♖ kingdoms' history


 The three kingdoms history

The Kingdom of Tradian


A modest kingdom nestled between the ocean and a vast range of mountains. Being around for over hundreds of years, it's history is still in the making. It's capital city. Estreau, located between the castle and the harbor, Estheau. The old capital now a small village, Hosteigro, though still rich in farmland. 

Now a fallen kingdom after being taken over by the Kingdom of Grimor


Previous Kings Rule


Taking the throne at an early age, lead many to believe he would be a foolish king. But he stood taller than many had originally hoped; rebuilding the country back to its former glory and setting up a navy fleet.

The king though, did have a minor problem with being flirtatious. Despite his queen provinding him an heir, he took many concubines and maidens alike.

Like all kingdoms and kings before him, he went to war. Defending his country from a foreign power. Lasting several years until his untimely death on the battlefield.


King Doojoon


After the death of the previous king, his eldest son, Doojoon, had been crowned king in a rather abrupt ceremony. Recieving the crown. Receiving the crown at the age of 21. Managing to quell the fighting and bring about peace. Blessed early in his reign with children. 


Royal Obituaries 


The previous king had died courageously on the battlefield defending his country.

A mysterious disease had been introduced to the kingdom claiming two of King Doojoon's sisters, one of his brothers and his daughter.

The queen passed away suddenly, doctors were unable to pinpoint the exact cause.



The Kingdom of Grimor


A fairly new country by regular standards, being around for a hundred years. Originally being part of a much larger country, a revolution successfully annexing it from it's parent country. It's capital city Stealia holding many new mysteries. 

A power hungry country now rules over both Kingdoms. 


Previous Kings Rule


Nothing here yet.


King Mark


Nothing here yet.


Royal Obituaries 


Nothing here yet.





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Lord-Orochi 5 years ago
Wo jiho is leaving then
Zanyzap 5 years ago
Can I have Lee Hyunwoo please~
jokerplayer 5 years ago
Could you please add Seo Joohyun (Seohyun) for me thank
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 5 years ago
Jason and travis are taking their leave.
motomami 5 years ago
I wanna join, but it doesn't seem to active, which is a shame because I love medieval themed rps :(
completion 6 years ago
Bae Jaewook please!
pxssionfruit 6 years ago
Are you guys accepting people for Atlantis?
bamstastic 6 years ago
Could I reserve Lee Chan please
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 6 years ago
Can i get Jason Mamoa
chrysopos 6 years ago
I'll take Sojin back bb
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