--Beast-Tamers' Guide

Please note that everything below is 100% made up and that I tried my best.... ^^;;



- stun potion (easy to make; freezes beast so they cannot move)

____ ingredients: Mya (purple flower found in wet places), Irridec (poisonous green bark found on baby trees), sterylus (numbing fungus found on mossy walls of ruins).


- cripple potion  (acts like a grenade and it paralyzes the part of the body that it hits)

____ ingredients: Sterylus (numbing fungus found on mossy walls of ruins), Ferus Salt (salt scrapings from an ocean cliff), Nerl Scale (scale from a fish that lives in the healing pool)


- calm potion (harder to make; turns a beast back to it's normal/calm form)

____ ingredients: Nysis (blue flower petals from a flower that grows in shadows), Remia Tosma (honey from the venomous wasp), shian (fur from an cyberian wolf)


- tame potion (extremely rare and hard to make; turns beast into a pet that can't disobey you and will never harm you)

____ ingredients: Sieras (song of the fallen god. Harness the mysterious music that sounds during midnight at the stone shrine. Say a chant to capture it and lock it in a jar), Fuehra (a cursed gem found deep in the tomb, embedded in the walls), A piece of DNA from the beast you wish to capture (hair, claw, tooth, blood, etc).



Say a chant after mixing/grinding the ingredients together... it will then turn to liquid. Throw the potions at the beast to make them work. The Tame potion has to be injested by the beast for it to work.



- grabbing a beast by it's horns, paralyzes it and makes them submissive due to fear of their horns being broken.

- limiting their wing span by tying them together. This prevents the beast from flying. They'll feel helpless without the ability to flee.

- blindfolding a beast will make them 50% less harmless because they'll either stay still or return to their normal/calm state.



- unbreakable handcuffs

- net to capture and hold beasts

- sword forged from diamond and a deceased Beast's bones

- a soundless gun able to penetrate anything

- shield made from a Beast's tears


[post deleted by owner]


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--wow-- 5 years ago
Can you add and reserve Kim Minsung?
TaeKook 5 years ago
taeyong,mark or Yukhei
S_CreamForMe 7 years ago
sorry, this place isn't active, Jonghyun left again
S_CreamForMe 8 years ago
I applied for Jonghyun
shineesarahh 8 years ago
I'm sorry Kris has left
katsuki 8 years ago
I really miss this rp ;;
I would love to join again when it becomes active again
; u ;
DNABleached 8 years ago
Key needs to be on a semi-hiatus, for 3-4 months. thankyou
S_CreamForMe 8 years ago
Kim Jonghyun has left.
K3KOKI 9 years ago
Is it possible to get a second Character?
katsuki 9 years ago
Heechul left
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