School Courtyard

The school's courtyard. Here you can mingle with other students and cross through to get to the other buildings of the school. 

~Rules for the Courtyard~
Please do not litter.
Please do not fight in the courtyard, play fighting is alright.
Please do not tear up the grass. 
Please do not ride any vechiles of any kind on the grass.
(Be it bikes, cars, motorcycles, etc.) 
Please do not practice with any weapons in the courtyard. (Exceptions include, Kendo club, Fencing Club, etc.)
Please do not play in the fountain
Please do not throw money in the fountain
Please do not throw each other into the fountain
And if you have any questions, please ask.

~ Head Master ~
Miura Ryosuke

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Surisuri 10 years ago
Could you add Hyde? (from Vamps)
turquoiseturtle 11 years ago
can I be Maru from c-clown?
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