{ first event | STR }

300 40
300 194




Since our activity here has gone down a little, we've come up with a way to get things kicking and ready here that will hopefully keep you all busy and entice new people to join our family!


We will be having comeback promotions for the established idols. This includes SHOTDRUM, Oasis, and soloists Wooyoung, Chungha, and Zhennan. In a couple of days, the event rooms will be up and those will include a couple of music shows where everybody will be promoting their songs, a few fansign rooms where fans can interact with their idols, and even a few variety shows where the soloists can interact together and the groups can have fun.


As for the trainees and staff, it's evaluation time at STR! Each trainee will be asked to provide a solo performance for a few of the staff members to go over. The top male and top female trainees will get to participate in special collaboration songs with established artists here in STR as well as receiving 50 skill points to add to vocals, rap, and dance. The event rooms will include an evaluation room where, when you are called, you can go and perform. You must find a performance video of your character's highest skill - singing, rapping, or dancing. The clip does not to be of your muse, but it needs to accurately reflect your character's talent. Before evaluations start, trainees are encouraged to reach out to staff members for tips and tricks about their skills.


Please encourage your friends to join, whether it's as a staff member or a manager (or a debuted model or actor!). If they refer you when commenting, you will get an extra 25 skill points to any skill of your choice.


If you have read this announcement, comment your character's name and summarise what has been said above.




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pickypicky 4 years ago
yerim has read but forgot to comment yesterday orz
comeback promotions, evaluations, and invite ppl becuz referrals from ppl give u points!
m41h34r7bu7 4 years ago
sooyoung has read!
* comeback promotions for both groups and soloists
* evaluations for trainees and staff
* encourage a friend to join and if they refer you then you'll get extra 25 points
0fc08a0246a0dced34ee 4 years ago
jaemin has read!
- comeback performances for the idols, music shows + fansigns will be opened
- evaluation time for trainees and staff
- referral gives you 25 pts
NeoWorld 4 years ago
Jungkook and Mingi
-Groups and Soloists will be having comebacks and music shows will open
- Trainees will be looked at and each gender will get a chance to create a song with an idol
-Referral gets you 25 pts
bubbletea 4 years ago
taehyung has read. be prepared for comeback promotions and evaluations. extra points if you can refer a friend!
dazaiosamu 4 years ago
Johnny, Xiaojun and Zhengting read!
- Idols (groups and soloists) are having comebacks and music shows will be opened!
- Trainees will be evaluated and the top trainees for each gender will stand a chance to be in an MV with the idols
- Referral gets you 25 pts
-jewel 4 years ago
So my character was never updated.. when I CC'ed for his skills..
shinyechan 4 years ago
byungchan/sunwoo/yena has read! practically: comeback promotions, trainee evaluations will occur and also bring in friends for extra skill points
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