⁂ starsnatch cliff

starsnatch cliff
the beach by starsnatch cliff, the place where you first arrive as you start the journey. treat this as the ic room.
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
wandering about with a book in hand, I settle on the grass with a soft hum of tune
❈ 〉kazuha 2 years ago
/having taken a few days since the last visit to the cliffs, comes to settle on a smooth rock to see if anyone would appear today.
❈ 〉zhongli 2 years ago
wandering upon the paths, he held his arms behind his back. listening to the sounds of the birds and the earth underneath.
❈ 〉qiqi 2 years ago
No coconut? Ok =goes back to sipping on it = thank you, but that is great news... anything interesting going on in your book?
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
raises a brow as you hand me the coconut, holding it for a moment before setting it in your lap instead
it looks yummy. you should finish it up since it’s your favorite
I did rest well too~ just finishing up a book
❈ 〉qiqi 2 years ago
Hands you the coconut = it was good, really good, adding on to some cocomilk..I think I have more energy then usual , how about you , did you do well ?
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
blinks in surprise before offering a gentle smile
hello there Qiqi. how was your rest?
tilts my head and shuts my book, setting it in my lap
❈ 〉qiqi 2 years ago
Just sits in silent , next to xingqiu and sips on a giant coconut with a straw= hello again mister
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
stretches my arms before sitting on the grass with my legs crisscrossed, pulling out a book to read silently
❈ 〉hu tao 2 years ago
nods before making sure not to leave anything behind except qiqi's little bag and put it on her back as if she carried snd knock out to sleep
ah yes, should we get something to get our energy too? ah, kazuha! come along too
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
I suppose you’re right.
loosely crosses my arms along my chest with a long exhale, watching Qiqi for a moment before looking at you again
we’ll need to stop by shops to pick up food. we’re going to need the energy for the travel.
❈ 〉hu tao 2 years ago
shake my head while carrying qiqi and did a little bouncing once the moment she fall asleep, waves my free hand to xingqiu
eeyy i have a little ghost to help and my little power to overthrow them so thats okay, once qiqi is asleep she wont feel or hear anything so its be safer
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
stands up from my seat to stretch out my legs, adjusting my hair since the breeze had made a mess of it a moment ago
we should check it out later once Qiqi is rested. it’ll be difficult to fight if your hands are full if we do end up running into them.
❈ 〉qiqi 2 years ago
That’s good news , I hope no more burying qiqi from now on =holds Tao like a baby does to a mother , gets comfy and yawns= but qiqi feels content around Tao as equally as she is wanting to flee =yawns once more before finally crashing out
❈ 〉hu tao 2 years ago
east from the habour? count me in! and aw, not tonight qiqi, just you lucky
pick up qiqi like a little baby before keeping the little ghostie inside the little pouch of mine to keep, rub her little head before skillfully carry her in one arm
i guess how about all of us head over to check it out
❈ 〉qiqi 2 years ago
Thank you but yes ... qiqi thinks they went east and where suspicious , but if she is right she gets
More cocogoat coconut milk =yawns before stretching and relaxes again
❈ 〉qiqi 2 years ago
Oh likes me more then I like it , but but ! Oh alright , play more but qiqi is still a kid ... even her energy runs out at times =carries the ghost back to Tao and lies down next to her= I know Tao likes to bury me but for now I’m all hers for now =yawns and closes my eyes , using the ghost as a make shift bed= ghosty we play later , qiqi needs to get more energy
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
you’re a sweetheart, Qiqi.
sighs and looks over at hu tao again, raising a brow and turning to Qiqi again
east from the harbor, you say? I guess I’ll hunt them down later.. sometimes I wonder what Scaramouche is up to around here.
❈ 〉hu tao 2 years ago
nice to meet you too kazuha– maybe for both xingqiu? who knows and oh, qiqi! seems the little ghostie like you more, but hey they wont bury you but just little bit play would be nice
laugh as i relax my arms to the side before signaling the little ghost down but only to see it little sulking expression before shaking my head
❈ 〉qiqi 2 years ago
For the sake , qiqi thinks lizard more then her, anywho no damage can be made unless qiqis seal is removed from her hat ... =ponders on the thought = qiqi canKt remember but she did see some suspicious people head east fromm the harbour
❈ 〉qiqi 2 years ago
Runs waist deep into the water again and splashes the ghost, playfully with the water= qiqi did not know what to expect.but ghosty is nice , its like a marshmallow =gently bites hu taos ghost and cuddles it= I might not be happy but I understand why she wants to bury me, but its all fun and games.. taotao is nice
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
I don’t know whether I should feel bad for the lizard or to feel bad for Qiqi.
snickers briefly before exhaling in content, watching as the other two greet each other.
so about the fatui and abyss order, have y’all ran into them lately?
❈ 〉kazuha 2 years ago
/nodding in greeting to the third figure to approach and offering them a light smile, watching with amused eyes at the lizard throwing antics going on, before addressing the newcomer
hello, it’s nice to see you.
❈ 〉hu tao 2 years ago
i see i see, hello there kazuha!
cross my arms while watching my little one still chasing qiqi down before turning to kazuha with a little nod and bow, give a little pats on top of xingqiu's head afterwards
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
laughs in amusement as I watch qiqi and the ghost, looking over at hu tao
we’re doing great. I’m just hanging out with kazuha here.
gestures over to the male near me.
❈ 〉qiqi 2 years ago
Oh no , I might be dead but I refuse to be buried =continues to run and throws a lizard at hu taos ghost before running around again= qiqi does not want to be buried
❈ 〉hu tao 2 years ago
xingqui! qiqi!
waving from the far with an arm hiding at the back to release my little ghost to chase qiqi playfully while approaching closer to you guys
seems to be a nice day now, hows everyone doing
❈ 〉qiqi 2 years ago
Happily shakes the mans hand = nice to meet you qiqi is qiqi... i will more then likely forget but thats ok i recognise your look kazuha =turns my head to look at xingqiu= lizard... delcious =changes direction and runs from the water , straight towards the rocks
❈ 〉qiqi 2 years ago
Loks at hu tao and goes wide eyed before T posing and runs away
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
hu tao! what a pleasant surprise.
greets as I see another figure join us on the beach, settling on the edge of the rock again
qiqi, you should try catching lizards as well. I’ve seen them crawl around.


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guerrilla [A] 2 years ago
⸢ checked and updated! ⸥
ponyonyo 2 years ago
Klee has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle!
naofumi 2 years ago
ningguang has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle!
cappuccino 2 years ago
lumine has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle.
ashflower 2 years ago
zhongji has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle.
9fa2f375d457a5c1887e 2 years ago
ayaka has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle.
babydiino 2 years ago
Beidou has arrived in Teyvat and is ready for battle
TheHermit 2 years ago
Kazuha has arrived in Teyvat and is ready for battle
puddin 2 years ago
sucrose has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle
16553d00c219bb9ad0bd 2 years ago
adeptus xiao has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle
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