
— about

here are some further clarifications regarding the roleplay  that arent mentioned on the front page, have any questions? short of asking a admin, feel free to come here. 


timezones & weather -  they both will follow the time and weather conditions that of south korea busan, try to keep this in mind outside of the ooc room. 


are hybrids considered as normal as humans  - yes they are,  they were discovered as early as 1987 and since have proven to not be a threat to society, although some humans disagree with their existence, they are otherwise harmless and majority accepted. 


can i change the cafe i work in?  - yes you can, however you must formally quit the current cafe you work in and then get in contact with the hiring manager of another cafe to then be considered for an available position.


will the hybrids shapeshift? -  no hybrids are not able to shapeshift, they just show qualities of the animal they are half of, such as having cat ears or a cat tail or sharp long nails, ect. 


what about other occupations? - your characters are allowed to have other jobs outside of the cafes or just be a costumer of the cafes, the cafes are just the main focus. 


what kind of hybrids can i be? - you can be any animal you want, an extint one or a commonly known one, its up to you.


more will be added in the future. .

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Sleezy [A] 2 years ago
Sleezy [A] 2 years ago
Sleezy [A] 2 years ago
Sleezy [A] 2 years ago
Sleezy [A] 2 years ago
Sleezy [A] 2 years ago
Sleezy [A] 2 years ago
Sleezy [A] 2 years ago
Sleezy [A] 2 years ago
Sleezy [A] 2 years ago
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