❛ jueyun karst

jueyun karst
Dizzying peaks that sit shrouded in mist and clouds in the northwest of Liyue. The area hides many stunning views, but owing to tracks found on the complex paths leading up the peaks.
❈ 〉lumine 2 years ago
@❈ 〉xingqiu (/still feels apologetic for misgendering you and I listen as you tell me that you are from Liyue and was out here exploring while reading a book) Oh, you're from Liyue I always stop by there whenever I get the chance I love the people and food I've met a few interesting people too so Xingqiu what do you do in Liyue? are you a merchant or scholar of some sort? (/blinks at you as I await your response)
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
@❈ 〉lumine laughs a little as I see how embarrassed you are, waving my hand dismissively when you begin to apologize
don’t worry about it, miss. it happens a lot, it’s just a minor mistake
snickers as I shake your hand in greeting
it’s a pleasure to meet you, Lumine. I’m from Liyue- I’m just out here exploring while reading my book. and I saw you needed assistance
❈ 〉ayaka 2 years ago
@❈ 〉xiao ayaka wasnt sure how she ended up in this place, all she knew was that she was walking around trying to see the beauty of the liyue, a land far from her home. her jaw was slacked as her head looked up to see the high peaks of numerous mountains, it's top almost impossible to see with the due to the clouds surrounding it.

her distraction and amazement of the place also lead her right into a mob of hilichurls, mitachurls, and abyss mages. ayaka was quick to draw out her sword and dash right through the enemies, killing half of them in a short amount of time; a pyro abyss mage however, managed to slip past her sight and hit her by the arm, dealing her a large amount of pain.

with her weakened state and the seemingly neverending amount of monsters, ayaka could only wish for someone to save her from her, what seems to be, demise.
❈ 〉lumine 2 years ago
@❈ 〉xingqiu (/flushes a deep pink when I realized that I misgendered you smiling apologetically at you) I'm so sorry I didn't mean to think you were a lady I'm really sorry sir and I am Lumine or better known as Traveller to some I'm from Mondstadt nice to meet you Xingqiu (/gets up and stretches my hand out taking yours gently and shaking it lightly) thank you for helping me I almost got outnumbered by them they're such pest I swear (/looking around before looking back at you) it's getting dark what are you doing out here alone?
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
@❈ 〉lumine once I ensured all the opponents were gone, I sheathed my sword again and turn my attention towards you, offering a smile before snickering at your misgendering
I’m no ma’am. I’m a gentleman, the name is Xingqiu. Nice to meet you, miss.....?
holds out my hand for a handshake, tilting my head as I await your name
[post deleted by owner]
❈ 〉lumine 2 years ago
@❈ 〉xingqiu (/still trying to fight off the hillichurls and abyss mage when I hear one of the abyss mage tell the hillichurl to take me back to the abyss order and they know I am their ruler's sister I get confused wondering how the ruler of the abyss order knows me I try to get away thinking I can't join them I refuse to I am about to start fighting them off until I see a figure run towards the hillichurls kicking them off the bridge then beating the abyss mage I left out a sigh of relief looking at the person whom I think is a girl due to their dressing style) I'm alright thank you for saving me Miss I am grateful for your help
❈ 〉xingqiu [A] 2 years ago
@❈ 〉lumine wandering along the concrete of Liyue, I skip across the rocks to get along a river before walking down to the karst. pulling my book out, I begin to read as I walk, surprisingly still walking the correct way even when not looking where I was going. once I arrived at my destination, I carefully cross one of the bridges until I hear a ruckus, turning to look where the noise is before pulling out my sword and running down to where I see enemies ambushing.
heads up!
jumps over you and kicks a few hilichurls off the bridge, fighting the mages until they also fall off.
are you alright, miss?
❈ 〉lumine 2 years ago
@❈ 〉xingqiu (/setting off to perhaps try to find my long lost twin brother since he has been missing for quite sometime now and I really wish to find him so I can reunite with him again. As I am walking along the Jueyun Karst I look around to make sure nothing is going to come at me as I just want to peacefully walk through but my peace comes to a halt when the hillichurls and abyss mage appear coming towards me I immediately get into battle mode trying to fight them off almost getting hit by one of the hydro abyss mage)


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guerrilla [A] 2 years ago
⸢ checked and updated! ⸥
ponyonyo 2 years ago
Klee has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle!
naofumi 2 years ago
ningguang has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle!
cappuccino 2 years ago
lumine has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle.
ashflower 2 years ago
zhongji has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle.
9fa2f375d457a5c1887e 2 years ago
ayaka has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle.
babydiino 2 years ago
Beidou has arrived in Teyvat and is ready for battle
TheHermit 2 years ago
Kazuha has arrived in Teyvat and is ready for battle
puddin 2 years ago
sucrose has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle
16553d00c219bb9ad0bd 2 years ago
adeptus xiao has arrived in teyvat and is ready for battle
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