♖ farm

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Short room message here

Park Jeongsu 6 years ago
@Yuzuru Hanyu As the other rose, Leeteuk took a moment to actually observe the other, and his attire. "Well, I apologize for startling you." He said in a rather quiet voice. Immediately Leeteuk didn't trust the male that was standing in front of him, but Leeteuk didn't trust anyone upon first meeting. Did the male know of his real identity? Did he know of his plan of getting inside the castle and seeking revenge of his brother? There were a multitude of questions running through his mind, however just becuase he didn't trust someone doesn't mean he wouldn't listen to him.

"For me?" He asked questionably, making his worries float in his head a bit more. Leeteuk let out a soft sigh, wondering if he should even trust the other now, if he brought him to a more private area then there was a chance that the one in front of him wouldn't try and attack him. With those thoughts in mind Leeteuk shook his head, more to himself. He couldn't let the other know of his weariness around him.

"Follow me." He began walking up the trail to his house motioning for the other to come on.
Yuzuru Hanyu 6 years ago
@Park Jeongsu Yuzu was cold, far colder then he wanted to be as the remnants of his misfired spell rained down on him chilling the front of his body while his back seemed to absorb the chill through the dirt under his back. He was slightly winded but overal he felt ok. At least while he wasnt moving, tomorrow he was probably going to have a very sore backside when the time for it came, but right now he was alright. His eyes moved to the other male staring at him for a moment before his brain clicked in and he remembered what he was doing quickly pulling himself up somehow keeping his cloak wrapped around his clothes trying to hide his possible allegiance.

"I'm sorry, I startle easy" He muttered as a very weak excuse for his reaction. It wasnt completely a lie, he most certainly did startle easily and often completely over reacted to things around him. All things that were bound to come out considering he wasnt the best when it came to hiding that skittish nature. He still wasnt sure how he had managed to get himself a job where he was but, alas he did. He brushed the cloak off pointlessly before looking over at Leeteuk once more offering a smile and genuine smile. This was why he had been chosen he was sure, his ability to ease another... it was hard not to trust someone as useless and genuinely sweet as Yuzuru.

"I was looking for you" He answered eyes darting to the sky for a moment as if making sure the weather was still holding up, at least a little longer. He shouldnt need too long to get his message across, to get the 'help' he was sent to receive. "I need your help" He added glancing around the street as if making sure there was no one else as foolish as themselves who could possibly over hear them. "As completely alone as we are right here... could we talk somewhere more secure... I... I'm afraid of being caught, I need your help. Please"
Park Jeongsu 6 years ago
@Yuzuru Hanyu The gusts of wind felt like they were getting stronger each and every moment that he was standing here, and the one in front of him wasn't making him feel anymore at ease. Of course Leeteuk was the one who approached him, but who would just leave a stranger standing on their property as if it was nothing. Leeteuk, knowing that the ones who raised him was inside their home, wasn't going to let anything happen. He didn't trust anyone.

When the other spun around quickly, Leeteuk was unsure of everything that happened as it all happened in a flash, one moment he was standing upright, and then the next he was laying on the ground with dirt all over him. A look of confusion covered Leeteuk's face. Taking a step foward and holding a hand out to offer the other some help up, he cleared his throat. "I guess the appropriate question now would be if you are alright." He asked nonchalantly. He knew that the other wasn't hurt badly by the way he fell and he didn't look like anything was injured, but only a few bruises here and there.

Observing the others facial features Leeteuk was trying to figure out if he had seen the other anywhere before, but he was disappointed to find out that he has not. Hoping that if he recognized the face he would be able to tell where he has seen the person before or tell what he recalls the type of person he was. Leeteuk let out another sigh. "What brings you here in this type of weather?"
Yuzuru Hanyu 6 years ago
@Park Jeongsu Yuzuru hummed to himself more often then he should have. It was a habit, a habit that often got him in trouble, or a swift slap up the backside of his head and a muttered 'shutup'. Today, apparently was different. Yuzuru was more then consciously aware he was humming, he'd been humming in the middle of a meeting for more than an hour now and he could practically see the vein pulsing in everyones head as he started his tune up once again as if there was never an end to the short ditty his own mind had come up with. A while ago now this had become a test, if they allowed this they were sending him somewhere, somewhere not safe. They needed to up to him, to make him think he was needed. He wasnt stupid, he just acted it.

So when attention finally turned to him he stopped his humming looking around at every set of eyes in the room feeling more then a little off put by suddenly being the centre of attention had him shifting in his seat pulling the traditional garb away from his neck slightly. He listened as they spoke, thought about what they wanted him to do, why him he didnt know but he figured he could pull it off. Smile, play nice, and make up some sob story about getting away from the empire... anything he had to do to get through, to get information, to make friends. The hard part had been done for him, they had information, they had a plan, he was just going to be acting in this plot.

So now here he was, not humming, shivering as he stood looking over the farm almost bouncing on his feet trying to find the willpower to enter the confines of the land, to play his part. The temperature had dropped dramatically in the time he spent standing there, the biometric pressure was weighing on him almost as much as the realisation of just how dangerous this job was. If he was caught out, if they found out who he was... it was all over red rover. He wasnt sure how long he stood there, or when he decided to pull the brown cloak tighter around him hiding the brilliant white and gold hidden beneath it, or again when the hood moved up over his deep ebony hair probably making him look like some old beggar or something from behind. Time was passing, the impending storm was getting worse and the power around his was almost prickling his skin, if the food hadnt been in place Yuzu was sure his hair would be starting vertical.

Which made what happened next even better. Over the thoughts in his own mind and the distant rumbles of thunder, probably more that he wasnt paying any attention at all, someone had walked up closer to him and speak. The act itself surely would have startled most people but Yuzuru wasnt most people. The second the first word left the others mouth the young mage spun to face the sound, hands coming around in front of him and then extending as he completed his turn shooting a jet of freezing air forward towards the person and in turn throwing himself completely off balance and backwards falling hard on his backside and then down to his back head thankfully only gently tapping the ground to finish off the fall, freezing air now shooting directly up into the sky for a second before fading into nothingness and leaving a very startled, and now dirty and cold Yuzuru laying on the ground arms outstretched wondering just where he went wrong.
Park Jeongsu 6 years ago
@Yuzuru Hanyu Jeongsu, better known as Leeteuk in these parts, was raised as an orphan on the farm by an old lady and her husband. The original day he was set wearing the rattiest of clothes that a former royal concubine son could find. Having been gone for a couple of days he did feel as if he was starving and needing something to eat, and that's where his new story began. It was almost like he was leading two lives, which he was. Jeongsu the concubine's son and Leeteuk the orphan. Living most of his life on the farm most would think he didn't get much of an education but he received what he could and he learned more life skills than anything, and that would portray him to where he is at now. Luckily his 'mom' and 'dad' didn't recognize him, or his resemblance to the royal family as they lived much to far from the castle to know anything, otherwise he would have been sent back home in a heart beat once word got to the royal guard.

Visiting his home, Leeteuk was roaming the farm. Their was strong gusts of wind, the skies were gray and there was thunder rolling in the deep. A storm was brewing, but Jeongsu seen a few people still out on the road off in the distance, however they seemed careless as if they didn't feel a thing around them. The setting Leeteuk was placed in gave him an eerie feeling. A storm was brewing in not only naturally with the whether but with everything else going on around them. The fall of his original home, the random attacks everywhere. Since then it hasn't been safe for anyone to travel alone at any time of the day. However, there were still people who did it and still there were news of attacks roaming around. Things like this caused Leeteuk to be weary of every person he came across.

Which brought him to where he was at now, standing at the edge of the road, with one person standing next to the road up to his home. Observing the person Leeteuk was immediately set off by it. Where did this person come from and why was he standing at the roadway to his home. Letting out a soft sigh he decided to approach the person. "Do you have business with anyone here, sir?" He asked his voice low, the weather didn't make him anymore comfortable about a stranger coming to his home.


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Lord-Orochi 5 years ago
Wo jiho is leaving then
Zanyzap 5 years ago
Can I have Lee Hyunwoo please~
jokerplayer 5 years ago
Could you please add Seo Joohyun (Seohyun) for me thank
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 5 years ago
Jason and travis are taking their leave.
motomami 5 years ago
I wanna join, but it doesn't seem to active, which is a shame because I love medieval themed rps :(
completion 6 years ago
Bae Jaewook please!
pxssionfruit 6 years ago
Are you guys accepting people for Atlantis?
bamstastic 6 years ago
Could I reserve Lee Chan please
Mama-Gackt-the-Diva 6 years ago
Can i get Jason Mamoa
chrysopos 6 years ago
I'll take Sojin back bb
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