Room 18 (Hyunmin)

Hyunmin's Room

^Renjun^ 5 years ago
@!Hyunmin! Mhm. Well, it was more of me asking you anyways. But now that I know this, I'll bring it up another day.
[post deleted by owner]
!Hyunmin! 5 years ago
@^Renjun^ Kinda was but it's fine as i was uncertain myself anyway babe
^Renjun^ 5 years ago
@!Hyunmin! Feels like I was leading you on a bit..
!Hyunmin! 5 years ago
@^Renjun^ Why are are you apologizing
/laughs softly
^Renjun^ 5 years ago
@!Hyunmin! Hmm...well..honestly, I don't even know why I asked it considering I am not in the mood now.
/laughs softly and rubs the back of my neck.
Sorry, babe.
!Hyunmin! 5 years ago
@^Renjun^ Uh..yeah sure
/nods slowly
^Renjun^ 5 years ago
@!Hyunmin! Well, that's just who I am.
/shrugs a bit and walks over to the bed, sitting down slowly.
Do you want it?
!Hyunmin! 5 years ago
@^Renjun^ And that's the renjun i know and love
/clears my throat
If you want
^Renjun^ 5 years ago
@!Hyunmin! Yeah, kids are douchebags at times..but eh, not like I really care about what they said. I just kept on doing whatever the hell I wanted to.
/watches you and nods slowly as well.
!Hyunmin! 5 years ago
@^Renjun^ Ah..little for kids huh but I'm glad nothing BAD happened to you as a kid
/nods slowly
^Renjun^ 5 years ago
@!Hyunmin! It went..alright. I avoided me a bit afterwards..but I didn't mind it anyways. I liked the peace and quiet. met a boy and apparently he liked guys too..and we hit it off. We never did anything but we held hands often and we were inseparable. I wonder what became of him.
/furrows my eyebrows a bit before looking at you.
Sure, but do YOU want it?
!Hyunmin! 5 years ago
@^Renjun^'d that go for you?. Ah yeah i did uhm
Y-you can i-if you want....
^Renjun^ 5 years ago
@!Hyunmin! Well. Hmm..yeah. I knew I was gay at a pretty young age. Even before I was sold as a slave. did things. You ed yourself with toys and found out you enjoyed yourself? Do you..would you want me to top you?
!Hyunmin! 5 years ago
@^Renjun^ Because you i assume always knew you were this way and you knew what you wanted...and uh no one topped me i just...did things
^Renjun^ 5 years ago
@!Hyunmin! There's your answer then. You didn't turn out to be some "bottom ". Nothing wrong with bottoming, by the way..just look at me.
Anyways..who topped you? Thought you were completely straight..well, before we got together.
!Hyunmin! 5 years ago
@^Renjun^ It was no I'm not
/shakes my head
^Renjun^ 5 years ago
@!Hyunmin! Well, are you?
/slips off my shoes as well.
!Hyunmin! 5 years ago
@^Renjun^ What about? Me turning out to be some bottom ?
/grumbles as i slip off my shoes before walkjng towards my bed to face plant on it
^Renjun^ 5 years ago
@!Hyunmin! /walks in here slowly and turns to you.
So. Talk to me?
$Jisung$ 5 years ago
@!Hyunmin! /roll comfortably under the blanket and close my eyes again/
I will.. /yawn and sleep right away/
!Hyunmin! 5 years ago
@$Jisung$ /waddles over towards my bed to gently place you on it before covering you
Sleep well
$Jisung$ 5 years ago
@!Hyunmin! Maybe yes. /nod my head and yawn again/
!Hyunmin! 5 years ago
@$Jisung$ Sung-ah uh wanna nap in my room for abit?/says as i walk into the door after pushing it open with my foot
^Renjun^ 6 years ago
/walks into the room slowly and takes off my shoes before laying down on the bed immediately.
Ahh, nice and warm..
^Renjun^ 6 years ago
/looks at you on the floor and lets out a laugh.
That's what you get for teasing me.
/chuckles and takes off my shirt as well as my pants
!Hyunmin! 6 years ago
@^Renjun^ It's just you cause it's blazing hot in here
/laughs softly rolling away from you which ultimately ends me up on the floor
^Renjun^ 6 years ago
@!Hyunmin! /chuckles and hums softly.
It's warm here, or is it just me..
!Hyunmin! 6 years ago
@^Renjun^ My chihuahua
/gently rubs my nose against your own
^Renjun^ 6 years ago
@!Hyunmin! /opens my eyes again and smiles at you, pressing my nose against yours softly.
i love you too, giant. my giant.


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chanseowoon 4 years ago
is this still open?
1034f9bc6f47d3d16b36 5 years ago
Hey! ^^ Would I be able to get my Hyojong back ;u;?
peterdunwannagrow 5 years ago
/peek over and chuckle/
1034f9bc6f47d3d16b36 5 years ago
Hyojong will be leaving for now~
Sugabaerry 5 years ago
A&R BTS's Yoongi please
SweetSinner 5 years ago
I think Joshua has to leave. I've been too preoccupied with school and I'm in a too horrible mindset to be rping. I'll probably be back someday and will hopefully, actually be active at that point. Good luck and best wishes to everyone!
c8e2124c65284fb623b4 5 years ago
Could you add Kim Taehyung please? c:
xStormx 5 years ago
I would like to Jungkook as a customer, please
peterdunwannagrow 5 years ago
Jisung will finally taking his leave. Many things happened and I'm just losing my muse. I did enjoy while the fun lasted, though.
Pressdeletus 5 years ago
Christian yu please
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