Personal Message
zhang yixing, or otherwise known as lay, is a humble, but somewhat a naive and forgetful person, but he has a pure and kind heart. he may seem shy at first when he first meets someone, but don't worry - once he truly gets to know someone, he opens up and becomes more playful and talkative. he's a very loyal friend in which to those who are close to him, he will care for them deeply and would do anything in their times of need. he loves talking and meeting new people, so stop reading this, and go on up and talk to him! 

Age: 23 Years Old Status: Single
Group: EXO Orientation: Straight
Writing Style: 1st&3rd POV Nickname: Lay

special people.

my lover.

yixing isn't one to fall in love all too easily. he has to really get to know someone in order for him to be sure that person is the one he wishes to be with. however, falling in love and liking someone are quite different as he may like someone or feel an attraction to, and may wish to pursue them. but falling in love is another story so kudos to whoever wins his heart over. 

ooc corner.
i'm somewhat active - i haven't roleplayed in quite awhile but i'll be on and off, that's for sure. my timezone is gmt -6 or central time.  i can reply in both first and third pov, however i normally and generally do first. third, however, i can do too but it will take a longer time for me to reply to, so please be patient with me if i don't reply immediately like i would with first pov. other than that, that's all that needs to be known about in me in this ooc corner.