

Krystal [A] 5 years ago
@Qian "Oh" Krystal really shouldn't be surprised, her husband after all had been a man used to his luxuries. He was someone that had grown into a well taken care off family and is not that Krystal had been raised on poverty or somethig but she hadn't reacted so bad when they started having financial problems, she just buckled down and started saving and working as much as she could but it had hit him harder. And she guessed that he believed she had no interest on women so he had nothing to fear on that.

Stupid man. How can anyone see Victoria and not want her? Woman or man? There was an irresistible allure on the woman that Krystal found incredibly hard to resist and as she laid a hand on her knee and moved it up, she suddenly wished it would just stop on her hand, that she could feel more of her touch. She could if only she signed the papers she was offering. There was no real downside on this deal, her husband would get the money and Qian would have her for the period of a month and Krystal.. Krystal could definitely enjoy herself on this. The only thing she probably had to worry about was getting too attached. But she doubted she could, Qian was all about the and life's pleasures and she doubted feelings would spring from them.

"I've.. I've never been with a woman. I just.. I just don't want you to have any expectation or, uhm, hope that I'm experimented on this" she scrunched her nose a little at her lack of clear expression and then sighed "I agree to the deal" she finally said, hand tightening for a moment on the pen on her hand before she quickly scrawled her signature on the bottom of the paper, feeling both anxiety and anticipation curl on her belly.
Qian [A] 5 years ago
@Krystal []Sorry it took me so long! It's been a long week!

She nodded to the girl as she mentioned that Krystal was alright. Qian's eyes on her ever move, those perfect lips on the glass as she sipped her wine. Her curious look made the woman chuckle. "I did offer it as I am not hurting for money. Not one bit" Qian let the girl fumble through her words, thinking on how nervous she sounded. "I--...." She trailed off on her answer as Krystal suddenly asked if he agreed to it.

Part of Victoria wanted to lie, but she wasn't that type of businesswoman. She looked to Krystal with a shake of the head. "He agreed to it, but only if you say yes. God if you had seen his eyes, he picked up the pen and almost scribbled his name on paper. But I guess he still has some shred of decency." She sighed, taking a paper and placing the contract in front of Krystal. One week companionship and everything it entailed. "His part is signed the moment you sign yours"

Dark eyes were on the young woman as a hand lifted a glass of wine to sip, taking a moment before speaking. "I choose you, because you are beautiful. I choose you, because I could see you coming here to help your no good husband and how all it could take right now to sign these papers without you, is one more soft push from me." She stood, walking towards Krystal, kneeling in front of the woman, her hand on her knee and her eyes piercing the others. "I choose you, because I'm dying to taste your lips....." Victoria's hands moved up the womans thigh softly. "And I could teach you a world of pleasure and luxury you deserve" As her hand went up, it simply found Krystal's and she placed a pen in it. "Sign it and all your troubles will go away"
Krystal [A] 5 years ago
@Qian [] Yes we can~ let's hope cause I hate when that happens, it totally blocks me XD it totally screams rich af seriously XD

"I think Krystal is just fine" replied the girl while taking the glass offered to her, she wasn't one to drink much wine but she wasn't going to decline it either, specially if the woman, Victoria, was being so kind about it. She took a small sip of it as she listened to her talking and she frowned a little when she mentioned their financial problems, she wasn't sure how it was that her husband had just simply opened up and told her that but she was much more curious about what her point was. "Really? You offered something for the bankrupcy?" she couldn't help but feel incredulous.

When she told her what the offer had been though. Krystal was shocked. She couldn't move for a second, she had this weird want to laugh on her face because that just couldn't be, could it? People didn't do this kind of offers in real life but.. looking at Victoria... Krystal had never wanted to laugh less. She was serious, she could tell, the woman was truly saying that she had offered her husband a way to pay all their debts if only Krystal accepts to spent a week with her. And is quite obvious said that what Victoria wants is . Gulping on the wine, suddenly feeling the need to drink something, Krystal cleared before speaking "I just... I don't understand why would you offer that. Why... me? I'm just a girl. A married one. You could have anyone else. I- I've never been with a woman" she didn't say she wasn't attracted cause she was pretty sure one needed to be dead to not want Victoria, girl or not.

"Did he agreed to it?" she asked, suddenly worried that her husband had already accepted on her behalf, he was a kind man but he was buried in debt, they were getting desesperate but he didn't think he would sell her, would he? Not without asking, at least.
Qian [A] 5 years ago
@Krystal []I'm sorry! But now we can keep going xD Hopefully it doesn't happen again! OTL Also, I thought it was. I looked for something that didn't look like a home but was rich af xD

Dark eyes were on Krystal as she moved to sit, listening to her words and smiling to herself. "Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Jung?" She furrowed her eyebrows, as if she had just eaten something that didn't quite taste right. "No, no. I think I'd like to call you Soojung or Krystal. I'll let you decide. You can call me Victoria if you desire" She took up her glass of wine after pouring one for the other woman, handing her the glass.

"There is no problem and you aren't being rude. It's good that you're direct and ask the right questions" She smiled, eyes looking to her figure and the way her pants hugged her body. "You see, I wanted to strike a deal with him. He has told my lawyers that he is here to try and come back from bankruptcy, right?" She said, smiling at Soojung. "The both of you. Well, I came up with a way to help him get what he desires" She had all the right paperwork, legal here in vegas after all.

"I told him I needed one thing from him. His approval to allow me to spend a week with you" She eyed Krystal. "You see, you've caught my eye....It's very rare for someone to do that. Sadly you are married and I can't dive into full pursuit of you, not without your husbands consent as to not later have him come after me and of course....More importantly and why I asked you here." She held up her glass as if to toast. "Your consent to spending a fiery night of passion with me, here in my penthouse, followed by a week of your much desired company" She grinned. "What do you think, Krystal? Say yes and after a magical week with me, you can choose to return to your life with your husband, debt free." She drank from her wine, eyes still on the other.
Krystal [A] 5 years ago
@Qian [] believe me, I was very close to tears lol the penthouse is so pretty <3

Krystal tried not to feel intimidated by the hugeness of the place, it seemed more like a saloon than a penthouse, the luxury of it was decadent and obvious, she couldn't feel more out of place with her jeans and flowery shirt but she didn't show it on her face, instead she focused on the woman before her. She was even more beautiful upclose, she was so elegant and ethereal... A beauty like that must be dangerous. She approached her and grasped her hand for what she thought would be a handshake yet ended up shocked when she kissed the top of her hand, much like a guy would have done but it didn't fully felt out place either. She looked as the type that could break any social rules without thinking twice.

"He is?" she was startled, where they in trouble? Had something happened between her husband and this woman that required lawyers? "I am" she replied and blinked to her introduction, wondering what exactly should she call her and at the end decided to just call her Miss "It's nice to meet you, Miss Song. I am Jung Soo-jung but people call me Krystal" she introduced herself, sitting besides her and crossing her legs out of nervousness "I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude but what exactly am I here for? Was there a problem between my husband and you?" she was worried about it.
Qian [A] 5 years ago
@Krystal [Oh no! That sounds no bueno. I would have cried xD I hate when that happens. But It's okay, I'm super patient! And this is great! Also, here is the penthouse for Qian]

Dark eyes on dark wine, as Qian swirled the glass with decadent contents. Her thoughts going back to the young woman at the poker tables. She had been accompanied by her husband it seemed and it just made the older woman enjoy it so much more, when the other locked gazes with her for a bit longer than she should have. "It's been a while...." She whispered to herself, before sipping the wine. It had really been a while since someone had caught her attention like the young woman that was now knocking on her door.

She placed her glass on a small side table while sitting in a chair with large windows in the back, displaying the city and all it's greatness, making a hand gesture for her assistant to go open the door and greet Krystal inside. "Come in. Don't mind him too much, he's a quiet one." She beckoned Krystal to come closer, standing and holding out a hand as if to give it a firm shake, but instead looking to give it a kiss. "You came alone as I asked. Your husband is currently speaking with my lawyers after all" She smiled, motioning for Krystal to sit. "Are you curious to why I called you here? Ah, where's my manners. My name is Song Qian. But the people I like call me Victoria." She sat, waiting for the other's formal introduction.
Krystal [A] 5 years ago
@Qian Krystal wasn't entire sure what she was doing here right now. And she meant here as in this elevator, going all the way to the penthouse because she has been invited by the resident of it. She didn't even know this woman except for the fact that she was very rich, and that she had seen her down by the poker tables. It had been only a glimpse but Krystal had to admit she had been interested on the woman, she was so beautiful, poised and radiated so much confidence and power that she had stared for a few more seconds that was polite but she didn't think that was a big problem right? Unless the woman thought her rude or something. Suddenly a bit nervous, she did her best to not fidget as she finally reached the penthouse and swallowed down any nervousness before knocking on the door, waiting to see the woman.

[} sorry for my late start but my orginal go was erased when I accidentally closed the page and lost my inspo TT


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