⤿ restaurant


❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 1 week ago
@✶ kim youngdae *stretch my lips into wide toothy and smug grin when you shake your head at me but I soon gulp and swallow it down to regain my professional poker face as we reach the entrance and watch you talk with the staff there. I follow you inside toward our booked table, my attention naturally drawn to the city view through the window, walking blindly and sitting down on the chair while my eyes fixated on the lit city beneath us and how we can see the whole area from way up. My attention is brought to the menu when handed to us and I gently thank the staff as I open the menu and start scanning it with a hum. Knowing I'm almost always lost with food choices especially with how picky I am, I peek up at you above the menu to see what you looking at and choosing*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 1 week ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ Sure~
/shaking my head when you added another adjective in your long list of middle name, I pursed my lips to suppress my smile when we reach the dining location. Pushing aside the current topic, I walked up to the staff by the entrance to let him know of the reservation I booked. When the staff confirmed the reservation, he started to usher us to a table near the window that overlooks the city, allowing us to settle down before he presents us a list of set menu.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 1 week ago
@✶ kim youngdae Cool is my middle name. *snorts and shrugs a shoulder sassily then blink when you comment about forgetting about your fam which makes me smile for some known reason*
Ah yeah, I didn't think of it because my mind was picturing 2 floors from the ground not that up high.
*my attention taken by the ding, I pick up and stride out the elevator with you and my eyes wander around the luxuries and spacious place*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 weeks ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /acknowledging your explanation with a hum, I nodded.
Of course, you always look cool about almost anything.
/shook my head when I hear the location you mentioned as I was referring to my penthouse.
I forgot about them. I'm talking about my own house. It has two levels as well, just on top of a building.
/straighten my back as I wait for the doors to open again when I heard the 'ding' sound, indicating that we reach the desired level
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 weeks ago
@✶ kim youngdae In our first trial? I'm not sure, I got activated by you already there. Besides, I always play it cool and not to think of it much you know? If others are okay at it why shouldn't I?
*shrugs as I explain my usual mindset and process of thinking, flickering my gaze up and watch the number going higher and higher*
Your fam house?
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 weeks ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ I'm sure there are many trial and errors before finding a strong and successful foundation. Did you feel scared when you first came to my place?
/Responding to some of your questions, the corners of my lips curled up at how cute you look when asking questions. My eyes follow you as I watch you entered the elevator and checked your reflection before I turned my head towards the screen above the door after the doors close, maintaining the smile on my face.
My humble home also has only two floors.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 weeks ago
@✶ kim youngdae It is. Like, who would think to build that many floors and what for? and if done how do they assure its stable? Like- how do they /trust/? My trust issues are bad to take that lightly. So its crazy yet amazing how capable humans can be, don't you think? *blabbers as I follow you into the elevator and cant help but be distracted by my own reflection in the mirror of the elevator than turn around to face the door and hum*
Yeah its only two floors but spacious.
✶ kim youngdae [A] 1 month ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /hearing your words, I realise I didn’t even think of such thoughts in my life before, as I have always thought it is as expected.
Is it that crazy? I thought it has been what it is.
/pressing the button, I stepped into the lift, holding the ‘open’ button until you enter before I pressed the desired floor.
I rarely see mansions like your place nowadays. It’s usually high-rise apartments.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 1 month ago
@✶ kim youngdae Dae- *gasps when you reach over for another kiss as if I wasn’t already anxious to get caught, I bite my lip and push at your chest when you pull from my lips, shaking my head*
You really getting bolder /and/ reckless. I don’t wanna deal with your grandma- *snorts and holds onto your hand to blindly follow you inside the skyscraper*
72nd- whoa…thats crazy to think. How would humans build such crazily tall buildings. Improve the material used and /trusting/ them to hold such a tall building. Really amazes me,
✶ kim youngdae [A] 1 month ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /taking a step back as I watch you step out of the car before you lean back again to shut the door, I take a moment to admire your outfit again when I felt your hand on my shirt, tugging me close and making me step forward before I felt your lips on mine. Quickly closing my eyes to enjoy the connection, the unexpected move of your hand running down my torso to smoothen the fabric had me frozen to my spot, unsure what to do and where to put my hands. When I feel you breaking the kiss, I pursed my lips to enjoy the lingering sensation of your lips on mine while muffling the chuckle when I see you checking the environment. Hearing your words after, I lean forward and cup your chin to give you one more kiss on your lips before stepping back again and pressing the button on my car keys to lock the car. Fishing out my phone from my pocket, I check the details to locate the right level and lift lobby.
Lobby B, 72nd floor.
/remembering the number, I kept my phone and keys in my pocket before clasping my hand over yours with an excuse that we might get lose, when the intention was to just hold your hand.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 1 month ago
@✶ kim youngdae *the pleased hum threatening to come out, escapes me upon feeling the eagerness and added pressure by leaning forward to press against my lips more. I automatically tilt my head to the far opposite to slot our lips intimately, I take my time to savour your taste by on your tiers but the kiss ends too soon which makes me grumble as I open my eyes. Though, I have to agree with you when I look at the middle part between us and I my lips to trace your taste and lean against my seat again as I watch you leave yours to attend to my door. Catching the little seductive act of yours, I raise a brow but allow you to open my door for me and I get out, leaning against the door to close it with my body weight. I glance around the seemingly empty parking lot, I grasp your shirt and tug you close to press my lips firmly on yours. The anxious thrill of being caught make me not extend the kiss for how long I'd like but I use the little time to smooth your shirt I just wrinkled and tugged it properly back into your belt and just then I part from your lips to check again if anyone caught us*
/Now/, lets go-
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /hearing the seatbelt being unfastened and feeling your hand on my cheek, the corners of my lips lifted when I felt you closing the gap and I quickly leaned forward towards you to capture your lips. Tilting my head to deepen the kiss, I quickly inhaled a breath before moulding my lips against yours with gradual passion. Feeling restricted by the limited space we have due to the middle section in between us, I broke the kiss, leaning back and eyeing down at the layout of the car with annoyance.
This is really in the way.
/Clicking my tongue, I tapped on the center console before noticing the timing, realizing that it's the time of our reservation.
Oh, let's go.
/I leaned back and turned towards my exit to get out of the car before walking to your side to hold the door out for you. Rounding to your side of the car, I brought my thumb to brush against my lower lips to make a spectacle for you to see while I kept my eyes on you. Pulling the handle to open the door, I hovered over the opening of the vehicle, smiling mischievously and anticipating your expressions at my little act.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *spends my times looking at the various buildings of the city, taking a liking to the artistry of the architecture. I notice the tall building that's hard to miss before you even point it out to me and I could only imagine being so up high. Mentally notes how crowded the place must be with how we took long to find a nearby parking and once we are parked, I was ready to remove my seatbelt, in an on-the-go mode. Though, when you cup my cheek, my breath hitch quietly as I eye you back and my gaze naturally falls to your lips that I missed so bad. Be it my trial first and your busier schedule second, we were left deprived of each other more than intended/expected. Muttering your name quietly, I glance at your eyes once before I quickly unfasten my seatbelt to give myself more freedom to cup your face back and close the gap between us by crashing my lips on yours firmly and passionately with a muffled mewl*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /hearing that you are looking forward to the experience, I silently hope that everything will go well. Giving a nod and looking ahead to focus on getting us there as soon as possible, I drove us to the Central Area of the city. Pointing towards the highest building when it is in view, it took me a while to find the suitable parking lot where it’s nearest to the lobby lift. After the car is parked, I glanced towards you as I unfastened my seatbelt. Thinking that I might not get to have my hands all over you as much in the public setting, I am trying to take what I could right now. Lifting my hand to cup your cheek, I looked between your eyes and then towards your lips, realising that it has been about two weeks from the last time we met until this moment as I have been extremely busy with work.


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