning sharply to look directly at him, "Look, I don't want to do this either. You would definitely not be my first choice for a training partner, I would have loved to have someone a little less gun obsessed and a lot smarter, but we're under orders to learn from each other, so just stop complaining and start taking some ing notes or something."

Yes, this was turning out to be just as infuriating as Junmyeon had assumed it would be. Maybe he COULD just shoot Jongdae and tell everyone it was an accident... yeah...

He cleared his throat. He should really stop thinking like that in case he actually does it one day...

Sighing, he went back to sit down on one of the too fancy leather chairs, crossing one leg over the other out of habit. "Also, I find it kinda weird that you can murder a person in cold blood without batting an eyelash,but you're so squeamish about having with an enemy. We'll have to work on that to. Believe it or not, it's one of the most effective ways to get what you want."

With another sigh, he interlocked his fingers together in front of him and narrowed his eyes at the younger, "So, I think I'm done with my turn for this lesson. We got nowhere and I'm willing to bet you didn't learn anything, but let's move on anyway. What are you gonna teach me, oh trigger happy one?"
♘Jongdae 8 years ago
@♞Junmyeon Jongdae narrowed his eyes at the accusation. "Well I thought it was clever," he huffed defending himself as he crossed his arms over his chest.

The brunette then groaned at the other's explanation before placing his thumb and index finger against his forehead in attempt to rub at it and soothe the ache already starting there from thinking too much over his apparently 'dumb' plan. "This is why I just need the dirty jobs. I'm better behind the scenes Junmyeon I think we all know that yeah?" he asked sarcastically with a roll of his eyes.

"Ugh, also, I'm not letting ANYONE near my ... nor is my going anywhere near anything that has something gross probably going on inside," he muttered with a scrunch of his nose and a look of distaste. "I'm not even good at a socializing department. What in the blazing hell makes you think I could have someone fall in love with me?" Jongdae gave a snort and shrug in pure disbelief before rolling his eyes.

"Guns are so much easier since it's rare when they fight back. If so, it's just a quick little burn or a spring that can just be fixed. People... now THAT can't be fixed. It's either leave 'em alone to up everyone else's life, or just put a stop to it for them." The brunette glanced up with a rather proud smirk over his twisted view on the world. "All it takes is one little tug of a trigger," Chen teased slinking forward to drape his arms over the other's shoulders before leaning in for a husky little whisper.

"Bang." Already he had his fingers in a gun shape and had them pressed against the back of Junmyeon's head just to show him how easy it could be.
♞Junmyeon 8 years ago
@♘Jongdae "Oh my god..." Junmyeon rubbed his temples with his fingertips, "You are an idiot."

That plan had started off ok, but quickly transformed into something that would get Jongdae murdered in a heartbeat. Brutally. Junmyeon may have at using guns, but he had an unexplained urge to shoot the other man right then. At least it would be a less painful death than what he would bring upon himself if he was ever let out into a mission on his own.

"No, Jongdae... Chen." Goddammit, Junmyeon was never good with aliases. He took a deep breath. He had promised himself that he would try and be patient with Jongdae and teach him instead of scolding him. Kind of like a kindergarten teacher... "Ok... Firstly, yes, an alias and a normal conversation starter is good. You can't be too forceful though, that might be suspicious. You have to bend your personality to suit him. Be who he wants you to be."

"Also, yes, getting him drunk is a good option, but not right away. That would be useless, you wouldn't get any useful info from him, he has to trust you first." Sighing, he couldn't stop the annoyance creeping into his voice at the next idea, "And for the love of god, Chen, do not kidnap anyone or hold them ransom. You need to be subtle. Get to know him like you would anyone else, build up his trust, sleep with him if you have to. If you make him love you, he'll sing like a ing bird."

Well... training was of to a fabulous start, wasn't it..?
♘Jongdae 8 years ago
@♞Junmyeon Jongdae gave a rather childish whine as his gun was tugged away and his gaze followed it rather longingly. "Aw c'mon- bah fine. Guess I'll help you shoot later," he muttered with a roll of his eyes before sticking his tongue out. His foot tapped rather impatiently already as he started grinding his teeth back and forth a little- damn he'd kill for some gum right now.

"Depends- does he know me or not? If not, I get my own alias, hunt him down, and waltz right up to his then get to know him. Easiest method would be at a bar and getting him drunk. Theeeeen... if worst comes to worst hold someone close to him ransom, just kidnap him, or something along those lines. Bullets are so much easier though," Jongdae whined before slumping back against the wall and lowering himself to ground to take a seat.
♞Junmyeon 9 years ago
@♘Jongdae Junmyeon cringed at the very unnecessary gunfire. This was gonna be more annoying than he originally thought. He cleared his throat, "We're not here so you can shoot things. I'm here to teach you patience and how to actually use your head before you put bullets in people." He grabbed the gun, "That means no guns. Understood? Good."

Gracefully walking over to the other man, he stopped directly in front of him, staring him down, "Scenario. You need to get information on an opposing family by getting close to one of their members. You know nothing about him aside from his alias and a vague description of his appearance. If he finds out who you are, you're as good as dead and the rest of us are under fire for sending a rat out. How do you handle this situation?"
♘Jongdae 9 years ago
@♞Junmyeon Jongdae's fingers were already twitching as he was eyeing that brand spanking new shiny 9 mil. calling his name and begging him to shoot. He hadn't broken eye contact with it since he entered the room. Only one thing had broken his concentration.


He gave another one of his nervous little ticks, flicking his tongue out to the side of his mouth as he turned to eye the other for his question. "Hmmmm that!" he chirped eagerly as he pointed at the new weaponry. Junmyeon looked frightened and in all honesty it cracked the male up.

He was never one for friendly fire so he didn't get why the man looked like he'd seen a ghost so he merely laughed, going over the the table. He then started popping a few rounds in, loading the weapon before clicking off the safety and giving a shout of "RANGE HOT!" before shooting off a few rounds into a target a few yards out. Not a round missed its mark and the gun was steaming from the barrel by the time he was done.

Giddy as a school boy the male set the gun down and gave an excited little wriggle and dance of sorts before turning to Junmyeon. "Dibs on that little beauty on the next mission. Until then, have at it."
♞Junmyeon 9 years ago
They hadn't even started yet and Junmyeon already knew that this was most likely going to end with him getting shot or going crazy.

Apparently, the boss decided that he needed to work on one of his biggest weaknesses - handling a gun - while simultaneously helping his new... training buddy to work on his.

Kim Jongdae. Oh God, no...

He wasn't a bad guy or anything, but Junmyeon had deliberately kept his distance from the younger man because he was, to put it nicely, a loose canon. While Junmyeon was calm and calculating, Jongdae seemed to want to shoot everything that moved and he just could not think of a way they could get through this in one piece.

"So, Jongdae." He started, sitting down and crossing his legs, "Chen. Where do you wanna start?"


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LuQiTrashHeap 8 years ago
hey hunn Dae left ><
smolbean- 8 years ago
Is it okay if I apply for tao?
CrossCreation 8 years ago
I applied for YiFan!!!
helen_cruz 9 years ago
Could I reserve baekhyun?
exhoe12 9 years ago
Is this rp active by chance?
veiledmemoirs 9 years ago
baekhyun left. thanks for having me.
oracle 9 years ago
reserve tao, please?
i noticed he seems to be
available. i just don't have
time at this moment to apply
LuQiTrashHeap 9 years ago
Reserve Jongdae? Applying tomorrow when I'm not on mobile and lazy af ><
tabi_juseyo 9 years ago
applied as baozi. :3
veiledmemoirs 9 years ago
applied as baekhyun.
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