Coffee Shop Gossip and Confessions

Is there a significant other you'd personally like to steal their innocence from?


Any gossip you heard from the customers or around the water cooler that you'd like to share?


Send Youngmin a PM and I'll post the gossip here anonymously.



Unless you want them to know who it's from. ;)



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jongkai 9 years ago
Lay will be on hiatus until the 30th
But he will be active after that~
baekhug 9 years ago
baekhyun will be on semi hiatus until 3rd of july
jongkai 9 years ago
hello, I applied.
I'm basically new, not just in this RP, but in this site altogether. So. Yeah.
baektard 9 years ago
applied as V
IdeKdotCom 9 years ago
Applied as Taemin
jongkrump 9 years ago
Reserve Zelo, please.
overdosedwithkai 9 years ago
applied as Sehun
chrisdon 9 years ago
applied as do
[comment deleted by owner]
youtube 9 years ago
could you add ulzzang won jongjin?
//i'll like to help out as an admin
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