Preestablished Relationships

Dysfunctional Married Couple (M/F)

They've been married for years and people don't know how. The tabloids are filled with information about their wild fights and the reported accounts of cheating. Despite this, they swear to love each other and try to stay together when they know it isn't working.

Keep it a Secret (M/M)

No one knows they're gay, until they watch the show of course. This couple has been in the closet for years and are now ready to go public, but no one knows if their relationship can handle something like this.

Baby Mamas Dramas (M/F/F)

He loves her and the children they have, but he also loves her and the secret children they have. Couple A and B are supposedly happily married but B doesn't know that A has been having with C for years, and she has a few children of her own. C, tired of being a side piece, exposes A and now he and B have to deal with it.

To apply for one of these, apply in the masterlist

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seduisant 7 years ago
do add and reserve taehyung for me, thanks.
pixels 7 years ago
can you please add and reserve park minha?
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