



Allydia [A] 7 years ago
@Kim Jisoo A gentle breeze drifted through the treetops, lifting the light tendrils of her golden blonde hair as she sat on one of the boughs overlooking a glen. Her clear blue eyes were trained on a smaller herd of deer grazing on the clover that grew in abundance there. They were so peaceful, so calm as they ate, that the very sense seemed to resonate with some part of her soul.

She was a huntress long before she was a headmistress and there were very few moments in the later that allowed her to enjoy the same thrill as before. Well, thrill wasn't the right word even though she did get excited about the hunt. Like many who stalked prey in the land she had a symbiotic relationship with them, respected them and all that they gave for the cycle of life. It was as much a spiritual pursuit as it was for survival that only one attuned to nature could understand.

Allydia wasn't actually out for the hunt though. She brought no bow and had no intention of harming them. The castle had enough food in the larder and hunting parties out to make sure it stayed that way. No, she was out there for the tracking and the chase to give herself a small sense of connection to the world again before she headed back to what she had come to think of as her stone prison. Those deer were a reminder of who she was and all that she held buried within her heart which she could touch briefly as she watched him.


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BABYelfArmy_Fan 6 years ago
Sorry but lucus is leaving ;-;
6838f0e33851067f376d 6 years ago
Add and Reserve Eiji please?
My_Sonder 7 years ago
Nari left, I'm sorry :(
9d179a0a93e09e168b35 7 years ago
Jasper left
355fd54f903edc36aac1 7 years ago
who to be?
fireandfury_risen01 7 years ago
can you add + reserve sojin? ;)
starrgazer 7 years ago
hi im new here and someone suggested i should join this roleplay so um um
can you reserve mingyu as ryder?
piixiedust 7 years ago
lexa left o/
-beautiful 7 years ago
neith left.
ssamja 7 years ago
asher's gonna have to leave.
sorry for everyone i was roleplaying with!
;; i'm getting busy again so i have to cut a lot of charries.
thanks for having me, and i'll try and return once i'm not swamped (if that's alright).
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