`fighting room—


choi minki 10 years ago
*softly sighs to myself. Walking around and repeatedly kicks/punches the punching bag*
choi minki 10 years ago
Minki sighed and entered the fighting room. Setting up a practice dummymfor himself. Starting to punch and kick it with everything he gave. Being upset and wanting to become destructive, but decided to take it out on the test dummy. Everything was going too fast. Wanting everything to pause and stop for a moment. A new mother and probably a new sibling on the way. He sat and took a break, thinking for a while. The baby would probably keep his father busy with everything. He sighed and gripped his hair a bit. Crying into his hands. The prince just wanted his mother, but he couldnt bring her back. If only he hadnt left, wondering if he was never born. She'd probably be here still.
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jaejoong Key nodded and stood their like a statue. "Hihi. I think this is fun. I like it. Can you teach me some more moves?"
kim jaejoong 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) Jaejoong nodded and smiled, fixing Kibum's stance slightly. "It will be much better when you have it down."
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jaejoong Key held his hand out and pretended he had a sword in his right hand. He grinned. "This is fun!"
kim jaejoong 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) "Pretend you have a sword in front of you and see how it feels." Jaejoong showed him how to do this, showing him the way to move his arms.
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jaejoong Key smiled. Now he got what the king said. he nodded and did as he was told. he placed his left foot infront of him.
kim jaejoong 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) "You write with your right hand, correct? Than what you will do is try and make sure your left leg in in front. It's okay if it switches, but most of your power will come from having your left foot in front."
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jaejoong Key nodded but then he got confused. "What did you say? can you do say it again please?"
kim jaejoong 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) "So when you attack, make sure your legs are always in this position. It doesn't matter which is in front, but it helps to keep the opposite foot from the arm you use in front."
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jaejoong Key nodded and did as he was told. He stood in position and waited for the next instructions.
kim jaejoong 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) Jaejoong laughed, moving into the main position, both of his feet squared with his shoulders. "Take this foot back and focus all your strength on that leg."
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jaejoong Key nodded and let the sword fall. "Show me the footwork!" he was so excited.
kim jaejoong 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) "Now you need to work on your foot work. Without the right footwork, your sword skills are not important and will not help you."
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jaejoong Key blushed and took the sword. "Thank you." It felt lighter thand the other one and he could hold it pretty good. "What should I do now?"
kim jaejoong 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) Jaejoong smiled, giving him a different sword. "The key for beginners is having the right weight for a sword. When you get better, you can control a heavier sword."
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jaejoong "I don't know. I never had a sword in my hands." He said and looked at the swords. He saw one which he kinda liked and took it. "Oh it's heavy."
kim jaejoong 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) "How much can you carry then without getting tired automatically?" Jaejoong brought down a few of the swords.
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jaejoong Key nodded in understanding and walked to the king. he looked at the swords and his eyes widened. "Omo."
kim jaejoong 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) "Of course." Jaejoong walked over to grab his sword. "First we need to find the perfect sword for you to use. It has to be the right size and weight."
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jaejoong Key shrieked and turned around. He panted and let out a sigh in relief. "YOu scared me." He said and chuckled softly. "All those things. Can we try swords first?" he smiled.
kim jaejoong 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) "What's weird?" Jaejoong walked into the fighting room, looking at all the equipment that lined the walls. "What do you want to try first?"
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
Key walked into the fighting room. he was really excited and jumpy. he would learn today to fight! He couldn't wait. He grinned more and more. he walked around and looked at all the tools. His eyes widened at some. "Omo. That is so weird."
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jonghyun Key cried into Jonghyun's shoulder. He was so disappointed in himself. He wanted to protect Jonghyun, but he failed miserably. He held onto Jonghyun desperately. "I could never leave you. I love you way too much, to leave you." He said through teary eyes. He looked at jonghyun and relaxed as soon as Jonghyun kissed his face.
kim jonghyun [hiatus] 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) "no don't blame yourself he was always there always a part of me so don't blame yourself okay baby" jonghyun said soothingly and pulled back and d his boyfriend's face and smiled a little "im just glad you didn't leave me for good then I would have no reason to wake up again" he said and rained kisses all over his lover's face
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jonghyun Key looked sadly how Jonghyun's eyes fluttered. He looked in pain. It hurt him badly. He smiled as his lover woke up and hugged him. Key hugged back tightly. "Of course I came back. I love you so much." He whispered. Tears of his own falling down and he cried. He sobbed into Jonghyun's shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Jonghyun. Just because of me all this happened."
kim jonghyun [hiatus] 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) Jonghyn let out a small whimper as nightmare after nightmare hit him all involving him and Key somehow breaking up or something worse and he snapped his eyes open and looked around the room to see if anything had changed. As he looked around his eyes rested on the one person he despertly wanted to see and he lunged for him and pulled him into a tight hug not caring about the pain radiating from his leg's "you came back you really came back" Jonghyun said as he buried his face in his boyfriend's shoulder and cried
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jaejoong Key looked with big eyes at Jaejoong. "I can't your Highness... this is not respectful." Then he nodded and walked to Jonghyun's room. He took a deep breath and opened the door. He saw Jonghyun peacefully sleeping. He wanted to turn around and go away, but his heart said he should stay. He walked into the room and to Jonghyun's bed. He set next to him and combed Jonghyun's hair with his fingers.
kim jaejoong 11 years ago
@kim kibum ( key ) "Thank you Kibum, but please call me father or dad. We all know you will be family." He smiled, pushing the younger into the castle. "Now go~"
kim kibum ( key ) 11 years ago
@kim jaejoong Key giggled as the king kissed his forehead. "Thank you. your highness." He looked up and stood up. "I know." he looked onto the ground. "Maybe I really should go to him. He gave me my freedom back." He said and looked at the king. "Thank you very much, your highness. You are an amazing king."


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TaeKook 5 years ago
//peeps in//
Arawr98 8 years ago
Please add and reserve Kang Soyou for me?
UNKLESOUNDS 8 years ago
Is CL possibly available?
rikanovaak 8 years ago
Is this still active?
studentofmagic 8 years ago
Still active?
blackwolf 8 years ago
I think this has a good roleplay theme. I wonder if you're still accepting?
blobluesky 8 years ago
Applied as Kim Jonghyun in case that chara is available
EXOtic-sone 9 years ago
krystal left. sorry o/
NightAngel 9 years ago
kwon yuri is leaving.... im sorry im too busy
aye_lu 9 years ago
can i reserve baekhyun or luhan?
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