`the caves—

      the caves.      

choi minki 10 years ago
@cheng junya ((*boops*))
choi minki 10 years ago
@cheng junya "Mm.. arasso.." he nodded. Holding onto his hyungs arms. A little bit worried, knowing his appa wouldnt be happy about what hes doing. However, he loved his hyung, yet he loved his appa too. Leaving the younger kind of puzzled.
cheng junya 10 years ago
@choi minki "I'm sure. I don't like my kingdom's princes and I doubt they'll let me run off to see you." He said as he walked next to Minki. "I want to say sorry for what happened, I wasn't in my right mind at that time..." Junya spoke as he kicked pebbles. He had a bag with him too, full of money and small things he kept. He had gotten rid of all his other clothes because he needed a change. "Then when we get to the inn, I'll tell you a story." Junya smiled.
choi minki 10 years ago
@cheng junya (Lol yes its a good thing)

Minki blushed a bit and hugged the other tightly. Smiling as he recognized the flowers that he was given before. "Bwo.. jincha? Are you sure about this hyung?" the younger asked. Looking at him as they walked to the inn together. Having his little traveling bag on him, he always packed emergency money and other items inside of it.
cheng junya 10 years ago
@choi minki [[ Is that a good thing? Why are you having feels? xD ]]

The sweet smell of the familiar angel came closer and Junya stood up, walking over to the tiny blonde. He took off Minki's hood and smiled softly, pecking his lips then handing him the bouquet. "I'm so glad you came...come on, we'll stay at the inn for a bit. I got some money for food and clothes and other stuff, alright?"
choi minki 10 years ago
@cheng junya (These feels are going through my cheeks and I rarely blush..ggahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

Minki quietly ran to the caves, but quickly. His hair being short well, it would be a while til his red hair tips came back. Unsure as to whether the other was telling the truth, reading the note once more. Wondering as to why the cave would be the chosen place. Quietly entering the place and taking off his hood. "..Hello?" the younger softly spoke. Carrying a lamp by his side.
cheng junya 10 years ago
Junya sat at the entrance of one of the caves, holding a small bouquet of blue roses, the same flowers he gave to Minki on their first date. He was waiting as the sun set, sniffing constantly to see if the angel was going to show up. He had his doubts, though, and his gut told him the blonde wasn't ever going to show up.
park grace [ hiatus ] [A] 11 years ago
@choi siwon [ hiatus ] "I'm going to call you any name I think would fit you. Just making sure you remember how much I love you", she teased back and faked pout at his words. "But it's still easy for you. Easier than for anyone else, and that's exactly how it should be." Her lips twitched when he laughed, his laughter automatically making her happy as well. When he pulled her close to him by her waist, she looked up to him, her eyes shutting when she felt his hot breath brush over her ear. It made her shiver, his words and the touch of his lips, small ministrations on her wet skin. "I love you too, Siwon."
She meant it. And he was the first person she had openly told that she loved him, her lover, her best friend, her soulmate.
Tilting her head aside to give him more access to her skin she turned her head so their lips would meet and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him gently.
choi siwon 11 years ago
@park grace [ hiatus ] "Cheater...really name calling now are we." he was highly enjoying her ual frustration that he was the cause of. "No your wrong you are very difficult to seduce considering my power to lure doesn't work on you, making me actually have to try to seduce with more than just looks." A deep laugh resounded through out the cave looking at his now borderline angry wife. "I think hate means love when you say it." He collected his breathing pushing wet strands of hair from his face after she pulled him up from the water reminding how strong she was as she pressed him up against the wall. "I like to play." he purred pleasured by her tongue brushing over his neck, taking his hands he held her waist keeping her close to him. "I love you." he whispered into her ear before he planted soft kisses along her neck and jaw.
park grace [ hiatus ] [A] 11 years ago
@choi siwon [ hiatus ] "Cheater", she panted when he pulled away from her, lunging forward to take grip of him. "You knoe exactly how I react to you , how you affect me. Seducing your wife mustbe the easiest task ever." His smirk let her eyes turn into slits before he was already swimming around her. She followed him with her gaze and groaned. "I hate you. You know how it works on me." Diving after him she gripped him and pulled him up when he was close to a wall, pressing him against it. "Don't play with me", she murmured and leaned forward, tikting his bead back and over his throat."Or do you want me to play with you, General? " Her voice was a whisper, loud in the cave as she pressed her heated body against him, threatening to get him to want her just as much as she was craving for her.
choi siwon 11 years ago
@park grace [ hiatus ] 'I win.' he with his thoughts as he slowly parted his lips from hers and removed his hand from her as he slunk back into the water wading in it keeping his eyes fixed on her. "Was that enough seduction for you, very forward seduction but I seduced you regardless." he smirked before turning as he swam in slow circles around her keeping some distance between them. "Tell me does my teasing affect you more than usual because of your heat because that is my intention." Smirking enchantingly he dove under the water swimming around freely under the blue depths.
park grace [ hiatus ] [A] 11 years ago
@choi siwon [ hiatus ] She understood it and nodded. Laws like that were normal when she was still living with her family but eversince she had turned, things had changed as well. Now independence was normal for her until she had fallen for him.
Opening her mind again after a moment, she chuckled and sank a little into the water so the warmth was covering her up to her neck. "I know. I wouldn't have taken you if your arrogance had been bothering me. And I know you're not any less attracted to me." She tilted her head up towards him and saw them turning red, making her automatically back off. It was known to both of them that she was not weak nor easily giving in. Unless she was in heat and unfortunately she was.
Nevertheless she backed off as he was getting closer but was stopped when she tripped. "Every woman wants to be seduced once in awhile, Siwon." Her next words were silenced when he grabbed her and pulled her towards him, their lips meeting. She forced herself to resist and stay strong, not reacting to him for a moment but alone his scent was enough to take over her senses. It took only a moment before she was already melting into his arms like wax in the sun.
choi siwon 11 years ago
@park grace [ hiatus ] "We vampires have our own ancient laws and rights that have been set in stone since the time we could only walk the earth at night, Your bonded to me and any attempt on your life is an attempt on my life symbolically speaking." He explained then listened to her explain what her bond to her gave him, but what bothered him was how she looked away and suddenly closed her mind off from him only catching that she was feeling hurt about something having to do with him. Sighing he let go asking no questions not wanting to pry since she closed him from her mind. "You small stuff break my arm...good luck with that and you being attracted to me isn't unfortunate it's a blessing, plus I have been arrogant since day one." he laughed smirking once she pushed him away from her. "You better not run from me or else." His eyes turned bright red from her outright challenge from the look in her eyes. "I shouldn't have to seduce what is mine already." he moved closer to her sliding his hand over her neck up into her hair as he leaned down to kiss her lips possessively.
park grace [ hiatus ] [A] 11 years ago
@choi siwon [ hiatus ] "You have the right to end her life? How come?" Grace eyebrow had risen and she looked at him slightly confused, shaking her head. Well if that didn't sound convenient for her job she chuckled. His following words made her look up to him again and she nodded. "Mhm. Yes it did. It gave you some of my life energy and I have lots of it. You're never gonna die as long as I'm alive. And as long as you still have your own life energy, even if I die you will survive", she responded to him but looked away. Not wanting him to see her hurt expression at the thought of him dying, she hid it and closed her mind for a moment, shutting him out, not quick enough though. He was her life. She didn't want to imagine what a dying Siwon meant. His following enumeration made her chuckle and she looked back to him again from her spot. "It was a light punch. I didn't want to break your wonderful arm", she mocked and rolled her eyes at his words. "Just take respoinsibility. You're one y and unfortunately I am very attracted to you. But your arrogance makes me think twice now." When he swam to her, stopping before their bodies touched, Grace looked fearless up but pushed him a bit away from her. "I'm great at running and not that easy to capture", she challenged him with a twinkle in her eyes. She could feel his power on her but it didn't work on her though she smiled in amusement. "Guess you need a new way to seduce your woman."
choi siwon 11 years ago
@park grace [ hiatus ] "No she won't be a problem anymore unless she wants to risk me ending her life since I have the right to if she brings you any harm." he read graces thoughts for a brief moment feeling her protective nature and he got a sense of pride from hearing her address him as her husband. "So your Gumiho bead gave me more strength." he knew she could hear him even as she stayed submerged in the water. A soft chuckle slipped from his lips from mention of the soon to be troublesome werewolf knight, then laughed as she resurfaced and punched his arm. "First of all that punch was weak, second don't blame my natural looks for your natural fox like behavior of going into heat on me." he got off the rock swimming towards her. "Third don't avoid a vampire I might take it as a chase and I do love to chase." he purred seductively looking into her eyes using his vampire power of seduction on her not expecting it to work on her but just a funny thing to do.
park grace [ hiatus ] [A] 11 years ago
@choi siwon [ hiatus ] A small sigh of content escaped her lips when she felt his fingers on her shoulders and his hands starting to massage her tense shoulders. "I will make sure we have time to go here and enjoy it a bit. And I do remember her. She didn't seem to be very pleased with us that time, or more like me, though I didn't think she would turn out to be a problem. Do you think she will try something on you or me?" The thought that someone might try something on her husband was bothering her and her eyebrows furrowed for a moment in thought before she remembered that it would take even more now to kill or hurt him. Her gumiho bead had strengthens him and even though it wasn't inside of him anymore, he would never be dying before her. A smile curved her lips upwards when she felt his lips on her collarbone and a shiver ran down her spine. "The dog will be thrown out if she's being stupid", she murmured through gritted teeth as her eyes snapped open at his following words. She saw him swim away and blushed deep crimson, closing her eyes and covering her face with a hand. "I should be sinking", she replied and let herself sink into the depth of the cave, warm water surrounding her. But she didn't stay like that, instead she swa over to him, resurfaced and punched his arm lightly. "Don't tease me. It's not my fault you're so handsome and delicious looking and that I go in heat." Her cheeks were still heated and she looked away from him, swimming backwards a bit away from him, embarrassed by her insatiable lust for him.
choi siwon 11 years ago
@park grace [ hiatus ] He smiled once he resurfaced next to her feeling her fingers run over his abs. "I do enjoy the caves very much just rare when I have a chance or reason to come here." he pushed his wet hair back with both of his hands then moved behind her placing his hands on her shoulders giving her a massage. "You remember when we went to that restaurant that a lot of non humans go to and there was a female vampire that approached us...remember she was someone I had a past fling with well she seemed pretty pissed." he chuckled kneading his hands into her shoulders soothingly. "The others I ran into they sensed you weren't vampire hence your bonding you did on me but some seemed to not care and was happy for me." Leaning to her collar bone he softly kissed her collar bone brushing his lips up her neck. "The dog made the cut for now anyways but I shall deal with that later." he whispered into her ear. "I saw the way your eyes darkened upon the sight of my body wandering over my frame like a tasty snack." he then placed a small kiss on her neck before swimming away from her near a submerged rock lounging on it.
park grace [ hiatus ] [A] 11 years ago
@choi siwon
"I do. It's one of my favourie places around here, since I was a kid already. And you like it here as well." She was watching him undressing and her eyes darkened lightly as they wandered over his figure, her lips at the sight. Still in heat she realized and forced herself to look away though she felt her arousal starting to boil in her body. "No one you need to worry about. Those vampires...do they know it's me or will they sense it?" Smiling up at him when he resurfaced besides her, she stretched a hand to run her fingers over his abs. "And? Did you take the dog?"
[post deleted by owner]
michishige sayumi 11 years ago
@ahn jaehyo "You are no fun at all," She shifts lightly under the male, her arms snaking over his neck. Sayumi enjoyed the body warmth that emitted from the other; she holds him tighter so that her pressed along his chest. She was going to make sure that she wasn't going to completely fall under his submission, even if it meant having a few scratch marks surface her pale skin. What was the problem of having a woman dominate? Sayumi had wondered as her fingers comb through his hair. Her gaze focuses toward the caves ceiling, before letting a chuckle escape her lips. "You know if you really want to get a peep from me, you'll have to go directly under the cloth."
ahn jaehyo 11 years ago
@michishige sayumi [ hiatus ] Jaehyo glanced at the female, "No way." He smirked and grabbed the wrists on the female, flipping their positions where he is hovering above her. Jaehyo didn't like dominating females and he is never going to be submissive to anyone. Jaehyo thought about the next comment the female made, "Sweetie, you can sleep and dominate other men but you can never dominate me." He smirked, mocking the female before pressing his lips against the female's nape. If there is one thing that Jaehyo could remember about her, it would be the sensitive areas. He could remember running over them with the female screaming for more that fateful night. It definitely come in handy if he need the female to submit.
michishige sayumi 11 years ago
@ahn jaehyo "How about letting a female dominate for once?" She rises from her position to set her gaze upon the other. The maid swings her wrist back and forth before tilting her head to the side at the sudden contact. However, the sudden comment made her recall deeper from that night, and she had no saying to what happened. The only thing that she clearly remembers, is being under the male within a quickness and it went blank after that. Tugging her arm back, Sayumi decided to lean close toward the other chest and then securing her free arm around his neck. "Wouldn't I be a perfect candidate for doing so?" She questions, directing her gaze directly with his.
ahn jaehyo 11 years ago
@michishige sayumi [ hiatus ] Jaehyo chuckled at the female's words. "If you were to win, I'm just going to give you back the jewels /though it's gold by now/ my dear, I didn't bet with you that I'll stop stealing. This /job/ had been keeping me alive for so long with a huge element of fun." Jaehyo pulled his hand away from the female's mouth. He wrapped his fingers around the female's wrists, wanting to pull her closer to him. His eyes dances with a pinch of mischievous as he replied to the female's previous questions. "I don't like dominating ladies." He assumed the female should have known as they had shared a night together before. His eyes was challenging her to try and make another dominating movement so he could tackle her to the ground and win the game the female set.
michishige sayumi 11 years ago
@ahn jaehyo "Not once had I said that I was special," Her head was upon his shoulder, eyeing his pale neck. It seemed like he didn't want to take part in the challenge from the amount of effort he was placing - it wasn't like she was doing the same. "Am I doing something wrong?" Sayumi asks, moving away from his neck, and falling just above his lap. She wouldn't mind to forfeit the challenge since she was the one who created it. Besides, Sayumi had a feeling that he wouldn't live up to his word. "If I were to win, would you even give me all your jewels and stop stealing?" She questions, taking hold of his hand, and nibbling lightly on his finger.
ahn jaehyo 11 years ago
@michishige sayumi [ hiatus ] Jaehyo chuckled slightly at the female's attempts. "You could do so much better than this, my dear." He teased the female, allowing her to continue. "Don't bite me though! I don't want my beautiful skin being tainted with my blood." He scoffed as he felt her fangs against his skin. Judging by the female's actions, Jaehyo concluded that the female wants to dominate. Jaehyo detests dominating females as they tend to go overboard with the limits Jaehyo had set for them so Jaehyo didn't go near any dominating women for a long time. The game that he is involved in needs domination to win which was probably why the female wants to dominate. Though the female's attempts aren't working well on him. Jaehyo's hands wandered up towards the female's chest, wanting to start exploring the female's pressure points from there. "You know honey, you are nothing special either." He mocked her using the words the female initially used on him.
michishige sayumi 11 years ago
@ahn jaehyo Her lower lip was caught just between her teeth, holding back the sudden gasp that was about to erupt from throat. Then an amusement chuckle bubbles from her lips, her brown hues focused just below her. His intentions were a amusing to Sayumi. Was he actually determined for her to crumble under his own lust? Her slim fingers unclenches with his; now darting along his chest before heading for his back. "You know," She began as a teasing tone arose in her voice, "Nothing is going start like this. Would you like for me to try a bit?" Her neck cranes away from him, as for her lips ghosting along the nape of his neck. Sayumi's fangs grazing along his flesh as her hands wander against his chest, as she made her thumbnail sink into his .
ahn jaehyo 11 years ago
@michishige sayumi [ hiatus ] Jaehyo tried to recall on how the female was that night. Was it soft or rough? Jaehyo couldn't remember. Usually he do it rough for these one night stand relationships and the female had given him a big hint - she wasn't the same person from that night. "Gladly." Jaehyo smirked as he entwined the female's fingers with him and leaned towards her neck, planting soft kisses on her skin. The thoughts in Jaehyo's mind was just to win and at the same time, touching a female body which he haven't been touching for days or months. Which guy in a right mind would miss this opportunity to not touch a female whom offered herself to him? Definitely not Jaehyo. Jaehyo's arms rested on the female's hips as he continued devouring her soft skin gently.
michishige sayumi 11 years ago
@ahn jaehyo "The rules? It's simple, just keep a few close distance and to don't go overboard. You do have your limits, right?" Her head was tilted to the side with an eyebrow raised, glancing right back into the males eyes. Sayumi that there were boundaries to where he would prefer, but she didn't know her limits just yet. Do you need any help? Her inner vampire had asked, but she completely denied it. This was something that her human side would want to do by self without any help. "However, you may think that this would be easy but let me say that you do not know my pressure points. It could be the most gentle touches that could bring me in, or I could like it rough, dearest. I'm not like that person you had dealt with the night before," Sayumi warns, walking in front of the male. She kneels down, a mask of innocence dawned over her features before sitting just above his legs, "So try at your own risk for I won't give in so easily."
ahn jaehyo 11 years ago
@michishige sayumi [ hiatus ] Jaehyo raised his brows. "Another bet?" Jaehyo smirked. "You really love to play your little games, don't you? Okay. I'll play with you." He turned around and cupped the female's chin, glancing into the female's eyes. It was a good deal, if she won he will have to surrender his rewards, if she lose, he could use her. "What are the rules of this game, sweetie?" A mischievous smirk was spread across his face. He was going to put his life into playing the game requested by the female. "It's going to be really interesting." Jaehyo the corner of his lips. Seduction is one of Jaehyo's forte and it is impossible for him to fall into any temptation so easily. After all, the female had fallen for his once, doing it again would be much easily, that's what Jaehyo thought.
michishige sayumi 11 years ago
@ahn jaehyo Sayumi tried her best not to burst out in laughter, even if the words were bringing her ego down a bit. "It doesn't prove that," She didn't want to go further into detail, yet when he was actually the first person she had lost herself to. "Even if it is tempting enough, you would have to really try hard to get toward me." She couldn't recall if she did give in to temptation that night but it did had a bet brew in her mind. It was her vampire side, however, that had made herself an easy target. "Let's make another bet," Her foot pressed along the rocky surface, before taking slow steps toward the male. Sayumi came just behind him, her arms securing around his built frame. Her were against his back, as for her pink lips caressed the shell of his ear."If you fall under temptation, I would have to get every last gold coin in both of your pockets. However, if I fall under temptation, you could use me in any way you want -well except for stealing gold. Do we have an agreement, dearest?"


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TaeKook 5 years ago
//peeps in//
Arawr98 8 years ago
Please add and reserve Kang Soyou for me?
UNKLESOUNDS 8 years ago
Is CL possibly available?
rikanovaak 8 years ago
Is this still active?
studentofmagic 8 years ago
Still active?
blackwolf 8 years ago
I think this has a good roleplay theme. I wonder if you're still accepting?
blobluesky 8 years ago
Applied as Kim Jonghyun in case that chara is available
EXOtic-sone 9 years ago
krystal left. sorry o/
NightAngel 9 years ago
kwon yuri is leaving.... im sorry im too busy
aye_lu 9 years ago
can i reserve baekhyun or luhan?
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