Explanation of Powers

Powers you learn and know will be based on both your clan and the number of emblems you have. Power lists for your clan will be in each clan hall.  All clans also have some shape-shifting abilities that are inherent and don't need to be taught. The list of shape-shifting forms will also be in each clan hall. The powers that apply to everyone can be found here.

Emblems are the symbols of each clan on the rules page. Emblems are attained by winning school competitions such as duels, demonstrating your ability with the powers you already are able to learn, helping to train others, and pleasing your leaders. Emblems are given out at the leader’s discretion. When you receive an emblem you put the image, the date, and what it was for in your character profile.

While the leaders will be responsible for training and guiding their students, it will also be the students' responsibility to train themselves. The training manuals can be found in each clan hall. Training may also be attained from headstudents and students of the same clan. 

[Aural Clan Powers] [Essara Clan Powers] [Filaren Clan Powers] [Haeyari Clan Powers] [Shira Clan Powers]


There is one power that everyone has from the very beginning: Teleportation.

Teleportation allows Kynarai to travel almost instantly between places they have already been. No Kynarai can teleport somewhere they haven't seen in person before. The more practice and emblems a Kynarai has, the further they can teleport.


There is one power that everyone can learn once they reach their 1st emblem: Danger Sense

Danger Sense allows Kynarai to be able to feel unfriendly energy build up in the area around them. At lower levels Kynarai cannot tell what the power is, exactly when it will strike, or even who exactly it is. The more practice and emblems a Kynarai has gives them more precise information and insight.


There is one power that everyone can learn once they reach their 2nd emblem: Manifest Element

Manifest Element allows Kynarai to be able to summon their element, either from within or without, into a solid formed minion. At lower levels a Kynarai's minion is small, doesn't last very long, and doesn't always obey it's master. The more practice and emblems a Kynarai has the larger the minion can be, the longer it will last, and gives the Kynarai more control.


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--beau 10 years ago
May I reserve Lee Taemin please?
smirnoff 10 years ago
Can you add Kim Jongin please?
[comment deleted by owner]
Cretaross 10 years ago
Add Simon D from Supreme Team please!
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