

Nothing real fancy bc this'll be short and sweet, but comment your ideas down below for a future event and we'll see what us admins can pull together.
and try to just post all your ideas in one comment preferably-


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b2db8fe822e266277863 5 years ago
scavenger hunt event, rabbit night, game night, camping

- jungkook
hobbit 5 years ago
I like the game night, dp event and rabbit night
here's my idea ahejtjlg
- murder mystery
rennuelaw 5 years ago
Reece says:
Butler Cafe
DP Events
Camping Trip
Beach Vacation
masquerade ball
spinningtop 5 years ago
yugyeom says :
game night ( either here can go to plato too )
rabbit night
dp events
secret admirer
guess mv / guessing games
themed events including ball etc
kaBAEdon [A] 5 years ago
hσndα kчσчα 15 minutes ago Reply
@duc trαn - disney cruise
- disney movie night
- masquerade ball
- game night
- disney world
- dp event, possibly?

hwαng hчunjín 16 minutes ago Reply
@duc trαn вαng chαn11:35:36 PMReply
hσndα kчσчα 1 second ago Reply
disney-themed games like complete the lyrics, guess the movie, trivia nights!

hwαng hчunjín 16 minutes ago Reply
@duc trαn hwαng hчunjín11:35:11 PMReply
themed events like hawaiian/polynesia themed day

kím jínhwαn11:35:08 PMReply
pαrk jíhσσn12:34:46 PMReply
so we can dress up and dance and eat good food

hσndα kчσчα11:34:58 PMReply
hwαng hчunjín1:34:50 PMReply
disney movie nights
fairys 5 years ago
that's for the possible disney event!
fairys 5 years ago
- day 1: disney dp event, cruise starts
- day 2: movie marathon
- day 3: disney themed games
- day 4: formal dp event, preparation for ball
- day 5 & 6: disney masquerade ball
- day 7: arrival at disneyworld
rantani 5 years ago
Camping trip / cruise boat party / masquerade ball
fairys 5 years ago
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