--jungkook j.

jungkook j.
please knock before entering
coded byΒ yxgurt
taehyung k. 8 months ago
@jungkook j. *I honestly hadn't thought before I offered and as soon as you pointed it out I was embarrassed, I wasn't sure how to act with you like this and all I wanted to do was make you comfortable. I noticed the uncomfortable shift but I didn't push - waiting for you to give me some kind of instruction while I kept my distance. My head nods once at the shirt suggested and moved without thinking to pick it up almost carelessly; feeling like I'd hit a wall as soon as the material was in my hands. Your scent hit hard and it took a few moments for my brain to clear - this was bad. I needed to stop. I needed to prove I could stay with you without any incident. Quickly I toss your shirt across to you and back up until my back his the wall, sliding down it until I'm seated on the ground, my eyes on you from across the room*
jungkook j. 8 months ago
@taehyung k. Kim Taehyung. You're pushing your luck by even suggested I get in front of you- and then we "hang out" together. Absolutely not.. I'll make an ice pack and you will stay a few feet away so I can slowly get used to your smell.
*there was an uncomfortable shift in my stance, trying to rid myself of such thoughts as I made it a point to dig my fingers into the couch. anchoring myself from the mental images you'd placed within my mind. my breathing had subtly increased, my body covered in a thin layer of sweat which aided in my cooldown from the fans*
I should probably put a shirt on or something... toss me that one will you?
*gestures towards a tanktop that was hanging over the chair closest to you. it was the one I wore to sleep my first night in the rut and was laced with my scent*
taehyung k. 8 months ago
@jungkook j. an ice bath? that could be arranged~?
*shoots you a playful look as i start crossing the room, making sure to keep my distance from you for now just so we can get used to being in each others presence with the state you're in, heading in the direction of the kitchen to put your things away for you*
and you know i don't mind, they've been living in my kitchen waiting for you. i'm doing okay though! been missing bugging your dumb though, mmh?
*i disappear through to the kitchen for a few moments to pack away your groceries before coming back again, standing in the doorway with my hands on my hips. your scent had finally reached me as despite how calm and collected i was trying to appear there was definitely temptation in the air. temptation that i was determined to resist*
so.. i mean if you want i can run you a bath? i can sit on the floor and hold your hands
jungkook j. 8 months ago
@taehyung k. *my arms were splayed out over the back of the couch, leads spread slightly as the cool breeze from the fans kept me at a healthy temperature. just as I lifted my head to get a look at you, I noticed your view and just how long it took for your eyes to meet mine. there was a laugh, though it sounded low and raspy before I shook my head* I'm ready for an ice bath- how are you? Thank you for bringing things over for me...
taehyung k. 8 months ago
@jungkook j. *hesitates only for a short moment before i push the door open, slipping inside quickly and locking the door behind me before i turn to face you; my eyes slowly scanning over the dorm with quiet curiosity. i'd never been around you so close to the end of your rut and it was quite a sight. i regretted almost immediately as soon as my eyes landed on you, gaze dipping easily to your thighs then slowly trailing along all your exposed skin before finally reaching your face. clears my throat quickly, holding up the shopping bags id brought with me*
i brought groceries? how are you feeling?
jungkook j. 8 months ago
@taehyung k. it's open-
*calls out from the couch, the whole apartment a complete mess of wrappers and clothes. I sat wearing a pair of low rise shorts, ones that hung low but only came up to my mid thigh. I was practically a personal space heater towards the end of my rut but I did my best to keep cold with three different fans on me*
taehyung k. 8 months ago
@jungkook j. *it's not long later that i get to the alpha dorms, fully bundled up as requested but still feeling the nerves bubbling in my chest as i reach your door. at first i start to use my own key to unlock the door but quickly stop, pocketing the key to instead knock on the door - giving you a final option to turn me away*
koo? it's taeh~
taehyung k. 9 months ago
@jungkook j. *my gaze dips for a moment when you pull the cover up, having not really noticed the "inappropriate"ness of how you'd been sleeping, generally oblivious to most things. waits patiently for you to sit yourself up a little more, wiggling in closer beside you before reaching over to pick up the bowl and a pillowm settlingt he pillow on my lap and the bowl on the pillow. my nose scrunches up at the quiet thumb of your head hitting the wall, gaze dropping again this time down to your hand on my knee*
mm.. i've been practicing a little here and there.. i, uh.. actually signed up for cooking classes, so.. and shut up yes i know i could just ask you-
*scoops up some of the soup and holds it up to your mouth, corners of my lips twitching in a small smile as i watch you* i'm sorry, by the way. for just inviting myself like this? i know you don't usually mind but i got here so late-
jungkook j. 9 months ago
@taehyung k. *the grumble returns at the gesture, my body casually rolling onto its back only to reach a hand down and pull the covers up to his chin. the last thing I needed was to flash a friend. though I moved to stuff another pillow behind my head so I could sit up a little*
pumpkin soup, huh? sounds a little fancy for your britches--
*hands moved to rub the sleepies from the corner of my eyes before a small thump could be heard. my head falling back against the wall- my palm moving to rest on your knee and give it a pat*
Feed me~?
taehyung k. 9 months ago
@jungkook j. *my lips fall into a sheepish smile when you mention the time and I shrug my shoulders once in response, sliding my fingers gently through your hair*
My classes and stuff ran late and then I ducked out to the store to grab some things..
You can go back to sleep if you wanna but you did tell me to wake you up to eat and I made you this delicious pumpkin soup~ and there's ice creams in the freezer
But if you'd rather sleep I guess I could eat it all by myself~
jungkook j. 9 months ago
@taehyung k. *as heavy of a sleeper I might be, there was always a part of me that was partially awake. so when I heard my door jingle paired with your scent suddenly filling the room, my eyes blinked open slowly. though I was quick to shovel my face into the pillow when I could hear you walking into my room. what brought me back to was feeling your weight on my bed paired with the smell of soup. the icing on the cake? the poke to my cheek. a deep grumble sounded in my chest as I lifted my head and stared at you*
why are you here so late-- it's like two in the morning?
taehyung k. 9 months ago
@jungkook j. *sneaks down to the alpha dorm later in the evening when ive finished up my classes for the day, hood up to cover most of my face and two shopping bags in hand as I quietly make my way through the familiar halls to your room. Fishes the key out from my pants pocket and unlocks your door, slipping in almost silently and locking it behind me before I kick my shoes off and head into the kitchen. A glance it shot towards your bedroom but I opt to pack away all the groceries I brought you first in the hopes you won't notice how much I got you; knowing we're both somewhat struggling with funds most of the time and not wanting to be scolded. Once everything is done and I've prepared you a soup I slip into your bedroom, putting the bowl on the bedside table before I crawl across the bed to you, poking at your cheek softly*
Jeon Jungkookie, I'm here and I made you soup~


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gotohellu 8 months ago
Can i get byun baekhyun?
PMR501 8 months ago
Hello, could I reserve Luhan?
zeriri 8 months ago
could I reserve zhang yixing?
DamnDaehyun 8 months ago
Could I reserve Lucas wong?
lovestay 8 months ago
Can I get Hwang Hyunjin added?
smoothbrainediggy 8 months ago
could i please have kim namjoon?
KUSHPANDA182 9 months ago
I'm interested....

Can I get a Aaron Liebregts please?
DreamlessMaiden 9 months ago
can I have dove cameron please
Ashley23 9 months ago
ashæey vee for me please
8c5e28106187b50f1b19 9 months ago
song mingi please
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