Personal Message
  2.                     tumblr_m0dkpap81R1rqhbgzo2_500.png
  3. Sai  
  4. Sai 
Hey everyone Sai Sai here! I love roleplaying but I only do 3pov roleplays. I play
both male and females and I do roleplay (but not yuri....sorry) I prefer action
adveture roleplay but I will do romance. I really hate one liners so if you ask me
to join your roleplay, there better not be any one liners. They don't make to keep
up good roleplaying and they don't give you enough description so I refuse to join
any roleplays that allow one liners. I'm sorry, I know its harsh but if you want me
to roleplay activly, these are my standered. Besides that though, advertise away!
I love you all~ 


  Roleplaying as: Shin Jimin. at . Hunger Games 
  Roleplaying as: Shin Jimin. at . Chocolate Lovers 

                                                                               To You From Heaven