
For everyone to have a place to live in.



♅ Dongwoon 8 years ago
@♚♄ Zico *nods then looks at you as you walk away*
Oh my gosh... What do i do?
*sighs then goes back to my place, phoning my current school telling them i'm transferring due to personal reasons*

(So where shall we go now?)
♚♄ Zico [A] 8 years ago
@♅ Dongwoon "Fine."
/steps back
"I'm expecting you to transfer by next week...and don't forget to enter the Byul gang."
/turns and walks away, waving at you
"Bye bye, little pet~"
♅ Dongwoon 8 years ago
@♚♄ Zico *looks at you and gulps*
N-No! I don't want that!
Fine i'll do it! I'll follow the orders
*looks up at you and realizes i'm trapped, slides down against the wall*
♚♄ Zico [A] 8 years ago
@♅ Dongwoon /tilts head, looking disturbingly like Joker with my wide smile
"Of course...or would you prefer you parents getting killed because their son couldn't obey some simple commands?"
/feels your fear and confusion and steps closer, trapping you
♅ Dongwoon 8 years ago
@♚♄ Zico S-Service?
*tilts my head then catches the envelope*
*reads what is written inside the envelope*
But you can't possibly expect me to do this?
♚♄ Zico [A] 8 years ago
@♅ Dongwoon /as expected from a poor student, you don't have the money
/my smile widens, showing you you're screwed
"Not with money...with service."
/throws a thick envelope at you
"Read this."

(in the envelope there is written that Dongwoon must transfer to Bangpae High, enter the Byul gang and spy on them, then report everything to Zico in secret - on top of doing everything Zico orders him to)
♅ Dongwoon 8 years ago
@♚♄ Zico *widens eyes and gulps*
W-What do you mean? B-But..
*backs away*
I-I can't pay you back, I'm just a student. You expect me to have that much money?
♚♄ Zico [A] 8 years ago
@♅ Dongwoon /chuckles at your startled response
"Not me...but my clan did. Did you know your parents owe ten million won to the mafia, kid?"
/my smile turns positively evil, I love to freak people out
"And they left you...to pay us back."
♅ Dongwoon 8 years ago
@♚♄ Zico *jumps suddenly when i hear a voice behind me, turns around and gulps*
"G-Good evening"
*says, stuttering a little then bows quickly and then bites my lip*
"I assume you are the one who sent the letter to me"
*says a little clearer and then looks around, but it's quiet and no-one else is around*
♚♄ Zico [A] 8 years ago
@♅ Dongwoon /has to go work today, there is one family that hasn't paid yet
/walks up to the apartment building and waits in the shadows
/sees the guy about my age looking around
"Good evening."
/says after creeping up behind the boy
♅ Dongwoon 8 years ago
@♚♄ Zico *comes out of my apartment having received a letter from someone, asking to meet at the bottom of the apartment building, walks there and stands around, worried about what the meeting is for, shivers slightly as the weather is slightly cold outside and i only put a thin sweater on*


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Starlight-Inspirit 7 years ago
Dongwoo is leaving, sorry, I've had fun here, but I'm just no active anymore.
Bubble_Teax3 8 years ago
Can you reserve Zelo for me please? ^^ also do you guys need a coadmin? c:
Starlight-Inspirit 8 years ago
So there's a storyline i'm thinking of for my character and that's where he's been forced into a gang by someone and they treat him like their little slave i guess you could call it? If that's okay then can i be Dongwoon from Beast?
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