Personal Message

So Let's get some OOC stuff out of the way first shall we!

I am a third person rper, as third person was recommended I'm kind of hoping whoever rps with me takes that awesomeness ito consideration!

For the next day or so I'm going to be busy packing for a trip, so if I rp with you, it might be a little bit before you get replies (that and I have an AC on another site I'm on, so bear with me I will get to you!)

I am in the EST timezone (GMT-4) meaning it's about 4:30 in the am as Im writing this, I'm on until about this time everyday if you want to plot with me. (the actual profile should be up by sometime in the afternoon tomorrow :))

If I don't reply to you in a couple days poke me, kick me in the head, I don't care. If I'm not motivated it might help.

I will do if you ask! My main genres are drama and angstiness....can't do comedy to save my life so don't ask!

If you one-line me I will quit you! Just saying that now.

That's all I have for now, Profile will be up when it's light outside and I've slept a few hours.
