Personal Message

Okay everybody, I'm far too lazy to find a fancy profile. So, a few things about myself: I've been on this site in 2010/2011 (I think) and then have been away for a while, with several returns every once in a while. I'm back now, not yet sure whether for long or not (depends on the people, I guess).

I am a passionate PM-Rper (most roleplays here atm tbh, no thoughts were put into them, they just pop up one after one with no plot, no interesting characters, nothing). I do understand that we all have a life, maybe better than anyone, and am not exactly fast in replying (It usually takes a day until my answer comes, sometimes faster, it really depends). Anyhow, I am passionate and will not poke you until after five days. If no answer comes (doesn't have to be a long reply, just a heads up whether or not you're still into the rp), the rp is over for me.

As for Roleplays and Advertisements (failure of reading and following this will result in being blocked - not that anybody cares):

1. Only AU-Roleplays. However, no High-School, Matchmaking and Entertainment-Rps. I'm not going to and never have joined one of these, so don't even bother advertising. , Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Supernatural; all of those are fine and more than appreciated.
2. Only Hetero- or Mixed-uality-Rps. I am not joining - or Yuri-Only Rps, same goes for male pregnancies unless there's a plausible reason for why it works.
3. It helps if you allow internationals. I have lost interest in kpop some time ago, I only listen to the bands I used to like, but even then there rarely is a star that inspires me.
4. Activity. If your rp is new, this doesn't apply. If it's not, make sure you have your Masterlist sorted out. I'm not applying for a rp in which 2/3 of the roleplayers are inactive.