Drinking Game

How to play:

Roll the die and do the dare/drink the amount of drinks given with the number.

The game ends when a player gets drunk. The loser has to face one of the four given punishments, choosen by the other players.

How to find out your drink limit (how many drinks until you get drunk):

1. Take your characters age and add the digits  together. Ex: 23=2+3=5

2. If the number is above five, that is your drinking limit. (Must be 9 or less!)

     If the number is five or less, multiply it by two. That is your drinking limit.

     If the number equals ten or higher, your drink limit is eight.


1. You must give a drunken to another player (your choice).

2. e in front of everyone.

3. Do a strip tease in the middle of the room.

4. Do everything anyone says for an hour.


If you roll a:

1. Everyone drinks one.

2. Have someone ask you a truth.

3. Have a drink.

4. Make out with another player.

5. Slam two drinks or let all of the other players fondle you.

6. Do a dare that someone else chooses.

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rentastic_ 8 years ago
Minki left.
last_one_standing 8 years ago
Lee Minhyuk (BTOB) left.
nubivagant [A] 8 years ago
# cleared and closed
lovely_war 9 years ago
Applied as Minhyun
lovely_war 9 years ago
Hi! Um.. Is it possible for you to add Minhyun for me?
CharismaticGirl 9 years ago
Zelo is leaving, but key stays^~^
proly-yea 9 years ago
is there any way i could apply as baekhyun?
nubivagant [A] 9 years ago
-- updated
katsuki 9 years ago
I hate to do this as I enver got the chance to really rp here. But Myungsoo must leave. due to real life right now
LivingWithYG 9 years ago
Seunghyun is leaving due to inactivity
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