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S U B S B C R I B E     T O     S T O R Y ,     f i r s t .


001 » Please keep out OOC(Out Of Character) posts to a minumum in each member's walls.
We won't give you a limit but don't clog the dash/newsfeed with OOC conversations.
That's what the mailbox group is for.

 002 » Please keep OOC drama to yourselves, or at least off the dash/newsfeed.
We want to keep this a drama-free environment, so everyone can enjoy it.
Anything can be posted on the OOC GROUP.

 003 » Please avoid posting pictures that have no relation to your character.
We consider this OOC, and woul prefer it not to clog the das/newsfeed.

004 » This is a 3rd POV. I don't want to see posts like, "Hi, EXO-K's Kai imnida. *bows, waves*."
If you don't know about this, please do search on google.

005 » Try to stay as active as possible. You can request a hiatus if you know you're going away for a while.
Any unexcused inactivity will result in being kicked out for a month.

 006» Remember, a lotus must die in the ground to become a flower again. So it will live when it dies. Even the flower is alive, it must die in order dor a seed to be produced. Therefore, it must die to live. 

007 » You're welcome to roleplay with anyone, but along with rule number one(1), please try to keep OOC posts to a minimum.

008 » Pregnancy is NOT ALLOWED. Who wants to hear cries of a baby inside an academy?

009 » Student-Studen relationship is fine but not the Teacher-Student one. Yes, this is an AURP with a fantasy theme/concept but let's make this academy like a normal one. If you have a relationship with a teacher, keep it as a secret.

010 »  and Yuri is allowed but please think of the straight ones too.

011 » Respect the RP's universe.

012 »  and Yuri is allowed but please think of the straight ones too.

013 »  is fine but this is not a roleplay so innocent rping is always accepted in here.

014 » Don't roleplay with yourself. That's too dumb and don't roleplay in the mail box. Do it on wall posts.

015 » No Godmodding.


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