♖ stables

Lee Jooyoung 5 years ago
@Sorn Sajakul "Good boy, Embarr, you really went easy on me today. Thank you," Jooyoung murmured in a low, comforting voice as she gently lowered the hoof of the horse she was shoeing. She leaned up a bit and placed a quick kiss on it's muzzle before going to put away the shoeing tools. Just as she got over to the storage area, she heard a commotion coming from the other side of the stall. Without a hitch, she ran over to investigate - mallet still gripped in her hand. Her eyes were wide as she witnessed a bird of prey, she honestly didn't know which, scratching at one of the horses.

It's wings were flapping widely and the horse was rearing and squealing loudly, causing a bit of commotion with the others. "H-hey! Call off your bird!" she yelled, immediately running over without minding her own safety to unlock the horse's stall. Almost as soon as the stall was open, the gray horse darted out and into the paddock, as far away from the bird as possible. He nearly trampled Jooyoung, but she was quick to move aside. She was about to run after him, but stopped in her tracks when she saw blood dotting the dirt in the direction he ran. She shot the Sorn a look, mixed between panic and anger, before running out after the horse. "Arion!"
Lee Jooyoung 5 years ago
@Sorn Sajakul lolol okay!
Sorn Sajakul 5 years ago
@Lee Jooyoung ((I accidentally tagged myself ;; ))
Sorn Sajakul 5 years ago
@Sorn Sajakul Thunder, Sorn's partner in crime, her hunting partner, the hawk that she seemed to have grown the closest bond with, was resting on her arm while she was standing right out side the stables. She was out there in hopes to get in some more training with the bird, and she did for at least a little bit. That was until some kid had bumped into her screaming and running off.

"Dammit." Sorn cursed to herself the bird screeched and flew off her arm and into the stables. Sorn looked after the kids that bumped into her and shook her head, running into the stables to find her companion attacking one of the horses. "No!" Sorn shouted, whisteling lightly to get her bird back over to her and in hopes to calm him down.
[post deleted by owner]


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Lord-Orochi 5 years ago
Wo jiho is leaving then
Zanyzap 5 years ago
Can I have Lee Hyunwoo please~
jokerplayer 5 years ago
Could you please add Seo Joohyun (Seohyun) for me thank
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 5 years ago
Jason and travis are taking their leave.
motomami 5 years ago
I wanna join, but it doesn't seem to active, which is a shame because I love medieval themed rps :(
completion 6 years ago
Bae Jaewook please!
pxssionfruit 6 years ago
Are you guys accepting people for Atlantis?
bamstastic 6 years ago
Could I reserve Lee Chan please
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 6 years ago
Can i get Jason Mamoa
chrysopos 6 years ago
I'll take Sojin back bb
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