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Last post 1 year ago
Tags cityau   reincarnationau  
In the eternal cycle of existence, our souls find solace in the embrace of reincarnation.
We shed old skins, expand our horizons, and learn the profound wisdom that transcends time.
Reincarnation, the timeless concept that breathes life into the tapestry of existence, holds a profound belief in the depths of human consciousness. It whispers of a journey that transcends the boundaries of a single lifetime, promising a continuity that stretches beyond the realm of mortality.

In the bustling metropolis of Seoul, South Korea, the year was 2023, and excitement filled the air as a new exhibit opened its doors in the city's renowned museum. Curators from around the world had come together to unveil a rare artifact that stirred whispers of ancient legends and the mysteries of reincarnation. The centerpiece of the exhibit was a legendary relic said to possess magical properties—a key that could unlock the door to past lives.

As visitors marveled at the artifact's intricate carvings, an unexpected tremor rattled the ground beneath their feet. The room quaked as if awakened by the relic's power, and with a mesmerizing burst of energy, the relic seemed to come alive. Within the chaos of the earthquake, the air shimmered with an ethereal glow, and the museum patrons caught fleeting glimpses of their past selves. Memories long forgotten rushed back, connecting them to lives they had once lived.

In that moment, the lines between the present and the past blurred, and the journey of reincarnation unfolded before their eyes, reminding them of the boundless magic that resided within their own souls.

In Memento Mori, each muse has lived multiple lifetimes over the course of many eras. The opportunities for connections are almost limitless. Perhaps you and another were lovers in a past life, yet you are the only one who recalls such memories. Or there may be someone who is eerily familiar to you as if they are long lost family.

Within this rp, you are able to explore your different lives as the dice deem fit. Memento More may seem like an ordinary city au, but there will be many opportunities for you to explore different eras in the past. Whether that be through your muse's own memories or events that take place within the rp. May your muse's journey through their lives be an easy one!
Images are from Pinterest. Edits made by admin using RavenOrlov's psd.
1. Please be sure to favorite the rp before requesting to join. When reserving, comment the faceclaim you wish to use and the oc name of your muse for the rp. Faceclaims must be 21+ internationally to be accepted and either singers/actors. Reservations last for 48 hours. If you need an extension, let the admin know.
2. Your first character is free. Your second requires an ad blog that contains a letter from your first muse to their past self and a connection you would like filled. For now, only two muses are allowed, but this may change later based on demand.
3. Typical role-play rules: no godmodding, facechasing, userchasing, bubble rping, etc. We're all adults, so these rules are pretty self-explanatory. Be sure to be inclusive and branch out to rpers you've maybe never written with before!
4. While IC drama that is consented to by all involved parties is welcomed, OOC drama is not permitted within the rp. The admin should only be involved if involved parties are unable to work it out amongst themselves. Depending on the severity of the drama the result will either be a singular warning or immediate removal from the rp with potential to be blacklisted.
5. There is no ban against ic marriages or having children, but the children should not have their own fcs or be playable characters. Plotted endgames are also highly discouraged as it tends to lead to bubble rping.
6. If you are using a historical figure as inspiration, be sure to run it by the admin character first. Although we are not being historically accurate to a T with this rp, we want to make sure we are not being insensitive. If anything is triggering, please use the word "reincarnatio" and the current conversation will stop immediately.
7. Inactivity is set to 14 days. You will be given one inactivity warning and have 48 hours to remove the inactive sign before you are removed from the rp. If you are in need of a hiatus, semi-hiatus, cc or anything else along those lines, please refer to the requests room.
8. Rules may be subject to change, updated, or removed as the admin sees fit. If there are any changes made, it will be posted about in the updates room. To ensure you have read the rules, please include the safety word and your top three favorite eras.
Some extra insight that may help you when establishing your character. Remember not to get caught up in the politics of history. We do not wish to be insensitive.
1. When applying for your character keep in mind that this rp takes place in 2023 Seoul, SK. It is essentially a normal city au in the present so your character will have a normal occupation.
2. After you are accepted into the rp, you will head to the "memory room" where you will roll the dice to determine how much your character remembers of their past lives. Details will be outlined within the memory room.
3. Mandatory events will act as activity checks and as ways for your muse to unlock more memories from their past.
4. Make sure to have a basic profile up within 72 hours of joining, this can be something as simple as your application form. A detailed profile should be completed within a week of joining. Extensions can be given, but please dm the admin to request one.
5. As an initial activity check, you are expected to post at least one plot/connection in the plotting room within the first 7 days of joining. More are of course welcome, but the minimum requirement is one. If a plot is taken, you may delete the original posting, but also post an update that the plot was filled within the plot room.
6. Every muse has existed in many different eras, but you do not need to have detailed backstories to accompany the past lives you would like to highlight. Your character's memory from a past life could be something as simple as their favorite food in that era. The complexity is left up to the mun and how the dice rolls.
7. If you have any questions in regards to the application or your muse, please do not hesitate to ask!
Please make sure to read the entire E section before asking questions about the application, the answer may be there!
oc name
fc name
date of birth / age
background (5 lines min.)
top 3 favorite eras
featured members


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[comment deleted by owner]
seungjjang 1 year ago
hello! may reserve actress park gyuyoung under the name ryu nakwon, please?
chikan 1 year ago
hello can i reserve go minsi under yeo minji?
parsley 1 year ago
Can I redo my reservation for Kim donghyuk?
syringe 1 year ago
can i please reserve seo youngho/johnny for me under jang jaeyoung?
reincarnatio [A] 1 year ago
☏ ⋮ update!

 i. expired reservations have been cleared!
 ii. current ratio: 11 men / 12 women
 iii. first event will be occurring soon, lots of connections to be made with current members!

☏ ⋮ we hope to see you in memento mori!
preciosa 1 year ago
can I get kim yerim / yeri added under kang jinah
darumdarimda 1 year ago
may i ask for park chaeyoung please! <3
nekojita 1 year ago
will be applying for mark when i'm home from work!!
doctorate 1 year ago
may i ask for jeon wonwoo please?
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