Gossip hall

Where stalkers get to share and the drama spreads.

Let the unseen be seen and the people beware.

Share your knowledge and findings anonymously or not.

Secrets are meant to be shared, don't you think so?


Go ahead and talk behind your friend's back, because she/he will never know c: And They aren't allowed to get angry at you because its the GOSSSIPP HAAAALLLL!!! (aka. the b*tching sanctuary, exuse my colorful language :P)



If you want to gossip anonymously then you can type: Gossip- in our anonymous confession place right HERE~

Be sure to type gossip or it will be included in the confession room instead, know the difference in confessions and gossip!

Jiyeon 9 years ago
Suzy 9 years ago
@Luhan *stares at them both weirdly and tries to escape from this conversation *
Jiyeon 9 years ago
Luhan 9 years ago
@Jiyeon YOU HAVE A V!
Jiyeon 9 years ago
Luhan 9 years ago
@Suzy -smiles-
Luhan 9 years ago
@Jiyeon I HAVE A D...
Suzy 9 years ago
@Luhan Y-yah!
*glares at him*
Jiyeon 9 years ago
Luhan 9 years ago
@Suzy -tapes your mouth-
Suzy 9 years ago
@Jiyeon Luhan is a girl
Luhan 9 years ago
@Jiyeon not really.... :c
Jiyeon 9 years ago
Any new gossip???
Suzy 9 years ago
@Luhan If you're not a girl then what were you doing in a girls dorm?huh?
Luhan 9 years ago
@Suzy nuuuuuuuuh
Suzy 9 years ago
@Luhan *nods*
a girl,a girl...
Luhan 9 years ago
I aint no girl
Suzy 9 years ago
@Park Hyunseok You start!
Park Hyunseok 9 years ago
@Suzy omg- same! lets make some gossip up hahaha lol
Suzy 9 years ago
I like gossip...I came to hear something about this place ,but how I see no one comes here *pouts*


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mermanpoop 8 years ago
ah. the golden times.
aspens 9 years ago
Jia left...
Q____Q 9 years ago
sehun leftttttt
Kpop_Queen 9 years ago
What on earth lol
oxford 9 years ago
ummm- i left but i was added back.
idk why
xicewolf 9 years ago
ummm I think I left a while back guys XD why'd you guys add me back? O.o
Lihang 9 years ago
Jungkook left.
joohgns 9 years ago
Luhain left ;;
LoveME4ever 9 years ago
Dumb Baekkie; (LayLay here): I'm leaving. See chu<3
Kpop_Queen 9 years ago
Jiyeon off hiatus
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