━ hospital


junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol (Or you want do it on wall?)

*sighs softly and nods*
Okay okay, I will not drive. You can pick me up after your filming.
What time you will come?
Should we go buy groceries before we go to your place later?
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) (We could switch.. But where?)

/chuckles softly/
Alright fine by me
/blinks and shakes my head a few times/
No driving for you Mister.. We don't need anything to happen. Plus you'd be uncomfortable while driving
/pouts before chuckling and smiling/
Sure thing, I don't mind how long you stay
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol (Should we move to other room or stick here?)

*nods and smiles*
Yup. I want to come to your place.
*hums softly and looks at you*
I can drive there but I don't know if you let me.
That would be great since I didn't have much work to settle.
Maybe I can stay a bit longer like 2 or 3 days.
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) /smiles happily as I eat and talk with you enjoying the time before humming lightly at the question/
Do you want to come to my place?
You haven't been there yet..
/smiles at you/
Should I pick you up after my filming then? You can spend the night, I have free day tomorrow so you got me all day if you want me
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol *smiles shyly at your words, thanks the waiter*
*nods my head and starts dig in, enjoying the food*
*having our breakfast while chatting and laughing*
*already eat half of the food*
You come tonight? Or you want me go to your place or dorm?
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) Mhm even if your body looks ugly, which it wont because your body is perfect
/smiles sweetly and thanks the waiter/
/sets the food correctly and smiles at you/
Okay lets eat..
/smiles brightly and starts to eat with happy hums/
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol *blinks and looks at you*
Even if my body look ugly? Especially, my belly?
*the waiter comes and serves our drinks*
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) Won't be as long as you think, love..
/chuckles lightly at your pout and leans closer to peck your lips quickly/
Either way it doesn't matter, I'd want you no matter how your body my look
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol *blushes about it when you agree with me*
You think so? But, it's must take time to disappear.
*pouts cutely*
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) /blinks softlh before chuvkling and agreeing o. It before looking at yoh/
No its good, theres three of you its no problem baby
/smiles grins and blinks a few times/.
Ani most of it will disappear when you give birth so you dont need to work out to much
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol *blushes since I know I order a lot of food*
*looks at the waiter before he goes and stops him*
Wait. Add one set of kimbap.
*the waiter nods and leaves*
*looks at you and blushes again*
I eat a lot, right? That's why I am fat like whale now.
*sighs softly*
I have to work out a lot after birth and confinement.
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) /laughs softlt befote nodding a bit/
Very true..
/blinks softly and nods again with a sweet smile/
Alright then, anything for you my love
/winks at you and orders our food and drinks for us/
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol Yah!
It's good because he already have Zitao and kids with him. I don't want any misunderstanding.
*looks at the menu and nods*
Yeah. I want the stew with rice. And I want omelette too.
I want orange juice. That's all.
*grins at you*
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) Cute penguin
/chuckles beforr nodding my head gently in understanding/
Ah I see.. Thats good then.. That they didnt mistake him for a boyfriend or husband that is..
/grins and tilts my head to the side deciding on a stew for myself/
Do you know what you want?
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol *looks at you and pouts a bit*
It's not cause I look like a penguin.
*takes the menu from you and looks for what I want to eat*
I never come for appointment with anyone, neither Suho or Sehun.
But, I admitted few times in hospital with Sehun as my brother. Luckily, they not mistaken him as my boyfriend or husband.
*nods my head a bit, looks over more and decides what I want*
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) /smiles at you and chuckles a bit/
Your waddle is so cute.. Im gonna miss it
/teases and hand you a menu with a grin/
Get whatever you crave for~
/smiles softly and looks over the menu myself/
The doctor seemed really surprised that I came
/looks at you grinning a bit/
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol *rubbing my belly as looking outside while you're driving us to the nearby restaurant*
*nods and unbuckles my seatbelt and gets out of the with your help*
*waddling it as my hand cradling my belly,follows you to the empty table*
*pulls out the chair a bit more and sits down*
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) /smiles and makes sure you're all buckled up before driving us to a restaurant close by it taking about 10 minutes to get there/
/parks the car and grins at you /
alright let's get you three fed~
/smiles more and gets out thr car to help you out and lead us inside and to a table/
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol *nods*
*chuckles softly and kisses you back*
*hums and follows you out to the car, gets in carefully*
*wears my seatbelt and adjusts it since I'm a bit comfortable with it*
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) /hums softly and smiles softly as I hug you gently/
Okay, breakfast it is
/smiles and presses a few kisses to your lips knowing once out the elevator we wont have any privacy/
/holds your hand once the door opens and leads us out to the car. Opens the door for you and helps you inside/
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol *presses the down button after we arrive in front of elevator, smiles at you words*
*hums softly and thinks, looks at you*
Breakfast. Then, I just want go back after that.
*nods and gets in the elevator with you, cradling my belly*
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) /smiles and leads us out the office and to the elevator with a grin/
Very... They are so cute.. Can't wait to see and hold them..
/chuckles and looks at you happily. Wraps my arm around your shoulder/
Do you want to do anything before I go to my set?
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol *the doctor nods and smiles*
Thank you, doc.
*bows my head and gets down from the stretcher with your help*
*waddles out of the room with and looks at you, seeing that you're keep grinning*
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) /nods my head slowly at his words humming lightly in thought as I take the sonogram looking at it with a smile. Helps you sit up and fix your clothes. /
/puffs out my cheeks a bit as I look at you and nods slowly the im worried since I don't want you to be in to much pain/
Okay.. If thats what you want then thats what we'll do.. I'll be there the whole time..
/smiles lovingly and kisdes your temple gently, smiles at the doctor and thanks him/
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol *he turns off the machine and wipes clean my belly*
Doc: Both have pros and cons. Mostly, people like Mr.Kim do it normally. And some of them prefer c-section since it's not that painful.
*he prints out the sonogram and gives them to you since every checkup, I ask for it*
*sits up with your help and pulls down my shirt, looks at you*
What do you think? I would like do it normally.
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) /smiles brightly when he says they are healthy making me very happy/
/stares at the screen with wide eyes when he shows us the babies and bites my lower lip truely excited and squeezes your hand gently/
/blinks slowly when he asks which way you want to give birth and looks to you curiously hums a bit/
Well...which one do you suggest?
/looks back at him for an answer/
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol *the doctor put the probe on my belly and the heart beating could be heard clearly*
*looks at the screen*
Doc: They really fine and healthy.
*he presses the probe more firmly into my belly, moving down*
Doc: There the baby A. Let's see your baby B.
*he moves more the probe on my belly and stop*
Doc: *smiles* There your baby B. He's healthy too.
*smiles widely and tears up to see they grow up healthily in me*
Doc: That's it. Everything is great and you're going to give birth soon. Already plan and decide how you gonna give birth later? Normal or c-section?
*looks at him before looks at you, can't decide yet*
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) /chuckles softly at his teasing and looks at you grinning/
/stands to the side and watches the doctor carefully and smiles softly at him and keeps ny eyes on you/
/helps you when ever you have to move somewhere and once you are laid on the strecher I hold your hand and smiles back leaning down to kiss your cheek. Looks to the machine excited to see the twins for the first time/
junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) 7 years ago
@chanyeol Let's see about that.
*watches you shake hand with him and I sit down on the chair next to his table*
Doc: Finally, you bring your boyfriend or husband, huh?
*blushes when he teases me*
Doc: Let's start now.
*he checks my blood pleasure and my breathing before he asks me to ley down on the stretcher*
*he gets up and prepares the equipment, gets up with a bit of difficulty and waddles to the stretcher*
*gets on it with your help and lays down, the doctor apply cold gel on my big belly after I lifts up my shirt till my chest*
*looks at you and smiles as the doctor turns on the machine*
chanyeol 7 years ago
@junmyeon [ suho's twin ] ( sh ) You won't go all boss mode on me right?
/chuckles a bit and pats your tummy lightly for a second before we get out the elevator/
/follows you to the doctors office and bows to him and let's out a soft chuckle at his words before holding out a hand for him to shake/
I'm Park Chanyeol..
/smiles brightly/


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-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Chanyeol left
ruotianz 7 years ago
is this place open ;;
cause if so
i wanna join but idk if i can really ;;
winter_lover 7 years ago
D.O's twin is leaving. Sorry.
clouddyyyy 8 years ago
Still open? c:
KpopRoleplayer 8 years ago
Sorry but Chnayeol baby is leaving.
sehanie 8 years ago
O.O u guys re-accepted my app? orz my bad. I should've told u that I'm leaving for sure. I lost muse in rping Sehan and I don't wanna keep him when I'm not sure myself I can keep him as active as he used to be. So sorry *^*
DragonsHeart905 8 years ago
Still accepting?
exoinfinity 8 years ago
Applied as Kris' twin
0a9c966a51d64ad71b00 8 years ago
please take lay off hiatus, thanks!
Minnie_glitzheart 8 years ago
Kai and baekhyun twin will be on semi hiatus..
Thanks ^^
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