Personal Message

roleplayer information


things to remember:
oo1.) I only do Yuri and Straight Roleplays(seeing as to I only rp girls)
oo2.) Please do post on my wall if hayoung, hara, minah, or youkyung is still available in the rp you're posting about
oo3.) I like 3rd person RPs
oo4.) My Timezone is +8 GMT
oo5.) If I'm not replying, I'm probably out.
roleplayer information
name: Koishikawa Mi
age: '95 liner, do the math
eyecandy: park yoochun, seo eunkwang, kim jongwoon, zhoumi, and kim jongdae
taste in music: dbsk, morning musume and k-underground hiphop
main fandoms: cassiopeia, elf, shapley, melody, elvis, traxian, wota