IC Room

Hyunjin [A] 1 year ago
@Bangchan *looks a bit unsure at this, thinking it over some before I give a small nod to you with a soft smile* alright I would like that if you have time of course, if not then its fine, I am not going to force you *gets up, stretching some before seeming to smile at you* the day care is not far from here, maybe about fifteen minutes, though that usually depends on the traffic of course
Bangchan 1 year ago
@Hyunjin -watches you for a moment before putting my iPad away into my case, listens to what you have to say. Smiling warmly-
Want a ride? I can take you to the daycare and start helping you pack whatever you need? Of course you can so no..
Hyunjin [A] 1 year ago
@Bangchan *nods a bit, seeming to smile softly at this, already knowing that this will be different than the others* okay thank you, I will let you know when I have it all picked out, thank you for this. I will go over them tonight and let you know either tonight or tomorrow which one I want alright? For now, I am going to go and pick up my brother from his daycare and head home to start packing up what I want to take. I don't really care for the furniture and stuff I just want our clothes and all the important stuff with memories
Bangchan 1 year ago
@Hyunjin -nods when I get confirmation on some listing, gets your email from the website and I start sending the listings-
Don't worry about going overboard. I want you living stress free with everything you want. If uou want I can have your doctor make housecalls. Of course paid for.
Call it done. I'll pay for the education as well. Let me know which house you like. I sent it to your email.
Hyunjin [A] 1 year ago
@Bangchan *can't help the big smile at this point as I hand over the iPad when I am done* then thank you for that, I will do my best not to go overboard with the spending *at your question, I think a bit and go over the bills on my notes that I keep before humming a bit* hmm, now I am caught up on everything right now so thank you for that. Though since we are moving to another part I will most likely change his schools so I will probably just need to help pay for that
Bangchan 1 year ago
@Hyunjin -starts sending a message to my realtor, wanting a five bedroom home. With lots of space to add a playground in the backyard. Looks up as you continue to speak-
Yes of course. Your brother is included in the funding as well. It would be rude of me to only do money for yourself when you have a sibling. Toys, medical, dental, food. For everyone in the house. Including clothes for your brother.
-drinks more water-
Need help with any current bills? I don't want you stressing for it. So I'll pay for them
Hyunjin [A] 1 year ago
@Bangchan Oh wow, that's good, thank you and please if you don't mind. I would like a 3 bedroom minimum to be honest, the third room I wanted to turn into a playroom for him to be in and I also wanted a home office for myself *already has ideas running through my head of what I need to do* Clothing probably won't have to shop for until I start showing so I will let you know when we need to shop for that. Oh, this is clothing for my baby brother as well I assume, since you said toys? *looks unsure but wants to make sure so I can make a proper plan for everything I need to do*
Bangchan 1 year ago
@Hyunjin -anything I can do to ensure you'll be content I was willing to spend even more for you. Smiling some more I drink my water. Wantinf you to feel comfortable that I wasn't going to do something shady, j was a man of my words-
If you need help i can contact my realtor for you? I can find you a nice home and ill pay for it all. Movers? I can send some of my men to help you pack.
The 6k is for food and whatever you need. I have a separate fund which will be up to 50k for clothing, toys, bills. Anything related to the pregnancy and your daily living. Everything will be paid for
Hyunjin [A] 1 year ago
@Bangchan *looks stunned at the pay but nods lightly as I look at it as I take the iPad, reading it over to make sure that it's good before I sign it and let out a soft sigh as I feel at ease with it all* here you go, thank you and just so you know I am in the processing of moving to a new place though I think I might break the lease and pick a bigger place now that I will be getting the allowance for you *just groans at the thought of everything that I have to do cant help smirk a little as I know I will be able to get Han his own little room* Thank you for reaching out and picking me, this really does help me a lot and I promise to do my best for you. Ahh, I assume the 6k covers for the food or will that be something separate?
Bangchan 1 year ago
@Hyunjin -looks at my scar filled arms and I look at you as you say you'll accept the job, hiding my smile I nod my head. Looks over my contract and I start making changes with my Apple Pen, the iPad I was using would automatically generate a new contract which I'll print and deliver it to you-
I will not object to any of your requests. Your monthly allowance will be $6,000.00 if you need more let me know and I will be going with you to every appointment. I will keep my respect and not say anything harmful. Here's the revision. Just sign. Of course you can read it. I don't mind.
-hands the iPad to you-
Hyunjin [A] 2 years ago
@Bangchan *ends up looking surprised at you, frowning at your arms but just slowly nods my head, seeming to hum softly* I see...so that will be fine I will take the job done. Taking me on, includes you buying all the vitamins I will need to take the foods I will need to eat to stay on a healthy diet while carrying and any extra money that I might need for cravings that come with carrying the child. Along with the checkups though that is usually left to you if possible I would like to go with the doctor that has handled me all this time since I am most comfortable with her. She knows my body well and is able to tell if something is wrong right away or something is unusual, would that be alright with you?
Bangchan 2 years ago
@Hyunjin -nods my head for a brief moment as you bow to me, sitting down across from you, I silently tap my finger on the table. My eyes closing for a moment before opening them again as you start explaining your current situation-
-once I hear everything, I silently look around then into uohr eyes-
You have a good reputation and you're still young. Beautiful. It has to ve you because I don't want anyone else. I don't think you remember me at all.
-rolls up my sleeves, revealing the heavy scarring on my arms-
You saved me when I was at my lowest and close to calling it quits. I have no partner so yes ill be raising this child alone.
Hyunjin [A] 2 years ago
@Bangchan *looks up to you when you sit, moving to sit up straight and bowing my head, knowing to be polite is key for all this* Not at all, I am surprised honestly since they ask to meet after my break is over. Still, you offered what I would usually make in two or three of these sorts. Hence things so I knew that I had to meet you and find out why you wanted this and explain myself as well *clears my throat as I lift my cup up, sipping the water before looking back to you* first I wanted to explain my side, right now I am careful of my seven-year-old brother, he is my only family and I do all this to care for him so he will always be a priority for me which means if you come to appointments if I agree to carry, he will be with me so I ask that you be polite to him. though he doesn't understand me to be his brother but calls me mama. now with that explained, I want to know why you want me? why does it have to be me? And would you be raising this child alone?
Bangchan 2 years ago
@Hyunjin -looks to my phone and scrolls through my emails, memories of your face appearing on my list of surrogates that may or may not still be in the business of surrogacy pops up. I had sent an information packet your way so you can look over. It went over pay details and what I was looking for-
-silently makes my way to the table you were at, I clear my throat gently before nodding my head to you, sits across from you-
Thank you for taking the time to come here. I know my request... For someone close to taking a break.. Seems unrational. But thank you again for coming. I. Want to hear your questions and concerns first.
Hyunjin [A] 2 years ago
@Bangchan *can't help but give a small sigh as I look at the information packet I was given, wondering if this was going to be worth it*
I had wanted to take a small break but this is just a lot more pay than usual...
Wouldn't be wise to pass up such a thing but why is he looking to use a surrogate
*furrows my brows in thought before I close the file and set it to the side before I sit up and look around, wondering when you will arrive since were supposed to meet to see if we could agree*


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