Chris Heria 3 years ago
@Ashley Vee Yeah No, there isn’t anyone with me, not since yknow “ he said his last few words softly, being reminded of the past isn’t something he wanted to bring up upon but he didn’t wanna lie to her either, sure he go on dates set up by his friends but none have came close compare to the lady before him so he didn’t bother pursuing in the first place. Time to time his dark orbs exchange gaze with the latter with hidden msgs just sending across. The words his lips fail to mention, words of miss, wants, needs, apologies. “ yeah well not everything apparently” his voice trailed gloomy as his eyes then trailed to her before looking the other way, showing the wine to her with a smile wanting to light up the air around them. Pouring the both of them, he then chuckled as she got stuttered “ here drink some “ he said with a teasing tone “ I’m just being honest, I mean you do look good, like really good “ he added and nodded as she check her whole body out
Ashley Vee [A] 3 years ago
@Chris Heria "Lonely? Why? No special one to share this place with?" She asked, trying with a nonchalant tone, yet she knew she was torturing herself with such questions. She wasn't sure she wanted to hear the answer to that, to know that there is someone sharing his house and his life. After handing the jacket she walked with him, her eyes taking in the place, but more, they were taking him in, watching him, how much he had changed in the years, how much more manly he became, how much more masculine he became.
"Well, I hope you got exactly what you wanted with the house I mean..." Watching his capable hands grabbing the glasses and the bottle, she was about to offer her help, but it took only a second to see he was more than able to get them all. So when they finally were seating down, she was already wondering what they should talk about, something that shouldn't remind them about the past, something light and not too personal as well, but then he complimented her looks, and she felt the air got stock on her lungs for long seconds. "I...I have been fine... doing pretty well at work, and life generally..." gathering a hair lock behind her ear, she tried with another smile she continued, "thank you, I mean for the compliment."
Chris Heria 4 years ago
@Ashley Vee She looked good, mighty fine to be exact, yet he didn’t wanna just come out with compliments, they know each other more then just looks, they practically know the soul that’s deep within one another. Less words and more actions, he got her to his place, not to brag, but simply to get a spot where they would have no distractions, no noises other then their own heart, and the place is just another layer to show his sacrifice that he achieved.
He knew she would be shock, heck, even he himself is still trying to grasp in the reality, how much sweat blood and tears that he had to suffer just to get where he is today. Yet all the accomplishments in the world would mean nothing if the one he thinks highly off is hurting and broken just as much as he is.
Chuckling at her words he shook his head “ well it’s all yours to explore, I mean it does get lonely in such a place I have to admit “ he says it softly as he took the jacket from her and gave a side smile before walking both of them to the kitchen to grab them a bottle of wine “ I’ve only been here a month, well I wanted the placed to be exactly how it is so yea which is why I only settled down not too long ago “ he reaches for the cupboard and grabbed the bottle and two glasses before walking them back to the living room and went for the switch to turn the fireplace on while he sat them down on the fur carpet with the small table just to the side for their beverage “ what about you, how have you been? And I must say you look good Ash “ he smiled with his eyes before pouring them both a glass
Ashley Vee [A] 4 years ago
@Chris Heria Stopping by the bike, and being handed the helmet, Ashley looked at it, then her eyes flicked to the male, then down to her own dress. With a dress, she wasn't sure it was a good idea to ride on a bike, but he didn't seem to mind and was already helping her strapping it on. She smiled, shrugged her worries, and let him help her straddle the bike. and holding into him tightly, before he went off, heading toward his place.
When they arrived there, she couldn't help but notice, how his place looked much better than his comment made her think. She had thought he was living in a two bedrooms apartment or something like that, instead, he was living a huge house with electric gate, a garden, and god knows what else. She was happy for him, at least he was doing good for himself, him leaving the country and doing what he liked paid him well, and he was well off.
At that thought, other thoughts started bothering her, but instead, she shook them off, and smiled at him, answering his question: "No shabby at all, I haven't seen anything other than the gates and the garden, but I can already tell it is a pretty place, how long have you been living here?" She asked, starting a conversation with him, and having her mind concentrating on something else, while they together walked inside and into his living room. She took his jacked off, and with a smile of gratitude handed it back to him, her eyes taking in her surrounding.

((so sorry for the wait, I just wasn't feeling well, lately))
Chris Heria 4 years ago
@Ashley Vee Years had gone by, people change, so did their perspective on life itself. Coming to the states was the best thing he did. It broaden his horizon and although regrets were there, lessons were learn from too. He got to see the world from a different angle and heck, he even made a living. Successfully even. Got a house up on the hills, four bed rooms and a gym of his own for private lessons and sauna to rest his muscles, a pool and a hot tub, garage and a garden spot to release his tension from the world and relax, he is doing fine. Yet success don’t come with one thing he wanted most. Which is love. Or rather someone to share the success with. Honestly his cousin couldn’t have come in the most perfect timing. To witness what his choice had gotten him.
Watching her smile. He couldn’t help but to smile himself. It was all too familiar and he missed her if he was being honest, that silly smile and that sound of her voice that he could listen to all day. It was soothing to his hurtful lonely soul.
“ sure but you’ll have to wear this “ be stop by his bike and gently made her wear his helmet before helping her up on his classic sportster and ride off to his place.
The gate open automatically on his click and then they went in.
“ well this is the place, not too shabby huh “ he chuckled and park the bike before gently letting her back down to get a grasp of his hard work as they walk to the door and dials the code in to let the both of them in his humble home
Ashley Vee [A] 4 years ago
@Chris Heria Blinking her eyes, Ashley, watched the man she had pinned over for years, being the optimum of a gentleman, protecting her from the cold, using his jacket on her, while suggesting things for her. Not demanding them. How had she dreamed of that in the past, how she dreamed he would be like that with her, treat her as more than the best friend or the annoying cousin. But maybe he was doing in that now because she was only there for work because he knew she would leave in days. Or maybe because he pitted her?
She hoped it wasn't the latter. Smiling she nodded her head while using her free hand to hold to the jacket so it won't fall off of her. "Your place sounds like a good idea, lead the way please," she offered a small smile letting him lead her to his place, wondering how and where he lived.
Chris Heria 4 years ago
@Ashley Vee Being pulled out of the bar, he quickly grabbed his jacket that was sitting nicely on the stool he was in and followed her out into the cool air of the city. Quite and peaceful place with winter breeze just creeping between them. It wasn’t too cold to a point they would freeze but it’s nice for a walk, to air out every thoughts one had. He had to admit it was shocking having her hold his hand but somehow it felt right. They fitted perfectly. Taking the opportunity he never thought he had, he didn’t wanna comment on it further but to just live the moment, the past behind them and just see where it goes.
“ well not as much as you think, you know me and work” he said with a chuckle, almost devastated that he didn’t know much even though he had been in the states for years now. “ well I do have a pretty good bottle of wine back home and it’s pretty quite there, I mean it’s not that far too” he said while he stop their tracks and his hand with the jacket slowly and gently puts the fabric over her. Protecting her from the cold air
Ashley Vee [A] 4 years ago
@Chris Heria Nodding her head, it was like an impulsive gesture, as if her hand had a mind of its own, she grabbed his hand in hers and then started moving them away, away from her co-workers, away from the bar heavy with people and away from the loud noises. Walking with him out of the bar, she kept telling herself to not overdo it, to keep being casual, to ask him about his life, to have the smile on her lips all the time, even to lie and tell him about the imaginary boyfriend she had back home. She could tell him about many things, but one thing she wasn't going to mention, the past, how they lost touch with each other.
Once out in the cool evening night, she turned her head to look at him, and said, while her hand still in his and walking with him down the road. "You know this city better than me, why don't you take me somewhere quiet and nice? A glass of wine would be great."
Chris Heria 4 years ago
@Ashley Vee () it’s okay really haha

His pupils are dilated, shows just how much he had feelings for her. Forbidden ones but he didn’t want to betray his family, as much as his dreams already shattered their perspective of him to be with his relative would only severe any ties he had with them. Fast forward after making such a huge sacrifice for his blood, they still cast him away and made him a stranger, nothing but just a name to remind him of his heritage and where he came from. Everything is here right in-front of him. Every regret, every bad decision, every joy and happiness, every sadness and disappointments, every haunts of dreams that he be getting at night where he calls for her. His everything. Tilting his head to the side to see where she’s looking he then nodded “ I mean we could do it here, but yeah we could go someplace else, as long as you’re there, I’m there Ash “ he sighed a soft regret for confessing such a notion at this moment knowing the irony in all of it. His eyes shaky slowly traces back up to her like a lost pup
Ashley Vee [A] 4 years ago
@Chris Heria ((, I totally forgot to reply to that))

Ashley's eyes moved up and down the male's body, trying to take her fill in, not sure when she ever would see him again when she would get the chance to stand next to him again. Yes she did feel rejected, though that didn't change what was inside her. Even when she went, days and months convincing herself that she didn't care about him anymore, she didn't want him anymore, that she was crushing on other people, all those thoughts weren't there now to convince her, or to make her refuse his offer to drink with him. With a small nod of her head she confirmed her agreement, "sure, I have time time to grab a drink, here at the bar?". She asked, casting a glance at the table where her co-workers were sitting, and saw there were busy and not paying her any attention, then she turned to face him again, forcing herself to pain a small smile on her face, not letting out any of the havoc going inside of her.
Chris Heria 4 years ago
@Ashley Vee He couldn’t believed his eyes. Is this what it feels? To have his heart ripped in two and toss in the fire. He was pretty sure the aching burning feeling in his chest isn’t just the alcohol making way into his heart as it pumps out more blood throughout the body. “ I.. I’m sorry, I mean you’re here, grab a drink with me ? It would be great to catch up no? “ he cocked a brow up and threw the word gently towards her direction “ I mean unless you got plans to go to and be with your company I’ll just be heading home “ he nodded a little while pursing his lips. He would totally understand if she would slap him and abandon his then and there but he had to give it a try.
Ashley Vee [A] 4 years ago
@Chris Heria Hearing the male's deep voice after so many years, made the female flinch a bit, and to add salt to injury, he went and pinched her cheek as if she was still that little girl he was teasing, forgetting all about there last discussion how he rejected her and how she felt humiliated when he left only a few days later. She nodded her head at his question not sure how to respond to his mood and reaction. She certainly was awkward and still trying to act like there is nothing to be embarrassed or awkward about. "Hi, Chris, yes, I'm here...I mean it is a business trip." Her voice low and her eyes darted everywhere but him, she was wondering whatever it would be rude to leave right away, or if she had to make more small talk.

((sorry short reply, on my phone -.- ))
Chris Heria 4 years ago
@Ashley Vee His past was catching up to him. Is this karma? For breaking that one person’s heart? Is this the universe playing tricks on him? Is this his sins towards his family about having tattoos and following the culture of the states, that defiance, that shame he cast upon his family for choosing his dream and passion? Seems like everything is going south. After releasing the pressure knot from his belly to the end of the urinal drain, he washed his hands and fixed himself up a little and walked out of the gents. The tele was showing his favourite sport team and his eyes were fixated on the screen as he backtracked his steps to his seat. Muttering and cheering he kept on moving backwards till he bumped into something or someone “ oh , I’m sorr~ “ his words were cut off and his eyes widen. Shock and it’s like time stood still as his heart race from 0 to 100 in mere milliseconds. “ I.. Ash?” He blinked in disbelief as he frowned up his brows and his hand naturally moved up to pinched her cheek like he would always do before to but this time it was more to check if she was real and if he wasn’t drunk that he’s seeing ghosts. The other free hand gave himself a gentle slap before he found that he wasn’t sleeping or dreaming that he let go of her completely. “ you’re , you’re here “ he whispered the last bit underneath his breathe
Ashley Vee [A] 4 years ago
@Chris Heria The female felt someone watching her, but who? Everyone she already knew was sitting next to her at the tak left. Who else would be watching her? She casually turned her head around as if looking at the place, instead she was observing and trying to see what was causing the small hairs in the back of her nape to stand on their ends.
Then her eyes land on the male walking past through the gathered people, a man she knew very well, and a man who is not to be mistaken by someone else. Her body got more and more tense, and suddenly she was standing there, not knowing what to do, if she wants to follow him, or if she want to leave or if she want to hide. She still remembered her humiliation, the pain, and the depression she went through, she still have a problem with committing to anyone because of him, yet her heart seemed to not know that, because it certainly skipped a couple of beats.
Knowing she wasn’t up for greeting and fake smiles and pleasantries, she got up and offered an apologetic smile to her friends. “I’m sorry, I really need to head back now, maybe I can invite you all out tomorrow instead?” She offered and everyone started complaining but at her promise they let her off easily. Gathering her purse and coat she got herself ready to leave, and rushed off, only to stumble into someone’s back. Lifting her head to offer yet another apology when the words died on her lips.
Chris Heria 4 years ago
@Ashley Vee The idea of no regrets, do what you want and live life to the fullest. That was one of Chris’s main goal. But regret. It’s such a vile word. It comes to bite one in the as when they least expected it. Today for an instance was one of those days. How work had made him his biggest enemy. Coming to the states he broke another’s heart. One that he truly cared for. Course if he had confess the same years ago he wouldn’t been here and his family would have kill him for the decision and ironically they left him astray when he got here. Some circle of life or the universe just playing tricks on him. Coming to the bar, he had his present regret. Being cheated by his girlfriend. Chris decided to drown his sorrows and his best bud was suppose to be here but with a last min cancellation and a few drinks in, he didn’t bother leaving. Sighing he sat by the bar, ordering one after the other like he’s on a spending spree. “ hey dude, pour me another glass, I’m gonna take a leak “ he told the bartender before leaving a tip to take care of his spot and went on to the rest room. Hearing the laughter and giggles in the background he tilted his head to catch a glimpse and blinked as he saw somewhat a familiar face before he shook his head “ I must be seeing things, I’m face I guess” or was he ? After all he had a high tolerance for alcohol and seeing a ghost from his past here in the states and in the bar of all places after a breakup seems highly unlikely
Ashley Vee [A] 4 years ago
@Chris Heria ((forgot to tag))
Ashley Vee [A] 4 years ago
Ashley shook her head, a small smile on her lips while she walked into the bar with her colleagues, they had been nagging her to join them in a night out since they had arrived a few days ago. She had always refused to prefer to stay in her hotel room with a book and just enjoy being alone. Though tonight she couldn't brush them off even though she tried. They took their seats in a booth close to the bar counter and started making their orders, and the female already knew she would only have one or max two drinks, as she didn't want a raging hangover the next day at her meetings. She was glancing around, and for a second her eyes fixed on someone's back, thinking she knows that person, but before she could confirm that, her drink arrived, and her co-workers started engaging her in conversation, making her brush the idea off of her mind, and just enjoy her time.


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