
      the beach.      

park grace [A] 11 years ago
@michishige sayumi Nodding to her words she started to relax a bit and her hard expression grew a bit softer thought her eyes never lost their carefullness. "It's usually the best to stay out of business that isn't your own. Many people forget about that." Turning towards the ocean she watched the water for awhile. "My relationship with Siwon?" She turned back to the other woman and finally replied to her question at the beginning. "I'm his wife so I'd say our relationship is very serious."
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo [ posting in our room :) ]
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo L.Joe giggled and trailed his hand down the elder's chest "I can't wait to show you jagi~" he purred and hummed, pulling back to tease you a bit
kim myungsoo 11 years ago
@lee byunghun [ hiatus ] The corners of his lips curled up a little as the blond haired boy kissed his cheek. ,,That's good then". Myungsoo nodded his head and his face flushed a little as he noticed when the younger male was looking.
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo L.Joe giggled and kissed the elder's cheek lightly "aigoo I'm excited to see you be excited jagi~" he said looking down at the elder's crotch giggling
kim myungsoo 11 years ago
@lee byunghun [ hiatus ] The raven haired male pulled his boyfriend closer as they linked arms, chuckling softly upon hearing the younger boy's question. ,,Well, how do you think, Byunghunnie?" He a little, sending him a wink as he said that.
michishige sayumi 11 years ago
@park grace [ hiatus ] "Well Grace, the only thing I know about you is that you are a knight," Her comment was accompanied by a thin smile that overcame her lips. Sayumi had no further intention to question the female of who she truly was, she wasn't the type of being that would do so. The latter seemed like that there was a past that was weaved behind her features, but she wouldn't dare to bury her nose into what she wasn't particularly interested in. "Even though curiosity does loves to take the best at me, I really don't like to include myself into another person serious affairs."
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo L.Joe smiled and linked arms with the elder and pecked his cheek lightly "well then.. Back home we go~" he said and smiled brightly and tugged the elder back to their house "tell me~ are you exited to see me with my toys Jagiya~?"
kim myungsoo 11 years ago
@lee byunghun [ hiatus ] Myungsoo chuckled again as he took their towels and other things from the sand. Then, he turned his attention back to the younger boy standing beside him and seeing that wink, he really had no idea what he should expect from Byunghun as he was rather an unpredictable human being. But he wasn't complaining, oh no, it was more interesting this way.
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo L.Joe giggled and nodded "mhmm me too~ I want to spend time alone with you~" he said playfully and swung their joined hands. He let out a soft giggle and looked up at the elder, winking at him playfully as he thought about all the toys.
kim myungsoo 11 years ago
@lee byunghun [ hiatus ] ,,I want to know everything about you, love". A soft chuckle slipped past his lips as he helped the younger boy to stood up from the ground and he immediately held his hand. ,,Let's get back home, I'm tired of the beach already. At least for today".
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo L.Joe giggles and stood up after the elder and smiled "well then wanna go find out my secrets~?" He asked playfully and giggled, tilting his head "I think we've been here for long enough don't you think~?" He asked and pecked the elder's lips lightly
kim myungsoo 11 years ago
@lee byunghun [ hiatus ] Myungsoo just stuck his tongue out at the younger playfully as he already knew that his boyfriend could be such a tease at times. ,,Okay, if you say so~" He smiled at the blond haired boy and sat up on the ground then stood up slowly. ,,Anything to make my Byungie happy~''
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo L.Joe giggled and trailed his finger down the elder's jawline, liking the reaction he got. "We'll then ill show you when we get back home jagiya~" he said brightly and got off of his boyfriend
kim myungsoo 11 years ago
@lee byunghun [ hiatus ] ,,Hmmm, I think I've never seen it". Myungsoo shivered slightly at the younger male's touch as he looked up at him. ,,Stuff you say? I think I'm curious now although I have no idea what do you mean by that". He chuckled softly.
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo L.Joe smiled and trailed his fingers down the elder's abs "mmh Arasso~ you know that unopened small suitcase in our house??" He asked shyly "it's full of... Stuff~" he said playfully and giggled
kim myungsoo 11 years ago
@lee byunghun [ hiatus ] [sorry, I was out of the town -u-"]

Myungsoo looked up at the blond haired male as he was enjoying the view of his lover straddling him and his touch on his body. ,,Don't worry, love. I've become a Byunghun-addict as well~". A soft chuckle slipped past his lips but then his eyes widened upon hearing the younger's next words. ,,Well, I guess you have to teach me about it then~"
park grace [ hiatus ] [A] 11 years ago
@michishige sayumi The sudden laughter of Sayumi surprised Grace but she kept her cool and didn't react to it. Crossing her arms she just stood there and watched the other woman. The fact that she wasn't a mistress didn't exactly easen her at all. A fling would still be possible but she decided to ignore that. It wasn't like she had a clean record, her's was more than just dark but pitch black.

"Well it would be reasonable. Our life is none of your business or of anyone as long as we both do our job and we do that perfectly." Their eyes met and she just watched the other one for a moment. "How much have you heared about me? Do you know who I am?" It was a simple question of curiosity but she knew that a lot of maids and people in Siwon's house and the castle were gossiping about her. Female knight, having a fling with the general. Has she been sleeping with him to get her position? And like now she was wondering if the other woman had heared about those rumors and asking for that reason. The fact that Siwon was apparently fond of her, if Grace could trust her words, made things a bit different. A friend was someone she would like to get along with. Sometime.
michishige sayumi 11 years ago
@park grace [ hiatus ] "I am actually of someone lower than the status of a mistress," She had turned away from Grace to face the area where she had sat with him quite time ago. Her lips curved upward slightly at the memory of him scaring away a few humans away, a laugh finally erupts within the depths of . Sayumi had thought deeply of find a proper way to respond to her questions.

"And if I were to question him, the response would be like how you are speaking to me at this moment: 'is it of my business?' and 'what right do I have to know?'" The vampire had turned to the other for the second time, her gaze never flicking away from her sight. She never meant any harm to her or to hurt any reputation of any sort. "If you are truly curious to why I had called you, I am just wondering if he truly found someone to his liking, and to take care of him similar to what he has done with me over the years."
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo L.Joe smiled and hummed softly. He sat up on the elder's tummy, straddling his stomach and began trailing his fingers against the elder's well toned abs "I've become a Myungsoo-addict~" he said playfully an giggles "and also..." He whispered and looked around before leaning into his lover "and I'm a big person.."
kim myungsoo 11 years ago
@lee byunghun The male tilted his head back slightly when the younger started to nibble on his neck. He let his hands trail up and down the blond boy's back as he was just tracing undefined patterns on his skin with his fingertips. ,,Sure honey. Wha is it?" Myungsoo lazily opened one of his eyes, peeking curiously at his boyfriend.
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo L.Joe smiled and buried his face into the elder's neck and nibbles on it lightly "mmm well then I'm glad~" he cooed and hummed softly "wanna know a secret jagi~?" He asked and looked up at his boyfriend
kim myungsoo 11 years ago
@lee byunghun ,,I'm sorry baby but I'm really not ticklish, not at all". Myungsoo sent the younger boy an apologetic smile as he poked his puffed cheek with his index finger. He laughed a little when he heard Byunghun's whines and pulled him closer to his body, hugging the other male tighter. ,,Of course it's you~ And only you~''
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo L.Joe puffed his cheeks when he realized thy the other wasn't ticklish and pouted "eyyy it's no fun you're not ticklish~" he whined and smiled "well it better be me Jagiya~" he said and giggled
kim myungsoo 11 years ago
@lee byunghun A soft laugh escaped the raven haired male's lips as the younger boy just simply tickled him. He wasn't that ticklish but still it was quite a funny sensation. ,,Well, it's definitely my boyfriend~''
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo L.Joe giggled and tilted his head "oh? And who is that other y one jagi?" He asked innocently, looking down at his lover playfully before tickling his sides lightly
park grace [ hiatus ] [A] 11 years ago
@michishige sayumi [ hiatus ] Her eyebrow rose at the other woman's words. She cared about Siwon, that was clear and she was wondering why. "You're not one of his jealous mistresses right? 'Cause if you are I really don't want to talk to you about it nor do I plan to fight. Fighting is such a waste of time."

Sayumi's choice of words made her wonder what kind of relationship she had with Siwon and Grace didn't miss the fact that she didn't reply to her questions. So in return she wouldn't get answers either. "And as you said, we don't know eachother, I don't see why I shold be answering any of your questions. If you're so curious, why don't you ask Siwon instead? I'm sure he'd gladly answer you." That was not what she had planned to say but taking back her words wasn't possible anymore. Holding back a sigh she ran a hand through her hair and crossed her arms again. "You haven't asnwered a question of mine, I'm not planning to answer you any of your questions."
michishige sayumi 11 years ago
@park grace [ hiatus ] She wasn't taken back of Grace's response, she was rather amused however. Sayumi had expected a response like that, and she wasn't planning to waste any time with the other. "I would like to know actually. Just what exactly is the relationship between you and the General Siwon of the kingdom?"

When the question slips passed her lips, the uneasy feeling rumbled within the depths of her stomach. As anxious as she was, Sayumi didn't want to hear the response at all just yet, she wanted to call the meeting off and continue to live in her delusional world. "I know it is none of my business, I just do not want to live with the fact of a piece of my life being taken away from a stranger," Unconsciously, the tone of her voice had softened and her vampire side, along with her human, was surprised of how vulnerable she was to the other.
kim myungsoo 11 years ago
@lee byunghun Myungsoo smiled back brightly at the younger boy. ,,I like that idea, Byungie". He pulled him closer, wrapping his arms tightly around the blond tiny body as he just winked upon hearing his words. ,,Someone here is y as well~"
lee byunghun 11 years ago
@kim myungsoo L.Joe giggled "well then I'm gonna be your own little koala then~" he said ad smiled brightly "woah hello there y~" he said playfully and smiled cutely


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TaeKook 5 years ago
//peeps in//
Arawr98 8 years ago
Please add and reserve Kang Soyou for me?
UNKLESOUNDS 8 years ago
Is CL possibly available?
rikanovaak 8 years ago
Is this still active?
studentofmagic 8 years ago
Still active?
blackwolf 8 years ago
I think this has a good roleplay theme. I wonder if you're still accepting?
blobluesky 8 years ago
Applied as Kim Jonghyun in case that chara is available
EXOtic-sone 9 years ago
krystal left. sorry o/
NightAngel 9 years ago
kwon yuri is leaving.... im sorry im too busy
aye_lu 9 years ago
can i reserve baekhyun or luhan?
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