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Note : The rules and how to join section are both scrollable so please, read everything before applying for your character. Do not skip the rules because it's really important unless you want to be blacklisted just for a mistake made. Huffs~ Hope to see you soon. c:
KKG roleplay
gangnam avenue
01. Subscribe to the story thread is a must while upvoting is optional.
02. Be active. Activity check happens every week from friday midnight to sunday midnight(48 hours - GMT +9), kick-outs happens on monday.
03. Talk to everyone, do not be biased. Everyone deserved to be treated equally.
04. Bullying and bashing is strictly not allowed. If caught, you'll be given a warning but if you continue doing so, sorry but you'll be kicked out of the roleplay.
05. As this is a semi- roleplay, you're allowed to perform light s in the chatrooms. Harcore s though is to be done either in the room (jelly hotel) or through 1:1 chat. Do take note that this is an alternate universe (AU) roleplay. Do not go around introducing yourself as an idol.
06. /Yuri is allowed but is only limited to 4 couple combined.
07. 2 weeks relationship ban for newcomers (since the date of arrival). Marriage only after a month of dating.
08. Pregnancy is allowed (m-preg is not). Duration of pregnancy, minimum 9 weeks and the number of kids per couple is to be kept at 3 each.
09. If you're planning to leave the roleplay, please inform the admin through KKT and do not remove yourself from the groups unless your departure is approved or you'll get blacklisted.
10. Only english and basic korean to be used in the chatrooms. Please don't go around typing in hangul or any other languages. Not allowed.
11. Since this is a nightlife themed roleplay, please only roleplay as if it's night (even if it's morning wherever you're at in OOC).
12. No OOC chat to be done in the group chats, not even when you use bracket. This is to make sure the fun of roleplaying is maintained. I mean- We are all here to roleplay right? So escape reality and roleplay only. But if you really want to talk in OOC, you may do so through PM (1:1 chat) with another member.
13. In need of hiatus or have anything to inform the admin, please only do so through kakaotalk. Hiatus at a maximum of 1 month + appear in chat at least once a week while semi-hiatus maximum 2 months + appears in chat at least 3 times a week.
14. Any question regarding the roleplay that is not mentioned in the rules? Comment down below and i'll answer to your questions as much as i could.
01. Install both kakaotalk and kakaogroup.
02. Check on the masterlist for characters available to be roleplayed and comment down below with the provided form to apply for your desired character. No international artist except japanese.
03. Please wait for your application to be approved before creating your account. Your reservation last only 24 hours.
04. Created your account? KKT Hyuna @ aiingszxc and start a chat to inform of your arrival with "(your character name) has arrived". If i don't receive your chats, you won't be added to the groups.
05. The password for the application is "what is the definition of fun to you?". Answer to the question in the password column on your application form. No password, your reservation will be rejected.
공지 사항: announcements
강남 거주: residence
강남구: gangnam avenue
클럽 팔각형: club octagon
메가 박스: megabox
멀티방: multibang
젤리 호텔: jelly hotel
application form
Character's Name & Group:
Age: 18-31 (need not be the real idol's age)
ual Orientation: Straight/Bi/Homo
Occupation: (any form of job is allowed)
A short summary about your character's personality, interest
& etc:


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Minyoon_ 6 years ago
The link is not working~ but im interested!
oh_deer_luhan 7 years ago
The link int working for me so can I apply here
b3d10f98c90fc30d2e45 9 years ago
Can't I just apply from here? I'm really interested plus I'm active on kakaotalk :)
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