♖ exiled's hut

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Short room message here

Woo Jiho 5 years ago
@Wu Yifan (yes I'm back after forever and empty promises. I'm sorry. but I am fighting to bring back my muse. and apparently my level had dropped drastically. T-T)

Choking it a moan as he felt the wet warmth covering his length, glad he maintained some willpower to keep himself from ing into the elder's mouth. softly with , the moan sending shivers through out his body. Running a hand slowly, down his own body before finally reaching the other. Gently, running his hand through his hair before adjusting himself so he could get a better reach. running his hand down Kris's arm until he reached his hand stroking his length. Little by little he began taking over pleasuring his lover's hardening .
Wu Yifan 5 years ago
@Woo Jiho With permission to press on, Kris began to on the hot, hardening , swirling his tongue sensually as he went. He inched downward and took more and more into his own hot, cavernous maw and harder. The saliva that pooled beneath his tongue dribbled out to coat the length in thick drool, allowing for more lubrication. Kris used his first fingers to the remaining shaft slowly, just until he was deep-throating Jiho. The length filled his mouth and the tip prodded the back of his throat, and he moaned deeply. He was enjoying this way. too. much. Just the sight of Jiho writhing before him made him reach down and begin to himself.
Woo Jiho 5 years ago
@Wu Yifan Nodding slowly as he relaxed himself intothe bed, allowing him to continue. Jiho moaned softly feeling his kisses litter his body as his clothes were gently removed. Ignoring the cool air as it hit against he bare flesh. The younger could feel himself hardening against the soft lips of his lover. Gently chewing his bottome lip in anticipation as he gave a small nod for him to continue.
Wu Yifan 6 years ago
@Woo Jiho "I'll be better than ever," he replied in earnest. He did not want to worry Jiho, who was constantly wary. "I want to love you," he whispered against the lush lips against his own. His hands worked the pants off while his lips massaged the delicate skin of his neck. The taste of his flesh was intoxicating, but his kisses were addicting. He couldn't refrain from delivering hundreds of them while stripping away their remaining clothes.

He was aroused from the iness of his lover, but also excited. Once he bought the ship, they would be free once more-- free and not on the dry land. Kris dragged his trail of kisses down the exposed chest and to the edge of his pubic area. He began to teasingly press pecks up the other's hardening length until he reached the tip. He waited for a cue that Jiho was ready to move on.
Woo Jiho 6 years ago
@Wu Yifan Tightening his arms around the elder slightly as the kiss deepened allowing himself to be lead to the other part of the room. Gasping softly as they fall to the bed, his heart racing with anticipation; feeling as though he would never get over this feeling of love he had for the former captain. Breathing a bit heavier feeling his lips covered his body and hands traced him; he could feel his body grow warmer under the careful touches.

Jiho kicked his lips in thought taking careful breathes to steady himself. "Yes, but I do not want you to be tired tomorrow."

Gently pulling Kris closer, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Will you be okay?"
Wu Yifan 6 years ago
@Woo Jiho Having Jiho in his arms made Kris the happiest man in the world. When he was alone, nothing to hold but his rusted hoe and long shovel, he was depressed. This moment, kissing the soft, lush lips and thinking of only his next move toward the bed, he was content. His hands rested oh, so perfectly around the inward curve above Jiho's hips, he gave a soft pull to press his own against them, and kissed him deeper. His stomach was full of butterflies, the kind which stirred at the mere sight of his lover's face; every time was like the first. The taller man drove the smaller backward, slowly until he fell back onto the bed.

The scrappy quilt on the secondhand, straw-filled mattress swallowed both of them, as their weight combined sank onto it. "Jiho," Kris whispered around another passionate kiss. "I love you." While continuing to litter kisses all over his body, he flushed with another pang of butterfly-inducing love. "Gods, . You're so perfect." His hands traced gently down to the loose trews about his hips, and began to inch them downward. "Is this okay?" His own cheeks were burning, his lip tucked between his teeth again, and he could only stare.
Woo Jiho 6 years ago
@Wu Yifan He listened to Kris thoughtfully, nodding his understanding. What the former captain has said made sense. A lot of sense. When they were at sea they were free and the could see everything around them. Nothing could block their view, except for the weather, but that also meant they themselves had no where to hide. On land they could hide easily, even amongst the crowds they could get lost. But their view was blocked. Each place had their own pros and cons. It was just a matter of which one they would rather deal with. On land there was the new king, Mark, and at sea there was Travis. But the other pirate only attacked them for profit, did he not? Or was he truly loyal to the other? The one that confused him more was the taller man, Jason, what did he gain in all of this? He merely seemed to hang around then care about which side won, even seemed to hold some power over the pirate. Jiho couldn't figure out his true intentions then, he doubted he could ever figure them out even now.

Slowly finishing his own meal, looking up again when he heard the elder get up. Getting up himself, as his dish was taken not wanting to be the only on sitting at their rickety little table. Work, it seemed it was the only thing the captain was able to do on land and they could barely make ends meet. Leaving little room for joy. Jiho couldn't help but wonder if things were always like this for those less fortunate. All the times he used to take what he had for granted when he was younger, He let out a soft laugh hearing his love, smiling brightly; he would do it over again just to stay by his side.

"Of course," he spoke as he walked closer to the elder. Wrapping his arms around his neck, giving his lips a quick peck. "I will follow you where ever you go. Even to sea, like I had before."
Wu Yifan 6 years ago
@Woo Jiho It was true, the threat of Travis or Jason- the hired thugs that attempted to kill him, and separated the two lovers- was never vanquished. The truth was, they were still out there and they had an advantage. Only one more day of work ad Kris would have enough money to send them to sea for quite a while... but their voyage could be cut short by one single pirate. That terrified him. He chewed his lip whilst Jiho turned away, not wanting his boyfriend to see the extent of his anxiety. He hadn't even told him about the dreams, so not to worry him.
When the other turned around, a smile tugged his lip from betwixt his teeth.

"That... is a possibility. One that we can't ignore. But I feel as though we'd be safer on open waters-- we could see threats coming from a mile away. But here," he started while sitting on the floor at the small table, across from Jiho. "Here, there are four walls that take away our advantage of sight. Now, I don't expect you to make your decision immediately, but will you think about it?" He gave another soft smile before stirring the stew in his ceramic bowl. "Mmm..." He hummed his gratitude and continued to eat, wanting to finish quickly and go to bed. The sooner tomorrow came, the faster they'd be setting sail.

"That was-- without a doubt, the best vegetable stew I've ever had. Thanks, love." He rose with dishes in hand, and set them in the hide-strung basin meant to act as a 'sink.' He was impressed by this primitive technology. Now if only there was an effective way to preserve fruit while on the sea. "Well, I'm going to hit the hay. Work tomorrow." He gave his head a brief jerk and a produced a wink. "Want to join me?"
Woo Jiho 6 years ago
@Wu Yifan (sorry, I know I have been getting late in my replies... I have no excuse. T-T. )

Stirring the stew as it boiled slightly, he glanced over to other room hearing the elder return. Smiling softly to himself as he turned his attention back to the pot; relieved that he had returned alright. He couldn't help but feel a bit of fear when ever he went out, there was no gaurentee that the other pirate wouldn't betray their location or that the poeple who recognized either of them would turn them in to the new power of the country.

Managing to hide his surprise hearing his lover's voice, only to be brought to light at his words. He let the words sink in a bit as he watched Kris's grab a bag from the other room. To sail again? Just the two of them? Is it possible? He did want to leave the country again. To get away from the memories of what was once his home. The land that his family had once ruled. Where he was born and now where his mother lied. But would they truely be free?

"I would lover to... but what of the toher pirate? Are we certain he would not attack again? Would he not bring us back here?" Taking a deep breath, shaking the negative thoughts from his head. He couldn't let his fears take control of him. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound like I dont want to. I really do."
Wu Yifan 6 years ago
@Woo Jiho A smile was permanently plastered on his visage while he trekked home, the people passing him in casual greeting being blatantly ignored. He had other things on his mind. Such as his boyfriend. Gods, he loved Jiho. The scent of his hair, feel of his satin skin, the taste of his kiss just hovered freshly in his mind. He would never forget the time they had, even if it ended for some reason or another. He reached the hut with two bags on his shoulders- one full of wrapped meat and cheese and select vegetables, and the other slightly bulging with a few articles of clothing.

He pushed into the rickety door and set the bags down right inside, aware Jiho would see them without a doubt. He then left once more to utilize the bathhouse nearby. He relished in the steam that cleansed his dust-coated lungs, the hot water that eased his stiff muscles and the fresh scent of lavender that wafted through the air. He felt completely relaxed. After pulling on a set of new clothes he left the stone hut building for his own hut. He released a relieved sigh when Jiho was already inside.

"So," he started in a casual conversation. "Would you be up for sailing again? Just you and me, a two-man ship and the open seas?" A hopeful smile tugged at his lips while he wrapped his arms around Jiho's waist from behind. "Ah... here," he started, pulling away to grab the bag of food. "Let me help prepare dinner."
Woo Jiho 6 years ago
@Wu Yifan "You don't have to," he said softly as he watched the other get up as well. He knew it was difficult trying to save what they could. He didn't want to make things harder, "I know a few ladies that were throwing out a few old things. They may have some things we need."

Freshen up? He had to keep himself from truning his head to a side. He had been home all day, he hadn't gone out, since there wasn't anything he needed to do. Giving a simple shrug, before pausing as an other thought crossed his mind. Not sure if it was something to bring up, but the man had offered to help if they needed. It was a matter of pride... And trust. Jiho wasn't sure he could trust him, nor could he expect Kris to. Not when he was invovled witht everything that had happened. Though he did seem a bit remorseful. But he wasn't going to be the one to make that call. Shaking the thoguth away he continued on.

Calling out to his lover, "there should also be carrots. The old lady down the street had brought them over this mornining after you had left."
Wu Yifan 6 years ago
@Woo Jiho ( Don't worry <3 )

When Jiho mentioned his day's work of patching and mending, Kris decided to prepare supper. He was starving- could totally eat a horse- and he figured his love might have been as well. "I'll go out and get dinner now, before I get too settled and fall asleep." He chuckled and brushed his thumb lazily over the back of the small hand in his own. "I can also look into a few more garments. Like I said, we got a bonus today."

'Twenty bits... we're so close but,' he closed his eyes and sighed with a happy hum while bunting his forehead against Jiho's . 'His comfort is so worth it.' With a strained groan, Kris rose to his feet and leaned against the nearby wall-- not all his weight, of course, or the whole wall may have toppled. "I'll return very shortly. You freshen up, okay? I'll clean up before I cook." He pressed a loving kiss to Jiho's chapped lips and arched a brow as he exited the doorway.

"Hey," he called back while securing the strap on the coin purse, "drink more water, darling. You're dehydrated." He winked quickly and gave a hint of a smirk before speed-walking down the lane. His thoughts wondered and he was vacant while interacting with the merchants. 'After I establish the ship, all that remains are supplies. Planks, cannonballs, rope (and lots of it), emergency tools, medicinal kit, clothing in surplus, and most importantly, provisions.' The list seemed endless, but in truth everything was mostly affordable. Living here had its perks of many different resources.
Woo Jiho 6 years ago
@Wu Yifan (Sorry I thoug t I replied...)

Gently taking back the cup to refill with water, hoping more water would help him cool. Looking to Kris worryingly as he held the cup to him once again, "you have been working hard. I just hope they don't act like they can push you around more than they already do."

"No," he shook his head, smiling softly feeling the hand on his arm. "I was busy trying to mend what I could of our clothes. I'm not sure how much longer they will last us, though. I could try asking around if anyone has ones they won't need anymore."

Stretching a bit before getting to his feet, lightly dusting off his pants when he did. "What shall we have for supper? I think we still have a few potatoes left. "
Wu Yifan 6 years ago
@Woo Jiho Kris was feeling great, all things considered. His nightmares were still severe but at least he was growing accustomed to the constant pain; the manual labor he was putting in now was rewarding though crippling, and he was content making his money this way-- at least for now. "Mmhm," he muttered around the rim of the ceramic cup. "I'm fine- just a little hot. Enough of this and I'll be good to go." He gave a half smile over the edge of the glass and handedit back to his lover.

"We got quite a bonus today," he rejoiced. "Feels like twenty more bits at least." This was good news. More than good. Twenty bits into saving and they could begin reclaiming their lives, just starting with the ship. "Have you eaten yet?" He rubbed Jiho's arm gently while readjusting on the cool earthen floor.
Woo Jiho 6 years ago
@Wu Yifan (And this took me way longer than it was supposed to. Sorry. Also i havs no idea what he could be doing OTL)

Jiho looked up from his patchwork when he had heard the soft knock, the voice announcing whom it was. Placing down what he was working on, he got to his feet and headed out the small room to see the former captain lying on the ground. Carefully, he sat next to him to look him over making sure he was alright. Aside from the physical exhaustion, he seemed alright, but Jiho wasn't a doctor, but he hoped his lover wasn't going to work himself to death. Getting up slightly to grab a jug and a cup from the nearby table, filling the cup part way before returning the hug.

Holding it to the elder, "I hope you didn't overwork yourself. Your face is still flushed with exhaustion."

Moving closer, just in case, the elder needed some support. Using the sleeve of his shirt to wipe away the bit of sweat that remained on Kris's face.
Wu Yifan 6 years ago
@Woo Jiho ( i know this is literally an eternity late, and i wasn't sure about the room, but i hope this is okay )

The sun that glared ruthlessly down on Kris seemed to inch closer and closer; as if the day weren't hot enough, he was hauling feed and hobbling on his bad leg. 'Just a couple more hours,' he internally chided. If he couldn't keep going, there would be no money for him or Jiho. 'To support our lives until we escape this place.' He wiped the persistent sweat form his brow and heaved the sack higher onto his shoulder. Though he was off-balance because of his bum leg, he managed to transport every bag of grain, bean and salt to the carriage. Thirteen men and women (and a child or two) waited patiently in a line for the master to distribute their pay. When he stepped up and held out his aching hands with a ducked head, the sack that fell in his palms was unusually heavy. He didn't comment, didn't look up, just bowed and scurried away to run home. The jog was short but he was winded by the time he rapped on the thin, loosely-hanging door. The hut was small, drafty and hardly private, but it was shelter. And it was enough. He heaved a dramatic sigh before flopping onto the dirt and reveling in the cool Earth. It soothed his burned skin and let his bones settle. "I'm home," he called, just in case the other hadn't heard the knock.


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Lord-Orochi 5 years ago
Wo jiho is leaving then
Zanyzap 5 years ago
Can I have Lee Hyunwoo please~
jokerplayer 5 years ago
Could you please add Seo Joohyun (Seohyun) for me thank
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 5 years ago
Jason and travis are taking their leave.
motomami 5 years ago
I wanna join, but it doesn't seem to active, which is a shame because I love medieval themed rps :(
completion 6 years ago
Bae Jaewook please!
pxssionfruit 6 years ago
Are you guys accepting people for Atlantis?
bamstastic 6 years ago
Could I reserve Lee Chan please
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 6 years ago
Can i get Jason Mamoa
chrysopos 6 years ago
I'll take Sojin back bb
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