✩―moonlight ☾ origin #8


august a.c|onesie sleepover+more

Buckle up fellas, it's that time again! Yes, another month has gone by and it's time for the Activity Check! For those of you who are familiar with how we run our checks here, then you know the drill already but for those of you who joined after our last check, you better settle in cause it's going to be ride for you!

001 I have, as normal, listed out the how to and what to expect for the activity check. If you don't read and then find yourself removed, you can't ask me why. It's all in here.

{1.01 all characters will have their points reset to a shiny one, since zero is nOt a ValID nUmbEr thANks RpR. Please do note, this includes admins, we are not above an activity check as we have proven before in the past. 

{1.02 you will have seven (7) days to get your points to 201. Read that right people, 2 0 1. Two hundred and ONE. That's 200 room posts you need to make between now and the 20th AEST. That's AUSTRALIAN EASTERN STANDARD TIME. I can't stress this part enough- I'm in Australia. The time stamp at the bottom of the announcement will say what time it is exactly at posting. The check will end at that time on the 20th for me which most likely will be like 1am that morning for the majority of you.

{1.03 as always, please be aware this counter is for each individual character. Not an applicant as a whole. Meaning if you have more than one character, those second, third and even forth characters will need to also reach 201 points. And before I hear people going "that's not feesable" remember how last month, niel got 1332 points in a week? Yeah, that's right, 1 3 3 2 points.

it's doable. 

{1.04 when your character/s reach 201, head on over to the August a.c room and post the word daisy! Your name will be added to the list and you won't face elimination.

{1..05 those of you who fail the check, please be aware your character will be removed. No warnings, no hand holding. Utter removal, and the applicant will need to completely reapply with a brand new character, even if they want to reclaim their previous character. You will have no wall history, no PM history and no @ history. There is no negotiating getting your previous claim back. You don't want to lose your history, don't be fail the check. 

{1.06 as of this announcement, hiatuses cannot be requested. People currently on hiatus are exempt from the check for the obvious reasons. New people to join after today also are exempt. Any issues, PM 9s.

002 the core chat room has been overrun with pillows, plushies and onesies! That's right, the onesie slumber party has gone live! This is just a cute mini event that will last the duration of the check. There are new stickers availble for participating in the event and bonus ones for donning a onesie themed display image or an image that includes a pillow and/or blanket. 

003 new stickers: donning a slumber party themed display, participating in the onesie sleep over event, getting more than 600 points during the August activity check. 

Read, or don't read. If you don't, can't say I didn't warn you.

-- yuzuru

august 13, 2019. tuesday. 9:00Pm.


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Angel110 4 years ago
I think imma drop out of this rp;-;I mean these points are not based on actual rp plot but the new moon chats and that's a lot of spamming... I dont wanna base my points on spamming but I also have no time atm as it's my last few days in Seoul and on friday I'm gonna go back to germany on an 18h flight so I will message a few people later and then leave, goodbye ♡
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